THlE MICIC(AN DAILY. gAIoHI6 N CEngAi, "'The Nagara Fans Route." THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct cottnectiotns ai Chicago for St. Loots, Kansas City. St.tPaul aod threIWest. For informationt ted thrcoghticktstcall on or write to W. . CASE, Ageot. Ane Arbor. GEORGE BISCIIOFF, rLOR15T. CHOICE CUT FLOWES5 & PLANTS Chapin St,betweenfo t.n d teM'icler Ave. Ph oe 09. +4144-40- tsrisr trfsrt r tH1Hr r rffrHra r rasrasrtsrf srtsv r r r ra rNrr 41+4 rafrt r its rasrrsĀ°N4s 4. s4 fI yet liave You Seen Ibem? t'oileW, 'grandt'lotlws recyontact ci 'togs. Thecuso tailoc'c'ac'tcdooanymoe tor you ece'pt in pitoant' 'l "DO" alcoutt half moore there. Yco'iihond all the scwing ccf ltectrecocstcl ---allthet c luivncesas''c fatric and pat tern in COLLEGE BRAND GARMENTS Bul smk-oodrtioscatnhr tcad way uclaipic careccccutded Iby thandc locc'. P\iccc neenc g andcijuscct'riht. XYocu williindcccl hc' on sacin t her ,tore in townc. IWc'indicviducalize ycccccomecoc tradcc nd' don'l force cccerage stlescnc 0cc i Staelbler ( Wuertli, SOUTH MAIN STREET. f.4 ,4. Phone 582-3r 4.Pantoriu m. SCleaning. Pressing. Rewsiring. 336 S. STATE ST. .j (O'.r C..chirag'n) 4. Clothes called for and Delivered. ' Leave Orders at Cushings tr ""Phone a82 -3r. . I . . s* iZi *s 4 r+ .4.4.+r+r*++4. *+4 ri.*Wr*r*4.r4.4.4*+.4r 4r*++ar r4 r*r.r4 rsr't~+4..+s.444.4+4'':4..4..44.'4..44..4..4c5 NewC Brun~lswick Tables - ieEVERYMAN.c,11cccc tliiccccit dieneot. cia c'eccoo11 dccbic, it Thecrarelcpcotuitciy t i esi s"fo o ineVt aine. it I RI'rtS c~BILLIARD 1PARLORS liitc''ttlc ccciiIcy Imorali ciity c c I~i' t,'Ic licct ctc'ccit'ccc drL ~ B X y'n~'tittty lcciccgappccrec'iatedccl ifthe1c'sale . lspi ci i ccccti''Ec'c'rymcccccsinkint~ o lc Fine Cigars and Tohaccos co c'set to is ccy icdication. Nearccly I tic c' t'icc c. iiK ccccltic'i-e cicco ''c o o ta JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. whleclcroc'nccciloor cccc' nivecrc'csity IBalttWhct h tic' suffered ''ccl cc'all sha~lt cci i have'c cccirc'ceied'll'th cc'r.-ct and iOcti sto atin, antic hIerce cit, ccwcicbeun out d-cl dire;'tlt Acittgc it 'tois ocict oiiiiio; lince citly a leani i c c ' lIoithIosce cli wh lccl'icoill 'l ciiItc''0c "[urkish Cigarettes and Pipe polcaningilto ih(,icc itcctndcan lce 110f'uIcbinthe p iity icc a.icltts' Ic evr rog t, tothecity. ai'yilelt tc'iiilcliciccocitibe of intcr i nil ill it s tic ttitit Fine Lunches in Connection. 001. TRAINING COMES H IGH. Eiverything Noatcccii Cleanc. 'The Argumnoome udit'lil fi g-ici ec' ccc'ctrei'eii, 308 5. State St. R. E. JO3LL'Y'. Allftrat' citticccee' ci byicci icy'dentacclc'dciicIciellt ofti e cci' ive111-c f .+_ -. .....,-...