The Michigan Daly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1903. No. 28 NORCROSS OR GRAV[R. S. L. A. R[CITAL. [RESH IT [[[CION. IN "EnfrOIAM. Yost Says That His Choice For Quar-, Madame Gielow Gives Second Number Friedman Elected President-Corn- Extract From the Minutes of the terback Has Narrowed Down to 00 Association's Corse-Charm- pete Victory For Independent Meeting of the Senate of the Uni- Two Men-Players Are in Per. ing Reader Entertained En Ticket. versity of Michigan, Held Oct. fet Physical Condition- joyaiy Last Evening. 23, 1903. Team Given a Rousing The '(7 Lit elecion yeserday re PROF. CHARLES EZRA GREENE. Send-off. One of he most charming ('ie- stltod it a comlete amd tweeing_____ _______tainments hal have bett given here vicory fot- the Indeendent ticket. I When le norning express pllsed fit eent yrarc woo enjoyed iy lehil tecti thoght that the election Foe the firt time ince the organi- ptntons oi the Stents' Lecture As sould e cloe andi thai, he represen aoi of the Department of Engineer- i ttih e Mit-higan Central station at sociatii recital last evening, whlen iitt'v ticeel stodttaoutia godta tongao a seaate detartment of the 8:46liyesterdtay, oveeetwit htndrlrttoy. Mrs. Mtartita S. tGielowiselt-tta tdechance is the thr.'Thseereltns Iniversity sit Michigan, the Snata is at stuidentis linedtetteIracisitsee the lightesitatttiett-cie rat hottr adt a tough, sottittaboat two-tirds ittcallet tpnto itexre-ssits deep sense Michigas griittin wereetaiv afbyhr -lve trits anttdipr-tectes cst wetitoIthle Indeten itt lss sstainedIy the ideath of a siutiitiss. dents. The ofiiters ofthle clas are membehtrofthele Engineering Faclty. 'otsr' sMconteattiotic hit'tstisatftlliws':lTe uetartmtentithas ntttonly lot its Mrs. tieltistis uiiiitdlty sit ar firtst Deian u;i eeto nal li- st, ter t asitiattitnilyng in t'tass r-itei, .F mFitan; vice iner hdut is eeto nai stoui.tillitcite text Saltulay, i niB atratts i iwic h ai epe sdit, Miss Mlarent secretary nginer iitigisheit teacher, and and nturaness ith hich he rads Iis tieth;t'n srr'.Lapesnlfin.Th eaeo h cetioifiCearly classes le crowdettwas atdiniia etoice swhoseilecltitsa set' sii rc 'tesirUtnEaversmnay rend.sthsnte ofsthe necessarily smnalt he lieichiency t-lit- ~wthat. siegiecs the thearr te Cttteetiitsehal nuager, L.8E. Jthn iest e-nt hsmnt sa sotakmanager, H . Cotttrs; laAi extression if its lasting esteem, ant itinnihets tas matte tit iy ite uiltttssittiiflat its'has a itsgotbetre i- tl aaeMs tue. as a slightuenoit-al itt a eeastd chietritig capiacity of tiitse ties-ent MsJtittwinrtttcelhic'let-eotn ta ctiiutcesd y Mr tcolleague Mr.Geo rdcdhrsoinesIGotldard. secretary flelw lput Charles Era Greene was listn in 'th ttent tuayes, versise tC by a very teniter titetur)ittftes' i nmt, aiti tas sitrt antiorerly Now tambridgeMass. February 12, 1842, wthotm iloed itCito sititlte CiteMichitiig