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October 29, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-29

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The Michigan Daily



No. 27

Michigan Players Leave For Minne-
sota This Morning-Gopher Ad-
herents Hedge-Confidence in
Wolverines Increases-Final
Practice Was Highly En-
Fiom lhe pres(disaches, whirh
ari- leicg sent11ut froevinnifealsl
itis ivapparet thai(Goler strh has
iakenia diseilve slmiptiwithin le
pi fe w ays. al thai le seantien
iitregard is Saluday's elampioshi
svi ggle i shiling i favr oi the
80)15 rilies. While liiir xel-isive i
ury limay be pt don as a "hear
sry i is eviiientl Ihaismiti- hs s
disatches say thalithe Gopher5sill
Is witihouilithIsevicsirif thlei sar
Sci-achti Tholrpe,. Itodil and Cur-
rant1c blotedplay u tsp 111form ii Itle
gi ame e li-e oiviciidentsvilii . OMa
whilue, thlie-Wlveriie aihi-irinis are
liiirly gaining 1-vfileae i liv-ail-
iy ofiiotsproleI gevl(o dill-ai tie
liiste 01inneoa laggregationii.
The \arviy s-rcial elr, viihi iil
leav tie lic ihian fi-iiiisl dipot.lis
umorig li, : 1llvwill evry (li -l
liow vting lyrswim ls-hYostvaisa
li li-ti-dileldith iiaizei-and hIdu-
'I'l lst ompiss Griegr, Shiliili
Goinlg,AMaidic, Ctorisi, Reuddn,
ILoigman, Niririiss. Giraie- lin
I. n l, rslim, ,ame, 11 W~eiha Iige
Thmpon Gioei arr-s usaIdIBaritt.lB--
sides111e1pl-es,lisaci Yiit. Triiir
liNplsiiil. lraatse Mhlaisgirdsii
andiStudenti ana liig-r IlsbertI; will
also trla-Ilinilieispecliv.
The Mliligani party wiiill arrisein
Chiiicgoiitvi:00:11this 1even-ing11andolthale
over II, NorIhwleterni ahall Iiiir
latersrb ivinein :1ialvlis avi 7:5.
Friday moirinig. Tei vsn iill le
saieo iviosdii ili'to inne111t1onkaiiili-i
Yacii- lub(IliIHouse ivo I the vsh1res-vofi
Lake -Mline vulaivwiere- Ihiy canii
thriiusgh sigal ivor:l(tadl riii-
1Coac11Yis's fial isrinsei beyond-i
1110 gazev-finqiitvil vi oloiies. Sal-
lielily morningc lhe eama ivill iri-tiir-
Hoitel, wichh wi1lisl hadpa-lirs for
11111 wililiilii-egiiitvi:011Siturdaly
'tight.,anl themnowill iri-i-liA;
Arbor - iv 1.8 Sinday aftuernouon.
Last iigii's0sc-immaiig vvort1was
high ilass ail givs vi iiilu11110s0sfor
theincriesin11g ci ileuu of Nli-iga
viippioiii-r1:in ith11ealiliy of hum rfill-
irs evtuirnivitoriios from i Xiii
nieapoulis. Afir fatvig0na-viworlyle
ly miisi e 111-arisiy si-idfe
sv signasoagai 1111-eMinelsta file
1011111111. In the sc--i11m1mage alihi-hifoll
111we11 liii'Varity dellliiie shedi-toli
the Goillpher plays Ystl gill- lie
-scrubs crninill 1111polssesonliaof he
hll1 oi 1he1'VatsiysIte-yadl ie.
line,AWende1l-11soeds. Al this poinit
1Barnettil replat-edISiule aguaran sd
liii- reglars1finished-lIthe- eriviligv
swilli lii-followinlg idefesvie liie-u11
1. E. Redden; L T., Conti;, . IG~
R.ucT.,;tMadd(lck;ley.I1, 11,tmllli Q.,
Gaver; I. H., OWees; R.i, tt,oL
imn. The 'Variy floarinIhe f
li- imeroklle ithrogh thi- scrblinhe,
ant Iifle tie-'first ftv-sonoesiofllplay
11h01110, egticfiorlatiohcold otil
111alcv-e. Nrco100ss le reglalrs
througlhi-eearliesignal wocrt, htl
ater liv scimimiage Jamceostnd 11ev-
lye 1acteil s pit. The quarerbac-k
queistin is thie pricipia llpic lit coi-
lrescnt inicainsthe rileli will nt

