THE MICHIIGAN DAILY. B EIA ALL'S NATTiE+ST YOUR FLSI "The Nagara Falls Rote." EKW A ,UN E W ARY OUb RectshLdbearTi TE FSHORT LINE-- N C W AR9N ER ER ANN ARBOR to BATH ROBES, SWEATERS, to bamosrktsol erti CHICAGO LO DECORATIONSFOROM, s NEW YORK ZpdDna *IN LEIGANVT SHOWIJNG NOI' AT AND BOSTON S MAKERS NEW YORK Forh ifrctionndctothicagsconort Louis, Kansas city. St Paul asd the West.wihdrc on "o~I hiuOfr~fACK 6&C . ' Fabrics rich and durable, be- write toW W. CASE, Aget Ann Arbor *.,.,N®...S.,.,.....,.,,.,...,.,..............., cause shrunk in the BENJAMIN --______________ plant---not sent out at great THE -ANN ARBOR RAILROAD .'".s." risk to public shrinkers. Styles AND STEAMSHIP LINES. F L U T FA L SUT correct, because designed by lfciveOoe26192.y - & OVERCOATS New York and London stye- ________ _______ LaUu ,,RanCotsX creators. Fit perfect, because No I200M._ No 1--:0ilA M.LxvelnF' No 2-11:5A. M No 5l1:30e.+ measured on a model of your Nod 82M. Nol3 4''rM.0 f 10 to $25 FiureFTalorn ihtLeas TCramns No 5and 6 run between Ann Aibor figure. i sanior ngrroomecas and Toledo only oo,1 I ____________' yres1e , binlydal se tSndyhI salaried artisans-- not i l'cha~ircas oii'os l andi L.'BATH R BS - i b __i W, t.WILLS, Agentol1 O E J K LIRBYGC P A G MSIS + unsanitary sweat-shops by U. o M, ntis ticBarer So T'hasty, slovenly piece-workers. U, ofM nietcBre p -i1&~ LAB SUITS Thpe is righ. Yourmoe ANDO BATH ROOMS. t Hats & Caps Fifor sale by usin oes ong J. R. TROJANiOWSKI, Proprietor. \ lh oly Face Massage a Specialty. - UTNRYR O 322 SOUTH STATE STREEET ,,,.- i'> St, ~r 3 ' ~ ~ ~i~-~$' ~ ~- 4. 19"111 East WashingtonSt New Brlllswick Tables W erth ~ AT o'" «v;..,,,. 'ro HAN DY IN THE CITY. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, James IHandy, tht liitle fellow whoii Finn Cigars asnd Tbaccnn SPECIAL NOTICE SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT. reported foe tle"Ihieago Tibunlle" AS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Sae SL., S. TO -___eaadh nth ate at ---THIRD YEAR CLASS. A Splendid Producion of Gunhe's iiti roi itio co olele Ihaveeflose reenised lielagest and iiiestMne icoivnbfPre lyte seatuityforyar asurendedilhi MIN) ING LAW AND IRRIGATION. While, oladtldtiitlrlelnvriv Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes Jdgeijiayberg will begin hs corse Vllaraisa (1nd.) Messenger: Me- aladtidt t h nvriy eser broughitto lie eity. f lectureson1)0Mining Lam nd Irri. moril Opera ous1e100wOO crowidedlalot lb sattellpt 5wa10unsccesful bltle Fine Lunches in Connection, gaion, Tuestday, Setl. 29. The firslt nghtia01 the presenationo sf "[aust"' xe'e to try agao ill Februlary. Everythilng Natntlean. lecire, which will bst inroduletory 10 by Porter J. Whie's strnlg compan~ly - 308 S. Sale S. R. E. JOLLY. bolthlcres, will le give 0onlore- Fromn the oening htcene of otor truceSrtlil's bro her is in towni --- nam ii da e, 0at -1 p. in., aiidlall Su-5 ut us01011'dislso sililoquy, toi the grandila1111will eIllricoeillege. IHei'is sildlto ....4 . +~.Sn,++ni + I"" n+.I4dens eleelinig eiher of the eioirses losing t abliaiiof Mrguel(ries saro-ale builtil iiniii thliie seliis as The School for ,shnloilid he present 01 this lectilre. Al-tlin, Ithe lrestaon11of oe h's Iis broIhlr. it h is hlolIas goodl 01 0 .leTiesay andiluntililthe course's ro 111 'alii lOli' haslBrcei, le sill bei'a .!D o i.c.A , ini shod,ltey will bh iven9fas0fol gtre'ltlad1d11ion to it'e lam. Register this Wekot l lbove: Thlie ils'' lal~lls ial N's'It'l's Ganger's Academy Mhiing Low at 4 p. m. flaill habn' hill ltI li'iin mo ilsilstlt YOU CAN GET A TENNIS TOURNAMENT. SH ot L.unch The falltenntournainlOtt ~fwill b-hue CO flS r ol'iili-,ase Comlethi'd'i by new AtTt1fl 3$S Sae gi nModiay, Otbr5 l e-fr ltr i lleini' homllellie ie asli ATstes,38SSt t 111m0ust b e handiedl 1o W. C. Lee rJ +i $lw oll 1 ili II i lace 111' i~lisded ltret Sleft t 03 Stale street ouith, by Sa- Ich- at adtud ~iy. riloay evening. 