The Michigan Dally VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903. No. 34 VARSITY YS. ALL-FRRI I~. SENIOR CLASS MEEI1TINGi. Scrimmage This Afternoon Will be In. teresing-Four Regulars Out of Line-up Yesterday-Fullback Change is Promising. The promised scrimmage work did not materialize at last night's prac- tice, ht the rooers aitracel y the open gates of erry Field were rec- ompensed by the sight of faol signal work through whirls Coach Yost ho- ried te'Varsiy Te Michigan tean was a mixed aggregation, as foiir of the statnd-ys were as't from their saily idofie. raver lose not y(t re- tirni'd from Chicago, wherethe is at- teninig Iis trother's weding, and( IHesion. Gregory sait Godiig ook a day's rt. The last three ar ex pecild itimix ini toay's scrimmage against the All-res tiaandsolGre- ver iiay rettriiis tis. After working witi the "squater," as the men have dibted the cargiig machine, te squiai kickei goals froms placenent anid irop kick, uniter irec ion of Jihn Dolfy, now lrcticing lawv in Ann Arias, who played itt Michigan teatis a dzes years ago. and Garret's aiiilDePrec sovedet. peial proniseiniitiis tdepartmeit. The 'Varsiy lined sil for signal prac- tire as follows: L. E., tReidei; L. T., tCrtis; L. G.. Shiulte; C., tBriggs; R. G., Eye; R.'. Maddok; it. h(., Hammndti; 12. James; . H-., Weeks; f. I-., Person; F., Longman. The mii lentareu off aiid in turn tried t hlock acti oilier fromnsgetting downthi'fielltn punts and kikoffs. Yost thus kptt theminoingIlislily fashionttsfor itearly ifteentiutities. 'T' shift niadei' by Yost lotplang Lotgmatiat mstolcerti to hi' termatiett. IBth men tlay theirtii'pvittion1155well, anidithe istftits isf the chtnge il tie wtesdwititerest ii the O0.S. U. gamse on Stutrday. 'Thirteent'tioutsandillttars has tes depoited i the cfetfrs f tc Ah ltileAssocitiot is Mfihignt's satre of the nt(treteipts frmthelt'Mimiic- sots game. The gross gae receiuts were $3f0,933.501. As yet sni ieisitn will e made i regartit toa 104 gitie with le Gothers utiliafteThltaks- giving. All indiclatonspit.ilto ti recort at tetidainc fr tieXWisonsi gatic in Fert'y 'it Noetnber t14, asdiniior der to accommiittate the criod the etd hleachers will proaly bitt' pil The . S. . game 3tn Satrtay sitl draw a large atendanice,soul Michi gan itvl pay special attetionto thfit rototintg featutre, in seter to tverconie tie iBucieyes ithis phase sf the game, as welt as sit the gridiron. The statistics f the O. S. J, team, which wilt meet Michigat ln'iPerry Field Sattrdtay, slos' that the visiors will treset a heavy line, and hat' hid t sucessful season thus far. WoXt Age tgt Pos iMayardt.15C 211 518 LE. Lincln ....fi93 211 6-01 L.T' Clark .... 17 1 600 L.G Hoyer ....180 201 -Oil C Diltz ..... 2111 21 508 R.G. Marker . '.. 85 25 t-0 RT Walker .. 16512 5 1 .1'. Foss ......12; 2 150 Q. B. Throuer . S t65 21 1519 L. Jones .... 57 9 5.0 F. Tola... lbl Average 171 20 9-1 5-09314 Heekin, L. E. Hyde, L. E Htuntington, L. G. Powell, C Swan, H. I. Hagaman, H. BS. Wallace, Q. B. . S. U. Record, 1903. Ohio State.. 18 Otterein .... 0 Ohio State... 4 Pan Iandlo.. 0 Ohio State.... 28 Witteneg ...0 Ohio State... 24 Dennison ..... 5 Ohio State,.. 0 Mkingum ... 0 Ohio State... 59t Kenyon ..... 0 Total..... 192 Opponents .... 5 Ohio State,,,. 0 Case ......12 Ohio State... 