tCo tsf ti thol neroi"imanimy.' that le class has chioss-niits officers antI dietoinAnn Aror, Mich., Octoer gao suitteesiasy, sw'trs'givenita tyal Siets-ldt sio i'tie lt's'these' aitifti it is eadytolsetso't, upon itstfour1, 19t03. He was the sn iot Rev. seniit-off as they oariteti the train. womn'otcuipid in he houitsehtldtteysars' caresr, aitdl oay congratuat e Jamets D. anti Sarah A. Greene. Hi anti tffeciionis ittthe Sutthtriian iCtitin stfryaiiOt tii s atter was idecenetfrom James Cit-u-liYtslt as incliniedto tb e tnonIisl pns al n ogo ti milal telttistsitat te sat iti i "tl', aittithtwe tith le ettdtoittthe t'iviltsearwhisnrseeniatitthhastaathly; ititing. Gresne, tiC Charlesown, freeman, of ":cvi orIlose,this'min-tilldst- iCi wi llthiri Itt-tisstediy gi64. eHs nmother was the aughter le'-di-i.e'aenc tv--titil-s -r easetd si tIhat toiltin a esw years itt Daniel . HDurel, a lawyeMm hltvexet Weasi-itt. Wecn tiesset mire CROSS COUNTRY CLUB, eeMm bteptto Wegrse thess- tegr-tigetitiesoeti-wsill nitsortetiCfCongreso, Chief Justice f the foliefnt;anwronteqare eseeo. Annual Run to e Held as Usual Be-CictCoradunedStsht- Citela qlistiilCir'uatiCourt, ittUthis' Sqateirter htii ltsitt.,iiiausctcia aatitielotws fisI seeetin was fore TOhansgiving-Meet Wit h trict Atttey itt N a mpttsir-. oiteditht thte stitice fCite titg aitsription iof itaistlito te tol Chicago Cross Country Club The so, Charles, etteet IHaretartt gattet lay b(tee-itNrross an ''tiamnty'' tiChlitchcsilhsotti In lth(iltPossible, sixteen, ansI receivel the sdegres it Graer-t.''"Tiephtysial stnttitht of tittritic ittcrhpoweris itt timiryetere _____Allin 1862, antI the sdegreeit AM. Its' tt-tiis all iith a u lit'bittsires-i. ICdisliaysedltoi a tiachi-tideies, atd Thei n ttmtbtr ittfimi-tntmaling te r'gin cttutse, three years later. After a is' lose, wei-wiltliiat-eitn)euseto totniitotly ittieied-iloiiclios ilt eyts to ilt rt-uttsswithite tisss Ctr y tCtlit-it-Cf expeince in matuiacturitg ha tffs-c: hiear i ie trittofat, oldt-ntr 't"maitevry ittetitotntis this year ager i-itecil theoervict' of theUntitedl we'usternutufoo thi-acitis lei.iMi chi my-" i r Iteu-linitg years. IItt t tystsSaths t tetreCasss to 8111as a vluntter in th igartoill SettCiiurdayi's getaltuote -i is - mi netst Ihue es'i-'l atitsall i yaris ofthcl'itts trevsous sexsltince IU'ito army. ho he following Jan- ti-mtinteti-husky (iophiers, ad asue Il(i' nerouiatttilet, wi-i-i''hue Stry ofi Thisortgtniat in,.morerthIait tnytary he was cmmissionedlFirt Lieu-hiopnnonhewlva stHey"Te'aesRsefSm ohete1nvriyhseer rotatin1(-SvnhRgmntf lithe ~ lii' Xiii -itt meIettu'd a'lt)' solt s hlfi'tiCoifte icedit,'hisbeIntinsstyrmes-alic turore tat oops, lstaetoed egoreot if A~int n ie illd lt pltaygers ithttl iso i ali-ttdt-t uu mv i'Itulmc tuuiVirgtiniaumg-httus- nonlandgiuii ath tasas tisla i phtyscalt a tii-i. ltlithe M~i-i a ltih tit ii -oItty lit r i mammyi h lii atiil, wasrtt-ftmtus to silatditttc- 'ihu gst I'tte. utisi-ttut t e Rch -i- iii t' sm-il~t-hit slcond-os-ti ti I seCitti st' (tit s i ttry ofii utiuuiitsIhinanuy o t-u' c ittge tofirtt atsuuatc'it he ei s . R i ce thpetortheigsiu hts iusssion uafter' the clos (tlotrtlte'Ci-ii htfs i itt gitt irgl'Is whoiweit-caught tina i hs o mu'siumuilhty' iwill gu ito tutu l ikn iii t s i)ihl"t'arlor t he itt t'ti' u itste- iHe t 'lt-it etsintyliset'ndsm ift ily mmi sitof i,wat, hi- r 'tuni' to en -tter the snintjured-itcondtiotut, i iif he tuM uout iidresedillthue itrmitsifistiitit-i- ti avtuu'bit-ct m-ettu'thg m'gut~'y fr hoe li assachistits Istit utroCTechnoogy tlils ''lt--i" shun :s ahrtoibe belitvsuitreiisosot.hieiin stug the "La'-usss' Rto atet -c uu m-ts, fm-lmit Cust htsix, adthorlute Iluuum-os- ittstuying civil ei-ut I is postivelyasootemliiI tht O'ient ofiiSt u, ii' es ely thumor in j iin'tosprig his nu'mr willbel iicltem-tg, tutu he finishd hsto curse till nstlt- mui Cataliii tiy's g tush ant, Ithis tpi--e Itutnut ttihl 't utow he h useo tr iled', itO ('5ptrience's has tutuveu-mmt Iwosem ysars lite', in 18(8. Mihigancuuistilktastlee--ivena. ssiub. dsitri--l t suits' 1'. ltluiw's lsul uti pst y''ars. fTe custom shiss teemstiIDuringthe itt-t fCuminyears he uas sit itttutuohtby theis- omut sion suis- itih iiuloluus. lhl this-anmnual ru-ttujust bhforeim plouutuuyeduhas assisat egiusne tn ths Harris, lsut years qularterb lauckuwho liarhue rsUtliiy was'ro'utglt utu by haltgistg, atutu sic lithahandiB atgtue& Piscatiuis hRaroad, out wiltlteItis star's ptuu tu-tihis'limi'e s the etec--ittut,uhichIwaas ia captii'si-it ,esveuryone beIing taloweito river' smitharborsuiimpurvemets, ii il), is tshadcapped byt le tn injursduli- .slt-lu iniNt-stnlandutmiururuluialtoec. s'cummuuu u'. liiisuccesusftulumenareMinatnduntNix- Iamlshie, ansI as bowus. Cham-iti Thorpet'asnitthis' esualmi y Klat-'Wigginlms.T'list'urauyal of tatardedu setaties huaring the' i-uh f ty engineer tiC Bango, Maine. mg Gopheritc uCfrtunates, silt biil lit[hut'gossiptyctututry-silt' matonutwayisigmua. . . I. Ttefiith-cs Ciii'lhe Ihuthi--authunit of 1872, at the age Ih h'limi-tilt.but still mtt hu-o t ib.a letolitrutoitlift'.eseunmutmthis' tit thug t iChi'curtenmt Y'sam' ties hal, tum'studtu' and oau t itu y, hut-was electcutoitsthe Chau- play totirtuhigest eu'hhieciuy. (ht anttufastenting of thut-eui. 1hut hut1tBello-~gcsalt an. Itposible htm- ieitf Civil Engier-inig in the Univerity lisi- ter handi,thut-Wolerie, uithusueug suletion''AuntOl-fashionedsuinnviues hutilii'luThaksgi mg ru-tuuwvill mit Mihigan,. his predecessors-oii th ace-i hutil besilt epuosible physicalcon lutralt Sceune,''a numu tutthumbeu lhu titusI gu to icasugo, thu-u's'tmucmpetesuwills chair are ti. Aextoderu'Wiohl, sitionm Ciforh-thude'iiveer uumst. An meiumuute tutu lhaliest-ee u-u'-(ii rube UIniveroity otic 