'lil entrooce fee is ________ ffty cents andlthe us0ua01prices will r t ® ltflN C] j\J be given in both singles and doullies. ALkRSHOT - O(nily Iwo of 10s1 yar's tnnis team tmlirIfsl haii 'eiiuarol Lssns 43 per 'It of0 12 'Weeks } laeretred t olloge andl t is -'s r" ,, \ al teamii 'ie i e'ait t'd tii meet at UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street blioped a large, number oh new men 1'j'c Il eldl atl3:1 letry lily. A oa'h Pae res Os ScOwl P015 PncL1will otler ithisiunamBent.- 'K will hi. proid dci 12a Schedl'e oft SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMINATIONS. 4f'ueit~litngeiId~l'oi. -C('11isYo. Cracker Jack,Creamn Chewing Candy, TheTICEpFeESenEN. PausButrdPpCorn. tdents who have toindiions in psre' nateripiee Fou011"1wsi' nlh laIs'i t', ifill'vinyil i ll begin Nv. FRESH EVERY HOUR,. viouo work or who were oabsent. fro1m1 1en Fach memberlolf 1tle tcompandly 2,All shoild re t,r at the office at BGLB... the regular semlester examinationosill are a0111t1, aing a siiier apprieia-11.,ii i -s 1' i illy bele 1011t0 tho cloe of the seondl1000 eey line o1 the grand old( 001 5. tateStreet. week in Ocober. Stuidents having plaly aidil 'llthe beautypahostrtral am 111imins iiill bein eilisx ieekit such woktI ooae lp are not alloswed al ragedy re brouiiht 0111 )1. MAY, BAILEY & EDM~lUNDS, toitake exmintions for advancedl Whit's liendil id rodii'iBonlof TAKE WARNING. I ET tandig "Flst" w111 heenffBatthe Ahens:Noit i pgittle tatonly lise san I T___________ Theater on Satrday, October 3, ali--Caelmccuep a. atr 1te gyiiion The cot of living at Yale varies nee and night. point sit forfeit,1Unles olinsish to FRig ORiATINO(. greatly This year fiftysix of the sen- oe ,yor lc ike entilt'-y it wiold pay 121 East Liberty Street. foro got through the variouo termis on NOTICE! DAILY OARD. you o theied thiir i'lig,' $400 or len. Nine spent frnon 2,000 to All sigilnenhs by lteiews editor $2,500, and ix spent over 2,5a0. 'Tiece 'silleIit- i tl l~lfittels D., ,A A. &I J. RAILWAY we 110 who spent $1,000 or les, and dooir of the Allmni Roism in Invr .1 l 88who spent over 1000. itIlllintil furtherc noice is givei. For hosD iOTIME _______ For tDetroit halff hourly from aI1 ; For Rent-Mandoomely furnished oils p. m .Then hiourly until 11:1l. Fr Yps-suite; electric light, bath, heat and all NOTICE. lanti only, at 12:15 a. m. and 11:45 a mFor Jaickson horly froni 6O15a. m. until 7:15. 01.modern improvenments.31 Lierty Goverlmlent.9, Mniipa Ainlnis- 0 , Thin at915ilp. . and I1511pi n. 4F. lation, wril eet in Rosm F, tnirer- Waiting Eom, Hron St. o f Main. _________ sty Hal, on Thursdaoy at ten oiclock, Cluett-Peabody neglige KOLLAUF, The Tailor, JOHN A. h'AIRLIR. shirts are made frst for cornl- PHOTOGRAPHS ______nSt E NOTICE. fort, but style and elegance of Cal nBath Supplies of all kinds at all Prospective caniodates fur the bandl material are in them too. Call on prices at Cushing's Pharmacy. will repuort at Rtoolm 9, Ulniversity Ilall, CucISrs,$.o p SEYMOUR'S STUDIO FohLwe', hertiSar-007.20 ip. mThulrsday, 5Th Monureb Shirts, 1.00 up 116 S. Main Street. row's and Huyler's Chocolates at Cuoh- J OB P R I NT ING- MEY ERS, 25C l ue t, Peabody & Co. ing's Pharmacy. Ruin St. S. Phone 281. hSaoofjyis great at i The Wx C, Keril Co, th rmto fCr aliulusof 411E.5tS.,Cia . Likewise at the creaticnofs.a:MIT'UL57ihaSttChicago a MOUL Cgareto. ut 7//>! - 0Caps and Gowno made to or- the kind of joy in smoking that . ~ /// dee. and rented. makes you wont to incineratoe)'- Pnansfue l cllgs n - .nat oral olg-sn another, Peace to the ashes + fraternities carried Fl.I- of hoth. More peace- in stock.' L 5T Tenfoy1c. i Cass Pins, Class and Team -Plain and Cork Tip.Y Ikf y Caps. cT Send for Catalogues. WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD GOODYEAR'S DRUG STlORE.