4 W. V. Univ. 6 Total..227 Opponents ..23 Given Out At Yesterday's Class Meet- ing-Other Business of Importance 1ransacted-P tans Made For Big Class Banquet in the Near Future. The Sior Lit class meetitg alet for5ioclonk yestrtaylot rotm C routiloslt a ait' atenaie,tvt'r otitoneniltienbers f tht' cats tie- igprsenof. Aftt' a sot.itnautstgral addrsts by 1.1. Blinittic vtriuis cmmttitt''esere givt'n out, wit flie exct'ption tof ts' Piire Iitnitittis, which stilt rmaits ltieapotitt. 'Tre ienbiersoite lrass wits' til- poitedittodecidet' oa siitbleilactss Plats w ere asoisatic for a 10 hatittuet Itt,btieldtt'tttiOyster Say sinititos ithIle nsr fittrti. Theimeting it'vas tite charact eriedt hy liie'gri-tensit'thuiisiasms; evtry msemetr pleinig hititslftolitotistl ui tst forthei'wlfar' of "1904."l WiVthi silthlia ros~ig smetig at te heginni' iing ' teyarithe's'iliti sitdhavenitist o us o ft iti~tlingIthil Tlihe variouis t'ommintitees folow: Geterat Ar rangements. M. DVeruir Cairimatn. F. L.tHaliay C2has. iErini. MisUtnttieveCark Miss Faith testier Miss kuthlt Hyte Invitain. J.Lwis. Miss 11i. T'lst111111 Miss I. Stilts. Banquet. W. Dutbotis, Chatirtittn. IW.sHaughey. "i-lit hli itlis ou MissAtkins. Mi s5. Fitirtr. Social. A.11. Pirs J. XWatksins. f.5. lBerry. Miss N VtsnuValetbttrg. Mils J. tfsuire. Memorial. 5. 1M. lark Mtiss A. it. Fly. Miss Il. Psutam. Miiss tG. Yrkes Auditing. li. XW. IHaliday t'haitsan. 5. Sink If. J. tHowatrd. A. Lsciis. D. C. Knapp. Senior Reception. J.1.Watling, Clairmatt.t X. Misnell. I. Clarke. G. Mc~t'oy. P. B. Parker. Miiss (G. Eiatnr. yiss Getrgita Stewart. Miss Mary Stwar. Cap and Gown, WI. I. fRobetrsont, Ciairmn. I. P. Sthrst'stsst. 7. K. Brinkerhoff. Miss F. Barnes. Miss G. 'iiggats. Moiss IHennequtill. WRINKLE AGAIN TO APPEAR. It is deiitelyanusncrsedthti ''Wrinkle,'' theI'thumorospuiitctitt gote'n tit Iby t' stidetts, which wa moturtnedSas trai titthe teginisntg o t' year, will e ptbitshd agaist thi year. Ike firstiumer will atpeat within a few ays. Thesttident, whtt tas revivdi Wrin kIse is Estvarli G. Pattle, a sophtmotri engineer from Chicago. Prospects o] te year are tright, cotsieralet promising artistic talent having teet o nveiledh in the freshman class. SAILORS VICTORIOUS. ho the mid-aveek: game of yestecrday at Annapolis the Naval Cadets de fested the New York Naval Militia hy a score of 28 to 0. SEAT SA[[ OPEiNS. fIOfrWOP CONVNTION. -Reserved Sectioin For Mihigan'Wis' Delegates Attending From All Over cousin Game Can Now Be Secured the Country-Reception in Bar -Precautions For Fair Dstribu- our Gymnasium Last Evening- tion-Badger Roters Are E- Faculty Will Entertain For peted. Visitors, 1 Appllicauttits silt ti e-cciviii at The Homeopa'lhitthic fratenitis begans IlMeyersNt'snStanoi, tbeginnming aty lteir cnclasveu s yste'rday l'hui' hii r ou'locs-ts mliaornteuing, fr thue 'ficuus- AhalsGamuumaoptntu-tsl)uttihut'ganiu siut gamestheuie ivuossuci'14. Thhi aputitur stutnventintby ii s-ecptionis liipr ic aft al 'aseats iltlii t tuttwo olars, ateuning for teiu duliegateu-alat excepi'tlthe buxusesuats, uhichi-ll si-i at-i rbturt GutymnauusiumuufromuSuto i1 2. frtutu-fifty atdtuth listitdollarts, accoi-T'hits rsos weri-ui med w lithiolthi ingv toi litat i . 