'tsagoi ross Couuunwsoutusatemrttarly' in chags tutu'a otihutr tututus fr it Michigan vhstumy histhtii'i, timut-it twhicht, -"Blts' iii I mry('tut, ut hiss uentet lhe singe yecut; Profssoru WillianG. toundmintitthr bttoh thu-hu. Itis guner. lhmI ''-cis, Blutist,"-madeui'a greuat '"lit.' udiscrtnu- hm f itthe' Ahleti-Assocutiationms 'cii telhusresignusdu after twit yans alyci '-itu itlit7ltu usus Cit Is ii h ioulesonmg wluhihuuautame _srietohu gutotimC'oluimbuia andih Pri all cocedd hattheGoherCae-es-itt- Dt-itsouiWoodtt, whim filed 1I nouthhl baeRs to tutqul llestontanti (ielowuesintg lbefoureueen uuu'uVim-ioris SOUTHERN CLUB SMOK ER. chiittle Cute f eyars wsthb gret.actie Catvem, and tIlttumouuu is contsiueredulAnthettr sotntg twhihieveryone iltht,,u Thei-F. o itt 1.Sou tternub('imtwilt h ap~irefCrati il dn umncyw Cib onJbsiy'as tOO ac-mher antiauminitrcator, tg. hnieIns '.tuu-m intut'dI- iu'm'siy tut IFriaty ev'n-gritmaoiy 'felt nesesary 10 orittigani u-mitt 'ile. (Gilwrltst dut t-i hut'evenming tiitt ti clt-i;dIiat ob 'clck,'ltumNichotle lrofssrtr(eeunse canetotshe(ini rs cotul not t'escuredufoCute tr1hm im-thet'umusSusampme teu .'wshiths-lua ltl a6 . CSttet irelAlttuen vreiy withoutiexuierienceihuteaching as 5ai'mstlt thu ralrtuadus seumuhul tutu an mamitlt' itfthugmrutsitiru ortoltry CuomuttthueCSouicnustat aes aecdaintlttuua t kiupttuthe wrkhtleft liy a vet- grat thelii'$17.7(1 raume. I'th e hu'ts~li oas uietn'i viny' muctil. y- oir ht,; (us tue rusuul'the follouw- rait mitwie're'utato adlinosmit- salets'het'jouurnemy- sill tsereuforeu'bhum' 'liiStudenuuts' Li u-ute'cssociuuations o uiurmluesuwsilt adrsultohits-cu: aule perssveracse 'Cle results have cotmpeled pythii em ci ii-regularme]'are'iht e he'onugautlma'tduponuthe iieunty 1). t. hVt-tn, Kenu-mticy,"'htNew howtushIauthut-wassut lacing in the $d',.45,stlet'ethainmn-ut fru-uI by iMaame Suthub;"-- Thos.I.. l's-Ktli, Misouuritqutaites Ilau cimmandmiaten-tioa _____________________ Gi lowass'hthnight, asuitheii'generouuuus -'Mitnin i'Foreveruc;'' I. I. Smsit, Ku-mtloutuengneer-, it gladeuaing as ti I NTE RC LASS GAME POSTPON ED. alu-uuamcseefca- Cuecuimins t iitica I tuky, - thu SuthI, iWhen-iShall IHtrnleacheuur, sutturumuhmsuuut'o- at Ith t te -artestueffots t mttaitusn s o(iry Fail-;' X. . Cutueinet, Kn ttitouu s us. D. Fi-e You eruay aftermnsoon wao st oCie ii-tte''ssihgtuttm-naat'htmueatnt ttuis-aslii 'ait .matnumct hliDr.ihmg iChFriem188 zsys e''h gamebwenlu thve i'0'(hiMutdics andulthe' elatut iyhue thsotth tdettboy. lItrrisonmsJohnttsn,It., Miisissippti. lse ieamiunml.,. a '06 Esngieers, ut the match sas goat __________ 'bNst Susuth;" H.IH. tielsou, Ksn-listses foca loet .hic ...chiaic toledultill netxt Wedeutmsday. A liac- uts-io."'hi ts'Cars ath as." tstucors usually ceates For stint tee gaine was ptlayedh betweeo the GOOD GOVERNMENT CLUB PRIZE. _____are_______usalyoiveoaew Enginers a nd th All-resh ile ^All- iltonS. Kolitzof thectentsf AareRES GAwEtcomogthhutac giveth to c annew-c resultitug i veuytmetmeAl lrensi, siit a stti-iictrffrtto2th0.-In 190, has this weit en tawarded'utthe Cle Al-Freeli team ouay'nt hat andu esteem which thsey hik beogs th as e mnts fte aeGum it tGovernsmnt Clbiealftuu'10t2 a cmpetiturCuteSat uday unleslie of ight tt afavosrite preuecessor, RoneofthmolFesuney, 0 ofprz i gvn nuahuerngoiaiAll-Freshit heM Bt made ls uiky ecgiz imrethy un mot oeary 88 aus,'iethe hushtmriginal thesis tuunsomoinety t~-A. C. ae succussfuly temn dt o- mrum'man; one' hutwhim they iscver ar-imm em ia enordng.heictmal subijec, smithcnitsotfitthein-inday, Au efforetas mads- XWednetsay atincet'mantnhood, treinmgi, simplicity, Ityth auuhutso it"heitv'tahs witchime fruom tihe sum of $710 gventttwo o secursethuelimt tdumnmie" muouups honoru, auhthat wel-postedl judgment ' - yas0mlt hstucuueh h iintuFehe i ier il a-wihoecl ee etTe c hViss ymenimqtu tistie.itinthBIoardh mtf2Regeotsity illiam Jen.- uday, andutwhen they udeclinedh the in- gaonhut feul that confideoce ho his 'Varsity oqumautninugs Bryan. The subject fur the 11102 vitaio, thurmnaagement enideavorned teachings, antI that respect aod affec- 03 countest was "The Office of Mayor to fitl the inalewsthh the Agriculhturists.tin fonr his person,, which have been RETURNS FORM MICHIGAN-MIN- in the Unmited States," and chit juduges heartily accsorded to this minot estim- N ESOTA GAME. were Dsan Hutuchiius, Petit, F. Mt, Tay- ENGINEERING SOCIETY MEETING, able subtcen from that day to this. Anid Itwsanucdysedyasn.lime aod Dean tHuidson. The halls lthue given tinctre the En- cuto the department moved oo as steadl- hog meeting that telephooic coonec- Mn, Kobliteneed the Cnivensity gineering Sosciety tonight wilt be on thy as iC no new hand .ad taken the lions hash been arranged between the halt of 190(1 frsum Western Rfe- "'The Shiny of the Gas Engine." Mn, helm." throp Pteld amid University i-all at senve tUiversnity, where hue had spent E. J. Sutdard., ME., of Detrsoit, ho the Thirty-one years ago Professor considerable expense by the Athletic twit Years. IHe received the degree osealser.;Greeoe Cound abouut seveoty-fbve sto- Association., Admission tee of 25, of AlB. its June, andthshooiw enrollted: Alt are cordihaly invited to attendl deny hoi engineeringi in the Univer- centos will he changed, and as the re- ho (he Junioro Law class. While ho the this meeting, at which Proufessor- Al- sity; he loft it with an enrollment of turnsc will start coming to at 7:18 the Liter'ary iepartument he seas president' hen with atospeak. It will he heldt in eight hundred. The department is his mnagemnt requests all students insfthte Adelphi itearay Society, Mn, the Physics Lectmure room, at 8 p. m._......"_ ..__ hocm tohtseeathttm,-Koblitz's home is in Cleveland, Ohio, sharp, (Continued on Page Two)