THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PURITrAN I1O[ FOR MEN and WOMEN Before buying, see our new Fall Styles and you will look no f urther NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE Ill S. M1ain St. PENNYCOOK. The Confectioner. 310 Sooth State St. 4 o0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the tine of I FieConfections. Lonches, do Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Reotsthler, 0 FieI05Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Hluron Streets. 5 Whiyibuy candieslha enthe00 I :1,o- I05 lt osW othnt~ os'lonetelot00.0 $ a 0a * U>~o lrae os noor:in fresh pt. zsr, 010'o * c M o~ao c 1 4 005000 01 Co ct o olan h ve1Owlio p s 5 o ui our tasteis Cosocy 0w. Sluenets ccaisea nn"vrm " plotesboes in-.05le omos omp t 1"011ot- U Lniversity Notices.l0etbbo feCioner00y hod or in theeiv. tiel00-I b ty selling I ictet s. Seoe Is.L Ice Cream. Soda Water. Tursner, Newblerry tfall. NOTICE TO CLASS MANAGERS. ---- PENNYCOOK, In accordance Bath tepoionn BahSupoplies of all kinds at alt 301 SoultS Sttott. the constitutiono of the Athletic As-prcsaCuhn'Pamcy + . . ~._.,...* .... t ociatieii all class football teano in- Freoh Lowney's, Allegrettlo, Spar- sigmia must he submitted toi the 'Var- ( row's and Hoyler's Chocolaten at Cush- 0+"A +4'10do S'r~o+tb0d'I'S sity iootloaol manager, snot his apporov- ing's Pharmacy. MO E OA E N at obta0000d before caps and swecaters _______-- ~ MO EY OANE ONT. B. ROBERT S, expert optician. All the lat- Waitches, Ito sec ode, Football Manager. cot approved appliances and methods Jlorcciy snotall 11igho f 11120 S. University Ave. known to the profession are employcol. (.as cat tett 1nsds New eye glasses litted, lenses doipli- ColaealSeuit.NOTICE FRESHMEN. cated, frames repaired, Halters Jew- BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.. X44 ltf'tgli0r classes for compuioolsory ery Store. 4,~3 woor0 boiocinth ie gymcnasiumsc Bon-I ,W. J. LOURIM.'t lay, Nov. 2. B. badoges given away at Locells, Roo 7.Ileni-1Bock Poneoo159. REENIO FITZPATIRICK. \Voedtesday, Nov. 4. " e~ic ~ir o1:0 tot 4:3s. A4___We sold your Grandfather goods University students desiring to so.aiei- i eaiigwe eatn +44 '4. 14'' ""S""Scure positions to teach will find it toi ed school here. We want to keep it U '1 e X. . &U. RILW Y their interest to write to James F. up and do yooirs. Halier's Jewelry D., , A A.& ~l RALWA McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., Chi- Store. 5TANDAR jD TIME saco. tf. Fountain Pens at Cushings. ForocDe~troot hlcfhoourly Cfrooooo6tl5 a. so. ocotil . 6:to t.mlo. ITheoourooocy ounttlt1:15. Foor TYost- Woili tthoerono ookoooHtestoon's Typewriting neatly done. Wcater C, cwloonly, oct lt oc1t.1col ~ildat. 7oc 5 . borsutclcwi .ttcclcStos oost CoooD . wo cott 1 . sui:caewit-le ecelet-oolion was Willis, 1247 Wilmot St. '.then atotoil i.m.and11so . o nolti. c torogess at toe1Lawttuiiliong Sun- O Pi~N-MEES 1 Waiting Room, Heron St., W. of tain.daotfternionct, cetoocn totsameot-tooD- JB PITN -MYR,2. Do 'OUWAT A(' 401) . rctorcs ofioc, Watecocon Gyimncasioumo, Main St. S. Phone 281. Dot too i~s~iA t0)oD .. . at once. Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds DOrotherrs~ osaitptr010erty cot valuoe. Wastoes ascotJIewelry Re- tairted.tBotgins in Wa~tches sod Itiasotonds. tOfl i oat co-oldence, 31 E. Lib- erty Strt-et, Aros Aroc. hours S to 1:lt0 a. 000.0 1 to1:0 p.i., 7 to t9C~ o. i.AltltBusitness (Contiden- tialt. .JOS[PH C. WATTS. Che,-lle's American & [uropean Hotel Osnerv Day grad Night Prvt tii~ oos andt l ti oo m oocs BILLIAPD HALOL, OOWLOIoO ALLEY AND Toy 0c ooua outo derolecoinst(Ntks 209-211 N. 4th Awe, fIRS. M. A. PINGERLE, GYM. SUITS AND BANNERS. 10)00. 1tO.O0tA bl.EltAJ,1. No-xt tor Co dwards Brcotlers, over StheetcaOO5IBook Store. Pictllres and Fraumes DElflRk.t5 ART .5TORE, 21.7 S. tFourthoAvetooe. DARLING & MALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy Goods andt Notions. 226 S. STATE ST, Rowe's Laundry, 326o N. 51t1 Ave. THOMAS ROWE, Proprietor Bell Phontie 457" ~Dwight E. Watkins,~ TYPEWRITING Do- ustattrtd to 323 S. Mains St. an av s toll Cfor yousr wert. $1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? Try She "UNIVERSITY." Mann's Drog Since, 213 S. Main SI. Preidet:V.lPresioetec. S. 00. 0CLARKSON, tocotict, FIRST NATIONAL BANK (W0 ANN Al ltt)1 NCIBft(1t4 CAPITAL, - $100,0oo00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS. - $40,000 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEASHSIP LINES. Trainlteavce AootcArboroeby CentralOStantdard EffectbivetOtoer :6,.11000 SO(01114 NOP'tlI No. 6i 7:20 A. to. Noo.t0-,01:00 A.At Noc. -11:33 O A. sM. Noo. 512:0 1' c . Not. 4--- t:,:5 . s. No.3 - :1 5:311. M '.t-raios o. od 6 runobtweooonArmoAror cstl Tooleonlotoy. ftramoo- , 0. 13,2.4.5, andto6, daoilyexocept Sococlot Frechaooir cars onNoso. 1toi4. V I. Ii.t.5 Ageot. J.. 1 KIthiY, 0. P. A. iItoots Orchestra, Phone 822. Strict- Lost-C. of B. Mdosicoal Cluob watchic y np-to-date and first-class. Any com- fob, seasont 1901-02, o0n Cathesrine, tbination of instruments desired. Trapts State or Ann. betweetn Unoiversity atnd song hits a specialty. Hospital, Baito street. Natoe otoI backo. Retorts too 1207 Willaord street: 11. Ibadoges ;gientoawaOy cat, kovell's, and receive reward. \VednoesdlayNote. 4. Front Salle to Rent-One block west sSultlsnD )5 soo,oT uros'o,0 of Camnpbs; sitngle beds, large clothecs presses, grates, a stationary wash- Pantorium---3:3 S. Stale. Clothes stand, batho, gas and telephone. 521 ealled for and delivered. Phoone 582- E. Jefferson St. 'r. BOOKS FOR EVERY STUDENT'S LIBRARY. Tayltto'tIto ertoto 00000000 icttotLawo . lootllolst fCotoand t l~.thtortty.- o lso 000 rotoooot. IVto.. Th000000,U. S. ContstituotionaooIl histto ;otlo-. ti=" tudboy 1. S. ObS~tolCoatio oono'kr' onstit tionof the I1. S. loots. ItIoooiotols istorcy ottheblott soiatio Prc asoe o. Special Prices to UI. of n1. Students. (fan 1blihera arlxo ANN ARBOR BRANCH.000 SAN & COMPANY U. OF A4. TEA ROOM I Importerza) CHICAGO Dainty Lunches SERVED PROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. State Street, Opp. Law BlIdq. At LOVELL'S Corner Store. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing anod Steam Work. Alt at Re sosabie Rates ansd First-Class Order at J. F. SCHUH'S, 207 E. Wash irgtos.UL R' PHYSICAL TRMINING IN WRITING, thoetooukotor ai ine.Ieole ail ct thetim I:,11oo ot I, i n o r co C - s - colt - - .0 pp. ils.t coo I proi0e1loTese i yso so- ireocmo ts' orsodnecus y ator $7to.orif tome I will-sdthe oot nco s orf. ilClevur a phy-csiltrainoino; cotrapidowritin oro$M)Coor00010 week1foe 50.Conuietos eli adostitive ootCor or bodrting.loc dividaicty 1esPemn n one00leson1c. oo eAtddoess Prof. 0.5IXLER, Madison St. & Ogden Ave.,Chicago, Ill. Pt Thie W.C. Kern Co. 41B. 57th St., Chicago. C sand Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all collcgeo and fraternities carried SedfrCatalogues. o44do + r o40 *"f 1s4 " 'dodo ifrdrd " odododo'2 s,4td.2*roP'2.oo o4« i t'*4'do44+f A New Sleeping-Cfir Line Between +DETRZOIT, TOLEDO, COLUMiBUS Leave Detroit to p. it., Michigani Cetitral. Leave Toledo 12:3o Night, Hofkinmg Valley. ArieClmbs65 . iHcin.aly PARLOR CARS ON THE DAY TRAINS. :Say "Hocking Valley' to te ticket agetnt or write L. W. Landmainoo G. T.~ A., Detroit, Mich. r l 440'0' ^ ri+.*i++ai +doo *ddoo1'+4.A. +-*.-++++ + '2'4444'2"2.4+ '2.S'4 +~' IRS $c~L1.tA5.i0,ocr.&~flS1~ lot - - - flt .e t a G~rolf'n in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. Cook Tips orPlaio. Save the Couon. Always Ahead In Styles, MIL WARD, 'THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring,