THE MICHIGAN DAILY. You athletic youong fellows swio are loobing for good a itii lothes asowell as of good moe-Yoo're just the fellows~~ er J fo the kind of clothes made by Hurt, OSb-altoer & Alars-- +,. ~Yu'll fid ,your = heSlotesio tbesy . because tbe clotbes will. New [ine of Th Cohir :: RAIN COATSI-TeCotir Jut4in 5 3fr .5. J~+*+r r .r~.r .H*~.***H+ tiirJi ~. f. . ~~jJ r r i ~~rrt4 *t4J i r sri ~~r +i .t *t*t+.t ' r+. r 4 i rlt'er*Ir*1 iff s **~f~1.f*e *ti d *r ~r r*H+. ''r. r. a All .L . l Styles Styles * e FOR LADIEZS. The only shoe that is exactly shapod to the bonus, muscles and ligaments of the foot as theyj are revealed by X-Ray Photographs. JUST FOR ONCE scoot you try a pair thut wee not mode by guesswork mseasurement and you swill endorse the unani- j 3 ~ ~ IACK & CO.'s. RANDALJ 'IOTOGRAPHER 121 E. Washington St.,+ Established 1811106 Huron Street, Eas BEvp cH3IEL=D'S FINE TAILORING TRADE A _ * We sre prepared this season to meet every demand, as 40 we have increased the nunsber of workmen. As ususal O we have, robe Finzest Line qf WOOIeni ii the e * city. Art and skill will predominate in ssur work as in * the past. We reosetfuolly invite your enquiiry. S. W. BURCHFIELD ONNSeN N NeN N fI®i!O .fit.... J.J .LJ J J : t. r *5ers~~sr ,o r~e5.5 *'t'r*' ~r i5.4 W' '4 i 5''t '* *s 5 5 5 5 5j5iJ * *ti shA NOSTEtRER, Caterer 224 SOthers ClaimilThlemfi 1W U SOUTfl STATE ST. .1Hae.he,(Conuinuosed Front Puge Twss.) GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Hale Theff-iter - The womoen of lbs junior class at 51e1systesssrsdlamistLotuers. ' ccorins several cimpsianiessf loscal lOitin- ieesl fClios a Fsss 5 1 55155.nn lt us tee. ls . . n nlutaar-e+asluitheilUnie ssity srfssslifotilt hlas * II ests felrsvIe css si sNsc * osuc ts iewh iigand hal. The men osithlbstUsiversity have eculyt sefr tInssnte srsessedsan:risstimnalsely itie rare chsarms oithis cc adopthed thse (orcu stolm isf merely A nsularall persosnality will be eercre ssowing ts she womsniwhen they meel rThe onty strictly First Ctass Short +.mmee.Tepsigyashdo h aps n o ipn hi j. order Dining Room to the City. tocegetyfauewhsfsin asshrtfr. ou as ecr i ur cirnt .$ no alis tfS elt esvcsias, a first meetinig; ____ to. the tllssis. ..ans an l sixty-onic Iis Beens sark eyetwo'lullsndred thoihsansd newsspaper The ateer. ~ sas lollsllllcl 0111 1 cat ss trsslclipplinsgs, all1 ceditedl, 1101esd asisfols- Willits, theCat1er + 11wa 1oaI siadri hi kindssly theart. i srrtcnc eegcs s u *. edfrrfrecwr.gvnt.h olyster 11:sy 'Isuse 467. ++ 1t iss btarsss ss e5charcerizesd by alibsrury osf BroiwniUniversity. Tthcse ~ open frosmssG:3015 silsild sish. +grasciosansdi (ignlifiedcil chld y, tom niiiss eie sieioistail 31S. STATE ST. ++r 10531 withi a.issiodest y s idcntly Issentiycars a1111rselaie toi nsarly all t eniine iau toisisarsstseility ust.sehessuslic quelstisl dsiscsiussdisy the - - - warm1111 by1ths ll aly sit a gesnial1 ll hmlte recordcs istall labosr troublles New 1 j11 1{l1C( '.'ables11111,1a1nltesisgislar beaut y olit lsDsince- I183is inludliedlin useessoliec- N .1)1 Itn ick1kindlsli lle, oncisc eni''l, wstineverttoI t ionalsio a neswspsapersaescouitsof tse litiselrgotte. Spanosihsli aWi lssyIby slay. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, lPIlilistsl cicsi' sas unsuatiilly usdo-_ Fine Cigarsanod Tohaccos One'-I lolsfs011 slsl.'Ii lscsthelifeallessof lhe Chicsago- yeas h asmIl- ol It(,is- Universil y heicllliniiis gaesilasst Saturcday watsle JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 Stale St., S. a malrrliedlblius lolirece Emrso~rn, ofsp ilenid hi biion lull rotssiig girlen l aes'steis es-sisiII li'eg etliiIaind sit i ssesia-;r. Mainle; 11111eve i ncl~e liltb n. lln i otrs alte tm ti5inof us 111- Ilosuss ibeeis-i-s ll ih lisl and issisi- s-i I i illlie iti~ll lspotlln thi-ITeans sas iing sdefeatsedi. ii ITurkish Cigarettes adPipesii'sritI, andithI. scsnter of ills sialtisetiisotsesdiosit he game sissy seld Chi- eve-c rsisiglt, toIlhs-city. lilisi hldsts leasir. Tos Itleibesi-avciasgio nllarly eri isosoting, althouligh Fine Lunches in Connection. hillehlssiremlainling, whtnlitI sianily Illsiis-s-ctgratlyi siounmbiercd. 'The I-i csl ingN~sl ssi t ~ lo isil ililtrisowtilliil~y isss ssis-g- aily. 5i1 commentlling ontsnIhe 308 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. ilsli11113itrri c lliii5ll~ll. lDails'111iiii 5 .. -- . .. t_-+ .. + t s ailiyknoing; fllg weSll thati o n l~sol~la. ginll oly lt-e cae551, b11111 di ts l in51 sirsionlcanlitomesoalysifromathescSousea The School for DancingqIsot all goodi. sptt is icl.mnrththirea G ~ ~~~ is wsa isiviouitly re'ligiosslunatsire, Ground [loor on Maynard Street 11111his chulrchs li's- sassleve-caatslSTAGE. )11" Ilocsk west iof State Slrest isilwh islsisperssiittimssto go. Hei Stores. 'Pone 2-4 wst liberial in hils tsimate of others. In "the Princess ('hic," thoe Opera 'toil +, ndfri-sly acco-lrdei-i tislthemlltiii'sanse qssin-wi-l slappsear at tse - iss-rity stflpersonal viws ha he ex. Atbi-Is Thiater on Salturlay afternoonls A s ess ii s r lis^selt L'psclilcsassdiieven-ling, lie ebief male echaracer YOU CAN GET A e1.5501 51111 d incrity havebeengs-o als'h olo Ir H t maredi ilslii's osithIIls issritd, IIoYIplsydy Fosrest 11uff. It is ppoabe Illnc cos-mlinded ii 1an1. 1 wh tauhtlsat, isn writing Iis libreolsKirkecLo otestosa ;na rvr adtlassgis Shriletolsi sose plinslts as tos the SAt Tuttle's, 338 S. State islir Itlll'chaicr silIisas llsralcter ofsthIis mtedieval war-rio~r V s~~~~~~~~~eliy over has, Iby iislits' anidichar- Wolrcsrlet'alsslhls s' -a 1,1 ^v~'. . t fosssSir Waiter Scost's nolti"Quell- - - - astUr. splhislldtheI igrisas omysticsi-ve r - - " '' ndhsossedstoIsseIlhe lr sisde. liet'11inssrw-ard."' nlosine siassagi- Sir Lessoss $3 se''Iessisso1 12 Wseks thesir feiudal rightis againot the opprsr-- UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street THE HAMILTON ORATORICAL Sion of sitnssgsosnd isperrs." Forrest CONTEST.OT, RICIALl-ift, whosu'semagnificent baritone essice- is fansiliar ito mosist tsaor soera- PALAC[E. PARISIAN Orationls for Ills Ilansilion cotst.geshssaeateenoshti mutTeinth ans fM7 alo his part.Ctsoplete returns olithle .LAUNDRY AGE CY1 waysecrtsry fth ratorical As M0ishigan-Minnscota goose will bse re- .LAUNDRleov Profssor nrumassnds- Phone 582-3r PantoriumI. Cleaning. Pressing. Reairing. 