'ltueu 'is aibitl e -it-- flitern uity tcolsr, atut deit t' eduuuu mutututfofit-s-ulsiallstits-ionstuss ilieiwifIspiiimsandtutu ta'a Orchetraufur- situtis, tutnd te iuuiiiiius ptitsuf ..i uishi thlii' tmusi. Amonug Iilie tir- il lii a 'unittd-bIta-in atuiitendazone-atuien'uuwere Dr. tandt IMu-aItisalei,hDm' this'gamue,'.auudt Mrs. Ange,tMrtss . .IJo trsa, t ot ii -twit appliction safor :as .1ris. JhnsiP.hLawr'ence't, IMrs. iE. to-''ostin ug iou teaudiy, biut liiise- siilltusik, IMrs. A. 11. XWhite,uil hatpr- not begivenuttim-ift-ue-si-i'otser' uder-ti r lis t hree li-ii'sits-tie, liii'Kap111 I graduateapplicatis, ioru-ttcosrs. ,i- Aphka 'l' tt his'ta. tith i pa EKiaptti Gam- ioy' t its-u, is-hoiidesire sito si-u-us' sit, tssan lud t -ePiBts'hi. 'hila is the seas ior 'hegamesshou ldudit s ati5finlt tm' inithe'hiitoriy ofthelni-tol 15Moon as po ilt, 55aft-~yare5'su--Iiiivt-isits f ,iiuhigthaIt theassooiis cioridliihy.lhtvte'sitentittinetsit. Ii i-ulirt pue-en-ut heuse'tickeiits utu'titoys rolamtsihut'f'aern-uity su'cr rit lut in toileliihtansofspialtcit tustdeletiel5stilti t tutd itt. ii- iaovte isaitttgt'muu'tt hus Is tf toya's ci-ttunithitsis itii honorr'y mutt-us ptoct1'ionitss. Onue is the inunti utg iitinher ofit'frterinuit y. lIn the' tftem- is thutu beruutiof'ii 1ik~e t sutfulsowed he uinoounteuy usiiusit Dr.i-. ut-auuil lu' seemedi-f by sty tiiiul, t ,1u-utndI t. Suit ih',tlioits, nd thit uhis- us catss lt-u',-fit- --iuch -- 1 - < tmt-ss atssionst-. I hut Iets' nin-guromttu sat isfatorluuy evuien'uce- ta tu'e isbiity rue 5 his7 tir. tutu Mrs.tKiyon sirealut theii'diii tuutl utrruh~rin gooduthfith a hie iir hintoi ht hits-falitly soul lie[e' it-utuecitio is 5khettI s-i-u-u-i P ire I,, uu in itti-u--e-nea-ill At- btit: illbe of i uin-i uquiuker-mandltnt- uhe-au-uty luistti -tuu i a btody morelastinrufec-tf tiiis foundrunemi-u- Oysl t-urltay wtary itouse i, 'ilet'A laSienarfruisuthtli 1beganu Si-i-;iouns 11 smth I, oitheii notuIhi i uuut -u' ieutit- ult-f-eus yustrida- bliltauchers, truth tuphrt iou rof tegoaold I tby uaveu htdulresonuse ftuituvei- stt, have been iirusatuel fit' tine Wis tthlt-u-exci-ut.ISti ran'tucitct, adautlis -ueusiuuu'rootlu-s, iwhuo are- ixpeucutedth.e-tiri is i ithe -e rts isarrui, Ithey comuue fitufairltyhutrge' weurau-uivtutuinto t hut- dsutrtu tthus'Fan- lly, usetit'uet-sistluy w iltlute until utonieht, when tIheiy sitilsteI thu, OF [OR THE[ WE[T. FautytsIradhnst , shutreu' tulhifrttu i - ~~~ies-s.hI isitilntrueultegatiuuns, tIelis-ci Sec. Wade and Prof. Kelsey Leave i ig ( titu'tus, theindependen'uuut st- Foe Extended Trip-Latter Will diltsu, tuand i the uiaculy ladieis" asill Lecture at Varous Points- Fi- ill assembtle, itatete itbrotherly nancial Systems to be I nesti- liiiv. TWOh'uu iiItituct-itehlut till l- gated. aulyl hii pre'isortu. Dri. 4V. P. Itisdaltt stwill atllaslutstmauteslr, is' ol. 5 tni iul urofs-soru- Kelsy satca ttunoe t 'wispontoaitoautst turthits'Ahat chatngetsait husitinetrary atruth s-iAnnuuSigmats, D. iniituyonuoth- hii' lp hat Arborus-Fruidlta oui liiihe10:;5 tain r' Cun lumtrstantilDri. Smsi hiwaill tatsthis Chictaguo. Secrtaury XW'deulelft Salur- hItdependenitts. Friaty mouurig iiie dayltug ut3:4(-iPronifessour- Kelsey asill Alpha iiigmast5 legilthieuir' s-a-utito mautkue tutu -st 'utisi'lecu-sIsing ltoui sssluuus of thei'gC-ntlouncuuuil, ttutu u-u-u-erst itt hut' Nationat-l Ar'chaeuolotu- holditheuiuruuev chater ho'' ustei:2; gcal SueitIy, itt uhithis' isesicru--hry hiompu~son istreet.iOnItri tutty uovuenig Sut urdaly hi- 1-i-Iuuues-inlu 'liu'tgurbe ht Iheiy-wilt houl si5uttku, t w hihthe Iti tfoue-aimitingotruealtcherus.hFrotmrt (hut-ltPuculiy antl resiutsenut-utummbes uuilhehu acus hut'osto hMIaudisons.S. hush. irvistedil Saturdaymorig te r- u-us'i wherei--hut tafdre-sss thur Norma111th ioniutitcntlmtittlof thelocal hapter Schiootl. thui suilltiectureini De its still showthliidels-l-ateius tutu visiting Mis a t.; St. Joshuunt, Hu.; i si t ur-tunui t-u-.- trough thelniveri -usity, smith sits City, btuor'fuu''ihe IHight Schooiul ; iniatein erutaIkut 1thmtn tutuatlly-hoi Lawusemrt', 1us.,atntuseveratl phums ii ris- arotundil(liei-city, thu-utt hut ii.I Coiloradout; iniSalt Lake iu't'y; ini 5iRto. S. U- gasuit, andin iithuruveningfle at theUivsitaly- rutNuvaia;tin ad nvnt utttnlutwillci-heit a-lhuthus- anttiml arouudt',auir rnct-iscou'au, si saAngeibanueit', thiti-l usill bei'gil's-it ufOys- lu- a at e rau-at-tt nitte-usitis Ins (ah t'srIBfil fiu'uia. liofsti-serKelsy 'illreuutri U'f ENG, WIN FROM '4-M EICS. btyCity it Altiutuerueu, tatu hotututo uu hit 'li 'OG '- ites wus-it-iriuis manes theits ripint 1to h eicoss-tanduliinti- ots ihth 01Mdc visilt-tieaGrand hut-n'114 ttieulnots vist tis tiusuul('unuuss li- ntI hi us tutueruuno. 'tu- Mitts pl.up111a returnthoutesbt'hisrtutucembunlen 11. sift ight bhuticouitlit usissti'e rt te Sec-ruetry'iWadt- his lits-utregmu'a-tdgiigi 'Sni itu''u's tutck fild.h f irutgt i g i sytIhut' loatrduf RIegets toIs ittussi- Isit 'ofdisastrous fumbults. 'lis gat' the is-tnncitul sittus ofithelii- gm litcledate hefr tuaf fuer-tunithishtss. Hl it'lal tsoit: beca un-ts i'u danesuts. Thets'USOt;Sagiu- aftr om prsnallube atim --es ail aythut-'15 Lthis Satunay ig hituetsaiou Newa utu ttul'IMexio's rl Hi' will ;joint Profetussoruel-sey 111itheI uy 'Oii ite, his 04 Meiclis sill makile nmtositt hete iptlu-thuhr-ilium' Litulacanis- - - --..... ... entt L CROSS COUNTRY CLUB. Ihtcthu'- - - - Jump Art itt-tiofttmnreuth ~ans rdillautuylo- L..1, turns'ttlihe-u satudnou utce'ihuthesecRed 's-itt- - - --...... ieman cslumns as ti5Ihe Iart anti IounduuC tunmofitheli(CossCountutry ('tubshtsh T'uliul-----.. .......Adersni 551aturdsay hring. 1. G sCogr P'ackard an'tdlsnu uRulIings sitre Spuaunli..........- -..Yale fthu- Isles aundulchu thehu ndus, tenin iRI. T. snumberu', a suery lutsteitoasecutnrmilts Cn...n- - - - - -I........ tnuley racross count ry'lt-elarss wvire i- I. it enthlier rinlsuuaslat- hut.l suucu~e-n- Knight (apt)..- - -C... nrick 1- lyvdidthetiy s-uttlethelm' purueruss-thrush(Q. e the'y finished almost six minutes ti- Snom ...s..v- - - - --.......Mink t one st'heuhouds. L. IL. e lTis waa vect-ytpleasanaf ifair, lu lolmtlues- - - --........Vaughan nfor Sahnmuay moruunring net a s ill I. f. morshier' estnguevs--rth is tuing plan- (Sotsecbatll- -i.... Capt)Sturmeet-n neil 'lula willhi- a runitsoetYpsilatui, Ih returninigbtllyh-hou. Kennedty- - - --.........Stipot y t is dsre([nuthdal alt memhbers of IUmptire', Day; referee, C'armichaael; - - the clob wishing to tlur' this rumsnuo- inrsem i, teurdsl-r, Willie; time- stify tine of flue officers, Kellogg, Htahl keiper, Lussky, Touchudown, Beech- or Hayes as soon as possihle. lee. Time of halt, 15 minutes.