hbt cerralclyosacitediuttil thie Wlver
ines line up foe the decisive hattle en
Northrop Field.

No Inducement Would Cause Their
Removal From Ann Arbor-Har-
vard Now Following Our Ex-
ample-Its Advantages
Mituihi 11s- hien sal in certain pa-
inps duriunlgthe ash few days abouit
uuuuviug teumeilatciics he Denuit
htisivnlit a new quesinby aly
nmas, vad hacme tp againmnit
aahivwith inevitalc defeat, Autu
once, at leat unier fan mre fave-
ahle cicmnsance foue succes tan
vi presno-t Befoenethucnew Heme-
tathicIHuositalawasuil a strng ef-
fiurt was made to havitiicnshruce
t ~a(.u~t ~tvuidctrsnfomnuall ven ths
rlte taling a1haludithllSe conv-
5-5 Theipeet agitatioun is prahly
- , ~ - - icalsedlblittvpiassin (f thus lawo r
F te t, W ,' f(iiniug a nmuecthiurouughi examiual tutu
veil a ful-eyas residence heouoti
audoctor'stdgne. Thus inepecialy
harn 51till-small cuvlleges switha
three -years cuse and a uuticeable
l'falling voff in the frshmen classes las
takenitlacecalt over the cuty fle
ID- etri Cllege f Meicneaeay
hellviy i udebt, ealze that they wilt
hav- a ladlstnuggle fer xiseuco
whetthluy cauu no11longer uffe the
sorer cursevi inuicement auud it is
snal weder that thuy wilt mae
stncuu-ivus fforts he affiliate efoen
they ael-obligdl he sccmhalt-
gether It wuldlbhcan isy way oeti
f a vr-y pressing diirlty Bt the
MRS. M.,S. GIELOWlUnivesity atuhorsitis have always
rmined fuir mevon thc qestion.
NOILD[[CIJR[R10N1611 OAN G [[N'SSIJC[S "It1 hils always eecntay lto the
NOTD LCTUER ON11'I DAN REE'S UCCSSO lauitivuts of the Uivesity tiv utie
haly art f it fromn Ann Antlr sait
Chanming Reade From the South tol Executive Committee Has Appointed In- sietuilAtgel ysteday, "auud
Furnishvthie Pragrai- San oh Lte Dean ha Fll Vac heur. is cnsieral dut s heits
ancy enttuonalllitiy" The nasnu for
lits. -l iii S IR. - ii iuuill(ii- tusui _______his infhus caec i v--y lan a thIal-
tng llii iiIi i 11111 111- 01111-l15iliiiii-Suten oanAsit-i t .metngo teexcliullCo(1110 liifailItoiki-pit heucclinics hee
ilsiiiul ii: NuiiuiuuuI . s~l -lillhi iii i h if iii- Iuuii-uiy Alt ll itvt5 i cities arc always ago
111111 llii(, Nathh io a ss - 1 , - - -of lw 'nier i, 110Al -bertuittii+istiutions unier her
tlout-n, 11Iii h ld t is ,11rreii:ee1 ri efth!l11d11wa t) cchaa itmaalue ag inslulill, 11111 uedirtl re-
Iiovr wilisra furl te irst l-iti11e pontdtoae r e of ifl futsirligs sitfswhichiLDtoit is nosexcep-
lily i 1111 i:in t lviyi uuuf,, ile f issisiuuuuiProeissoru-of ivit alloig tir clcstses tu visit ctat
iL-ht i ii: tis: tihiiiti ii se I- ii uuhilu-l-riu I-ites suntwacil the wrk doine iy
years toiappartbefl e an S.h1iAufroufisa ( u--Tee gruadtiuaildhureti liitheiihosital fphysician anusugion