- c' Bnneri, Gdopnc'cthlc'flay withiicli': city areisoil in itie t'osrr e 'The chool 0 for Da1cintQ asserion1111thail, a.c'ccciii cccisticro1ncc Ii i portc. Lastlciiyitar the 'tcpac' iemit.1 had ciil i nf c c ier ( i thcc'i li esc'Ic' ( Istudet;,, cnd th i antcil idoiii fi GRA G RS thatcitluy haicoi' i'ccc'yc i iu, li'tc ichstelt' 'ccitinliat'.sIto iitt': Groond Floor' on Mraynard Street cdocidedi icto c i(l cc just Itiic thran t Ccci , '.'. I i tiic d attal eail 0 IcIlocwclclcci'Street "'havcc cc iencyiigc'of evc'y'l'ty cacoc'c 'oil, .cti :;.U<; i01ontcic'iii 0' ifec, Stoares. 'Phone 2-4 6 .ci ti'' li icc'icit,' tc ~ 'T'he1paycroitltoftthe dc.lari ''ncigiiy ic' c!i'iti't' tec,' Iill ''t.ycty- nwto c hed'il' ci$12,720; thecccliri ex- ticati''- - ma c"to trea iit' tisclatoo piilgeritic'Beccis='s wace', $2 , a2 11111 11c 1 ~ age 1ncc lii t'II~ i i' itci'tt' li'0 ' e I 11111t ii l ct',tiiay cst $111.11 'YOU CAN !GET' A '.a,1 1 ccclna ic~eso iy pledhugO 1and11 'Iis tlo r111'i,' departenitii Ihais71 0 lcci.1cc ito o cillntia0 iclpit(', cbui t.110 olciciclc, 's. I ic 11111ycril cci, of iic's, H of zLu nfchz ccliipeisicconcc it ak l'lliiili icic cit I M ii citicli il i i't~tteim, 110 will AtT ttle's, 338 S. State i calan 'iln. ' icl s'i'ittii cn~ li',c'tec ctes lo, c ic tacli et I iicl li. 't'ciilctt' ci i liY ccci, wli e, of cci c'ccc t he 1cc ~ 1 ~ icdntcing i0Ilvcey 11111n's t (il rn h 1er I i ii ecromccilii ++ +. .1""+1+11' c us, coing l iy e di ness tii o ie 1ti1t ' 7. s cltc nnccccc stir, I litlil tciti'.c'itoi' ito io h tiho' l'c nic t 11icii ' cci'lior ithe 71 01- Wontk cled forcand elivere pr mpctlcty all se l (til tor liim.t Shi ~t'l duc'ic cci ntsI asiIcs',"it wil cosd .li ;0Oi peccc Mc. [. DOWLEIR, Aqt*chnic c hm id'her'sict t ic 1v, di 1( th' ciudiccicito Iru1ni iid' ci'tni'i ii hile fr - - iscree Itc'an(cii1 learned i tcbilicc' wthichi re 1-1ci 'ic'c'coii tc' ci cwill be ccciii e ici ni Cracker Jack, Cream Chewing Candy, to'. .has1aie seic) andish c' dci.ndcciic''c'ic pc tc'. eccci"ny cctic Peanuts, Buttered Pop Corn hicmicie'o"tCuon'te sico," ifcont whom tie cutiile wor1c. whciIi:'ch a;last c 301 S. Stato Street. pen~ace'riesc'o od Dceds, ci ndcocci t111wciliiik' fouthye11scherea't'"cieito $3.00 IN CGOLD hiicim i lhiso ,itey. IHaveinig' ei'cci't To'bic Ic' i cit coy 0Wednesatday, November 25, lie slcraetc,IEveymanots forithi, MICHIGAN SONGS AND YELLS. P ickwick Billiard Parlor and rcld iI tic', garieccct dcciii o cycle''di Il iiiiil't tcailt, of tc e'Adticcis phccictdaiic i iy '' lcd dc,'' ''htrcitg i,'' 'l'I i I I'r, hasi lly ic ' rtitigc'ccecc I to Bowi ng Alley 'Dy'cc'u'ciolc,' toncc'-Pyvei I X\y'ht ii"have11a1' I t i".tl' of A'iii i oobl Unider tncco ciaenc'tt'ct. Iccr exdticcciott t nny 'e'iucscs I o 11go dcloiiti 111100 11 1 1 rd yll tc cc (iii th'c' ct ' sll 0 caliand cseeOus. 707 5. Univ. Ave. tii'e c cccc i lrave, throughi chich i s tic '1v1r'- Ic tictittiti it'u't'cccicc Itto- -cpath loaIho, Siren't'i'1hi lets'cIc thin, i i:ghtci cnd ctcc t ic ii i ntil iie -ra Studentsc wil makcotheir hecchcitoc cr tih filct iclowccs ii tig t ct d ici vc I' Iicic'llc-(',ic' nc lii oil' Iii 'i'lll~iicg tore at IRootsiltcMcusicos' tisi year itshiclschic ciiaiowcIll.In dcspatirh illdy. 'lie socscilhi'etldIcy I(,Cc' r''i'c, ''0)Jcsh ihelp; aoi l il)t itrc" vciiohuts ipromcinen't. Inicciclci'' of dthe ior poputlar'muici, taicaeliinstluci otti' mte!"i B''tGo Deedsci s c'sctoelad- Ic iit'tdt t, la'ccmietdlbiy thc'Alt'- nients, supies coand studcies. fciatt. d ttcclc'igi'xp'instichat,'ie'ns icih'eterc'c'hc'estca. Wm., lbochrcin, Zaui'ta\2ilumbcr, Ztcrnn & i3a!JFitter. AN AR ROW .: HlIT- C AN TAB-A MADE Is UAoRTEicRc' 15 ITO.EACH 00 eWe Fcc cc CTS. CLISITT, PEABODY & CO., MAKERS ARE YOU? still wearing ordinary ready- mades ? Ready-to-wear ap- parel bearing this famous mark AI~red jenjamin &(? MAKERS % c NEW YORK has driven old ready-wnades into oblivion. Yet BENJAMIN Clothes cost no more than the ordinary kind. Buying and selling in large quantities, and continually enlarging facilities to meet increasing demands, enable BENJAMIN garments to be sold at the same price as are. commonplace clothes. BENJAMIN apparel is worn season after season by thou. sands of economical dressers. The price is right. Year moiney back it anythhing goes wrong. No one hutourselves may sell them here. CUTTING, REYER& CO. 109.111 East Washington St. ,4WAONEitR F"COMPflANY, 4 Imjiortinq Tailors o4 123 Sooth "1ain Street, DOWN [OWN. l WEAR ADIA"1ONO Barrios Diamonds have been worna for years by iliffiorent memnbers of the ciplounatic corpis frothSo1iuth Amncrican Cioccntries. These magnificent stones have been thec admniratioan acad wonder of society whcrever tlhey were shoawn.j Barrios Diamonds hsave all the fire, life and lustre of genuiine stoncs and in appearanoce positively canntitobea distinuislhcd fromn them, It is a wacnton waste of money to invest $75.00 to $o in a real diamond that umay he lost front ito setting any momnut. Yout can wear the identical piece ia appearance set with a Barrios Diamond These goods represent all of thce latest nmost popular styles andc designs. They have thae distinctive features of jewelry worth many timnes their cost and from which they cannot be distinguished even by the mcost critical. We absolutely guarantee thaese goods to be as represented ansd will rcplace any stone thsat loses its original brilliancy without one cent of expense to the purchaser. Money returnued without question in case of dissatisfaction, The Barrios Diamond is beyond doubt thce finest, most perfect imitation ever discovered and may be worn anywhere witha perfect confidence. All the beanty of a gennine diamond at a fraction of its cost. 2o6 Soutch nJfainnla~reet,B rro Di o d Co WE ARE -NEVER UTNDERSOL D-GOODYE A.R'S D RULG STORE