THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "The Niagara Falls Route." ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON wrt 4o N.WCAE. A,'ttt Antn Arbor.t GEORGE BISCHOFF, PFLOk'L5T. CHOICEO CUT PLOWE5 & PILANTS New' Brunlswick Tables T:* You SeenI)Them 20 +r('tltec lBrad lote reyung Tnt's toags. ''t t~t +tilor ant diay mr o o X i price tndie'l *oftloileetestylealteecusiees ffabicand COLLEGE BRAND GARMENTS t1 Bil taia to-otyl der1 tilo' rm soldr tn a S* townberdiidalzeyun mW'utaet i SOUTH MAIN STREET. I':1 +* * 41 Si. I'. SING~ING MEETING. Contitnued ft'omnpage 01ne. AT M Not ('e1ellie awortt-kntockeor"' could (((tJvoice 01i111sp(eechi was notedi by - 00 Itisittl PlattLOtS1hav11 found faut. wth. te t"(1 all atsItucid, chear, ifght, (tat , and R\ Fine Cigars and Tobaccos tyetna tcronornttunnoffidrmicqlt.Hrsngg o t, t tot( itonitt net(c' tig. A large o 'littling Jacoib's Laddter' anti oi JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. ('tots iof'a 'to titotastic olstudettfilled'the lfltby T flowtv Al tie Breees,' was I havet'(1st receIivedte lar-est andoint Ito ''; sty tall, 'andlbeinning wilth itniqely cats cable. 'lie toy otth (e IiE''fa i'otntiv lt'yell, saltht le 01( ot i tta (ice'was great.'' Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes sttigsovir antdovt'r wtihthbe greatestl_ (wrlo;lttottie it . glib'. Prtofetssortr atteyp'ayed SCHOOL OF MUSIC CONCERT. Fine Lunches in Connection. AYesterdaya atternoo(trethe'Sgtioolwofil Et vrythitog 'at tittitCt ntl. It'' atudttltl, all ititnilti, tag t 1' ea- t it ae: to'('ttt)st (liertctitttl if iItop'rgnstwoto' (trot. coticeotalttyInb 3018S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. tttitgsu ii ttrt](ils i~tt sert's o\'W'dnt'sday afltertnootn tti-t C- ......- ;.atttoiptit t~i~;sei, t fced:sa'Ulartgelainewh itt' twat Ihe School, for Dancing singing, teing as etnttttolastlc as 'atty siteeilttar'' proprtiorltns as Ite G 'tuitu tt A tusttte r oftlti t sit' ntg} Vfzp ogrmttin urid. attt'ttt tt Ground Ifor on frasnard Street tltt )e the itclutgani yelslettby oaei t lt tr'it io nit it tlti I ii'1 tt iat' 8 'ot 4 'i'lln tii'r l ttiu', tittl ti'n st vettt liIbeirally tlittst rtetl by (inunol Stoes.i, 'Phane 2-4E6 t great vti'tic Afte'r'nitneu' p r rtli otti foi' lki.songs o'I l. All ofthO it - ® .+++.+-.. .. fe't'or'Staniley wet'te loti llygivetta (itt terir t''(resitati'ofth te Iitot' tot ryS utccetssfutt let tog. . ith it en '21 tlie t..1 5Iltfahton. ''(te attilettie. YOU CAN GET A (0'done of c lI -ospirit hows thtituugy'sn Hooo lter ilbeftdlakn t e ett acswatsitshoItby t ' 0rtoete AtTwttle's, 338 S. State TI iusvi l,'0ti ttt rntte. Fittoi 'ttg o5is________a__ X1 -1 i itt' -bW n w . i toed hi'yI'rtft'sotr St-attI Lost'-Ladty's llrI ' ttn )sgn ' ti. + ++--++ -w +- --- a----+.+ -a- +a- l y. I ttUthe l ' Atleiotr.Do ley:"'' at dllars, teltvec t'tt I tterl t ' ,ITAAEYSaeIret t tit, ___________ Psrss"SotPtsto A lt'1 . Y'st, til 'I rtots(t 't it , Lot al "dI . of 'bitt" c n t o un ad tit PI,z C _ R . PAiSIAN ite ha l utndt'ecallivtttrecsrd'. st RETURNS FORM MICHIGAN-MIN- Iul iip t'ktel, 6017 S. iStat'eSt. ..AID Y A EC .. It w ton aUuneI y GeraUE attsir For Rent-Two large suites; all 'Workal ed for t andttI t itt 'tttttt't ecltlyt botits Ith i enarrangedue' utweent'o'tiu Madison St. tf conidrate xpeseyt' he lt' Altic LEARN JOURNALISM FOR $5. Cracker JackCreani Chewing Gandfy, Air trttiot. Admisstoneo f 25 Nult10111inistrtctiott, by ttail itispare Penus uterd opG~ iet ill itt'chtrged, tttdtoastiere titte, Press'o'o rrt'spttndtenctcouse, Pi ts Butrd Pp C r trnso til IM1 art;('tolt tiltitn'at : t:>0 hI i $2.50. Pa1rtic'ttlar's Ifor stmp. West- .... . F ESH 1,.t' s;I Y 10It'H i t tto unt t'tI reuesuts ac tll stutilttts trnNew Yttok Plulisintg ('o., btch' Ac c.' B. ILBEk'I' t I i e tt tote I 'r'.' attuattlitte, titer, N. Y d01 S.St Street'lypewritilug netttly donit'Wtalter I. University students desiring to so- $5.00 IN GOLD Willis, 1247 Wilttt 8citrei positions to teach will Eind it to -____ their interest to write to James F+. Ito b ut