I I11:1 ii -s-lihu Ii-r ::: hh iiifih htslugu-ur uul is ao hVeires, ii asc a schuousl has a ls-
liii titu-Is l-itli: illsIs ::--::-, ~t - 0011 lii- itl iof its oes e hc n cull t roulell is
are nege it: ihy-respond 15ing t iiauVeryiu ter1s1111 if: fsi 11 Wittu-- uthe, cept- ii e t hil e lii rofessorl n dvi each siu--
tron ttuu iluilsal iii yingihet 11111iinli-i of flu:sorinterthu-s whenfuhthdir t- t 1111 lily visits clinics and
u-ilI u: Itutulvii iut ii ii stu:lii sisiiihullgigit ii ~ltaytches wae-suoopereatins,hiut he has an el-
titliiti s r111g.fo I'nrdy'hehsibeit llragedl -in'live -workl-iilt ittuity at fun actuattbedsie extuon-
A~irsn t g, i ils h 11 Iiilll iiI sil t 'arut ih ii l istH ws connAi ctedoufi nill.,Iitil e-, ivesiy huvsitals achi
Mrli s ielow wassthrown.11 hr-ullle iwithra111111 t inte1111ts, illyMihutso1111a0silldnits assignei sevea cascsoven
bgngvn I uuthi itmus- torsi prmtiu~ulnu-t it ie i 1liii igultitBridge vshullhi-e has eenrol antvinh
it-guivateul houe.HriilulCntucinCo laktilGn'th isi way ges in teuch f the reopn
ii tl vii-I iilss. ii ushu-iu-:iuu Ii. i O~~ht-uslil- (ll-sihuliy of whih he vwil havesoilmich
gre rpilya lilonthe s lii ii lii lll ad~sittiuetlatly hugt-sgIin tti actual liac-
Io som li itt 1 issiii 11:1 st lit:iiing ofhe o n uuuuee 11 is plth iut tov liihul h at itul wIa ht--
huo itwlr 11ito:thai ti-u--ualldi Oldii - iiilg ea,-tile Profesliitsorieg e hIt i avi ielestig fact that ha-
11111 in Dls. I. I i i o ]II" lila--osn i1 liiliei irtuu It, ths e-utia vat-t, loulgh shut-h1110tec use of alt
and11 11as 1111lvii sthrl "l a- I i ,i uuit tg, uand:h s thu-il c i- vvviutu l iiie hstapitals of Boustnu, lis tplannig
ray's tei we111l ni-llus --an noit ir -h-t[inlt y i i- I lut a isi- scve toi bultut v ii iu llvt iotita, mod-
(iiiul- Iwries ail the!: ii111111i-i-ionh d er m d . 1 -li-itafte 11111r tilri, whene hi-n st-
skltihs a111nd ihuilule ha i er huentstmy- leane not nc hutvtall sides
slscu s i:the -ut-i - 11er1cradle SC HECU LE CHANGED. itfua ducrle,,,xeiritnc,.
sog I'Hoi l o B 1:11- i i /1 1111111 heii tuluutiug hutias inithe clss The 1evscel escoditlionstuing 00 ad-
tsclig lliel ii liii ar:ueato iw otiedl ii: vantageuse toithse who ihave given
Mchbetill Vv liie1111'i,) Meiiils utOf (IAh heliii- nuan Wn te attr dep thught thcre is nto
Alt-sIttiiuiltu~u Ill-li eni Enii , 5whichu rastultd iaiHel0-0, xwiii;fear that any chngc wle made he
Tils -is heriflsh tilit i : the :1 i l ' lii tii iftt ludays-Olt-I -1, at ill aviut iniiua iteeshs.
O~i-i A l~l 1111 ut 1111 l 'i6ihiilli i -tii h-ursulitd0, lilsil! FRESH LIT POLITICS.
of laittlu aldis ue flkor lrflI y~ If,hMondaylut -Nv, v., Mayh Shulite, thucfootball man has wih-