336 S. STATE ST. I (Ovs Cushtr's) Clothes called for and Delivered. Leave Orders t Cnhngs or hone 52-3r. ~ELE~CTRIC FANS Ele£ctric Chafing Dise Eli ectric Table Lampss 55 I ,. ansyhing tIs.liglss ss5 Y- soom. tall is -d . oardiet'iy .. ' .t. WA.SHTLNAW LICT & , .~POWER(COMPANY. forA. Wtiesses -d 515 A.. P~,23 BAILEY & £DM'UND5, FISH NET S FOR DCCORATINi. 121 East Liberty Street t Ge ATHENS8 PRESS 0p r'inters+ 2nsd Floss.. Ak- .T.s,5e1 tids OHIO CENTRAL LINES Dirset fins bitween Tlsdo, Colms- buss, Athenis, Gasliipsis, C'harle'ston, '. Va., andll thi Sulth. Ask your agento- appliy t 1. fP. fswis. Y. A., 7 Fot St., Dletroit, 'sich. 'ltULTON 1hoCK, (. 1. A.. 'Tledo, . Ilighest Cash Price paid for secondt-lusnd clothing. Shioetrepairinlg while you wait. Goods called for. S. iODST[UN. lit Im ott 'shlolsiss Slseet U. of M. Antiseptic Barber Shop AND BATH k00lMI J. R. TROJANOWKI, Proprietor. Face Massage a Specialty. 322 SOUTH STAR STREET Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or other personal tproperty of value. Wthes and Jewery te- piared Bargains n Wstches -ant ia1mods. Officse at residencee. 331 E. Lib- erty Street, Asn Arbosr. THours 8 tos 11:30t as 1, 1 to :311, 7 to ills n. All Iusinses snisen- tial. JOSPHI C. WATTS. Offhcet6151+~sl Sils sssSt. isoe65 Work tilled 5fsorssdeiverssedlpresmply PHOTOGRAPHS Call on SEYM~OUR'S STUDIO 316 S. Main Street.. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL INTER-COLLEGIATE ' FOOT BALL 4 "I Usedhby all the Leaing ' - Colleges. Foot Ball Pants-Lasce frot, hlipssod kneesspauddedsitish fineeurlesdssir sandsiti'hs+ with canme strips. A. . SPALDING & BROS. S. 4: Insecorsported. X New York, Chicago, Denver. 4 Spialding 's tOfiia"sist hll Gside fsr 1903. edited isy5Wfsler Cas.p P'rice 1 e nile ts. +oh Mosnday, Noiv. 2, asO13 s'closck noosn. (Constestants mustl hands in thrsc yei-~- writt ess copies silth1leir seeches. W. H.I Hamsmond, '03, is the captain sit the Fr'eshsman Mesdical crew at the U~niversity itt Pennsylvania. Rev. Dr. 1oseph11. (crookier will givi' stthe Unitarian (Chsurchs next Suonsday morning an adidress in nlen- iory of Pcof.('harles EN Greene, and all studlento ansi friensds ace cosrdially in- vitedi (Isattend. N NNNN/N N N NN N N N NNNNNNNN ""ALLEN'S FOR ,QUALITY." [~all fruits now (Ready $ 10.00 and $13.0Q1 B~est in the world UNION LABEL ON EVERY GARMENT AL[[N, THEt C[OTIEIR 113 S. P"AIN STRIEET r ' E 1 09 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD- GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE