THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Alllounoemelt. 'The Loegbest and Most Comtpete t fe of WOOLENS in Annt At-or wilfl be found atiG. IH. Widt. C(ts, 185 East XWashingtot t. (eat paitns ate beeittakn it the selecftiontof all l ot tt52. tttr feitgs . oxftfotitfg- forthfist-easont G. II. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. ILatest Books I f 1.08 Edch Ih l ie Forest4 Itr ear'-t of Rone, Little Shepherd of Kingdom A Come, tl i toltt ' Judith of the Plains, *t a Mal iift 1i-o n Iff ! TheProud Prince,I A Forest Hearth, p~~ ;t Colonel Cartrs Christmas, it L.Io i i n mll S ot * The Call of the Wild, 9 *y ityfo Iofto lit n itie atefrnoonf ital Gfrainge-r's Acdltmy Saiturdafy. 1111 Ltustiat classes will meett, gcttlem-ntin t tic mointitgat lilt anitladliesit at'. te-r-nootn at 10f1. The Acadetmy (Sr. c-tt'stra stiltltftritishi a stei-atlfporfeatm for regtilar etenintg asse-mblty, 9 toi 12 o'clock. Z Your Entire Needs in SLaw, M~edical and* i all Uliversity i Text-Books. i 2 New and Second-Hand. t :Drafting Instruments and: : Engineering Supplies : A Specialty._ :The Right Prices Alwavs. 2 Z Second-Hand Books Bought and Sold at i 4 e WVAH R'S o BOOK STORES UP TOWN DOWN TOWN.: *Uliversity Books. ' . LAW DEPARTMENT. 3 FIRST YEAR. i nopo Illitiff to tffs3.50 ffIlulc l .5. 551fftifftt it ff41110 ± -ttst s itdtsi flitrts fe t fi ~ [tiw30 Itp o i. f orf~lffitff . .....ffis fft.50 ( io. on f t ftsfi I .50i-''f'lf (I ff t y fstI i s t ftst i2.50 3 STCIRD YEAR 3 3 I ilcu 'i ti f~tit fstftfttttftft4I0 3 f01t vC m e i t Pet" I ..4 E rot if t t t ON t 3 1Iu ny rst tos ii Jo 3 ontttf i tisttt i shi p 32r . l St S cnd loor Ihis ste'. n ed o an led - HRD bYEWAR. tts ShaleyvI i.n ( S tni. oe®e e®eseee ®s® o+ ® +ec eoee®e®o e®ese e e ese e s"e 04, I S4 " THE[SITUD[NTS' [LECTUJREASSOCIATION PRI~.ANNOUNCES MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY ON SATUJRDAY EV[NINGi, NOVEMrBER 14, 1903 Subject: "KING LVAR "_I .4 2£ I 2 -.........44444444.4444.4'4'4'4"4'4'44'44'4'44'4.44 1DEANM.151..$IABOLT, M5ahager ' -z Tbis Afternoon and Evening fMatnee at 2:30. boars opsen at :30. Evening, 81:5. The Kirke La Shelle. Comic Opera Company in "6THIt PRINC[SS CHIC" 60-P'EOPLE IN GRAND [NSEMrBLE-60 Beaded by the Beautiful and Charming Artiste "r158 V[RA 'flCHELNA SPECIAL-Coampltecfootball riturns ditri t s~ itueuby spetial curt-. PRICES: MATINEE-25c. O50c, 75c, and $1 00. ttw to Seats toe butts performuances nwsli Sund Nig t, ov. ittietturn eulgab ement of y th gretestexhibition of its kind iii the world. HOWE'S MARVELOUS MOTION PICTURES 10 pet-centt tof uproceeds drrtdtchitsarity. Prices: Ise. 255, 350. 30c. i M _ _' HEANRY & KYER, MERCHANT TAILORAS,- I0WN AVT .