sii-he 11-iewlethu-tbe lw :1:hi 'o ltiuis adill EnS -5g. udrawnmhis candidacy flun tie preoidee-
iiiliy lthtuitiutlvhs syt- is1:1iiiiistuhilt Iiii\0-tiutsiatcyofthe 'S7 Lit class ecatte of his
u-hat ieni, helys, l ocetep ut-iohiionof ii e- Nov, I Iok. Jacy, at inepedent, ha
Illgron, is yl" erfetc, uitnctin iitl been DJUNE. 1nomletuinated in Schultes place fy
irtot is tiefet: (tjt." 0011:-oe" ii I r iTie-meinlugiof tihe Seiort it class Iavig tseny membero f the cas
a1111 Richmondiitt.i Person11 tiotsiit, f1' her1:1111 aifor yste rdahyaftfiernootttn,lwus inorts his caudidacy Phe chaiman
owvn stuteihve- aedtiihlhutir n th f pistponed b ty oidro theu lvpresiden-t;u uf thic class has apointedt h fellow-
traise- to hti-nauel, sitli llllw hn lair, lto a ateIri hllthy-si. sek.Tihtie lug committe o ats-charge f thus
touc(-li iii ils, hatuig-wa1s0madellinecessary linial- ciiu
Hevnry Allh0lhtii ir lseii:uu ofli-the u hull-u twithiithei-singig Ritchi, chaiman; F. NSmith P.
cniti, has liie- folowtin g ito say it lit-ni111lhg. ALtt 1:1ruuliihevariousC. 1ev-vtR. rane11, HlR. Botwa-
rticthtftt- hisit ul- uilltli 115w1111libe 11appoin ti snitercnMiss Dnesser, Mies Cpey and
its iowv-ut kuind t iiiru-intlabi eneI: In- ttuntuinesstl of impoltlrtanliile Irnus-Atstiwt, hecchvwthae
uoucifui tles s. Tiel l antaiuat.hua i1:15 Adtriu. Iltay sinnet
Hiy -al Audihntu.Ioiiernety
Otvuuuuuv atlonetisva histitrionuic houst MAY PLAY FLINT 'DUMMIES1 dcsiedl that all the mmes f the
and11 undr tstit-hutuu trila utmItrauat~iuteag-e utlrd is endehav- ilass will at tend the eecin, and es-
lvediid laivughe, ovjoe, tit i.Ji~i iu g to sa-urev-heiii- illfiomitill: tci-laiy thu yug ladies
scolded-u, vet huh duhptathtle s if s +Viii- I i-lguluDIati antt u bti In stiu telil , at_______________
iou-n- btfor-eiitileauiencInu-i h e111011 h-th, fon Sautdnays lcontest Willitie!, SOUTH ERN CLUB SMOKER.
vitabslu-eO-oihledfltth.sit Al11Fresh teaimn. ii The"ummies"-arvul h- 11. of M. Seuthen Cub hwith

II.50115 11thdii: ight fult, -lit-hut s, u- alwa tys r11ieprs-ilntdhbystilllit-toillitende(ru-a smoken to the new Southern
pltt ituuhtulv It. t-i no lgi-, ilifi51t- t utandishottuutgl- ii-a -the shuuuuuu a stuff' mn sin flue University lin Monday
inCiilh * w1-th i wih, hiSiufine lasichrgift. ururiiuh-If liii-Flithpilayns icanntileevoiug, Nov. 1, at Soecleck, Nick-
Inh allt hielnumbeirs Ars. (tiuhs on- beht-secureIru- hneauct:Saturnday, in alt etas H-ail, 326 S.State treet.
_ u.___ ..trovblityihyeii twolteams with ho Alt men fnom thus Seuthern states
(Centinued en Page Three,) mlaithedtfor Nevembher 7. are cerdially invited he ho present,

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