THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "' "' ""' +y i"s"+'F4r"*f r+°+7 t +°*i" s44+i +t+a a* *+" 4' 'yf y+" 4 y + iOUR TAILORING SDEPARTMENT,.,,. is gaining in popularity, Come anid see ns he-., fore p~lacing yonr order. 4 PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. "* Best kind of wor kmanship guaranteed. Manager.109-111 Washing~ton .St., EMast. G. 3 BUS, Cutin , R~yer ~,).Co4 f i i +s* i i iH *,-1 4..41f 1+*" f f r + f"+10 4- +*"141r + w+4+i~+++++ '+r4* +"*i ++ " ° i++ *+4"+ "4 + 4 *+,+"i+" f*.i~ C1QARL TS (3rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. _ s "MOGUL SMOKE MinES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS Cork T ipsPa.I ZACHIVANN & PETRIE .:ci DEAER IN:lDollar Alarm Clocks FRESH AND SALT MEATS. 0. H. Lutz, Jeweler, 6i07 N. Williamic S. "-rir+tr+sr+.t1 SMan t,44 Pit0e n rfls~ R E N T S CHLE Rhaorah For anything in the line of Pictresa~d rams Make ofPhotgrahs ramig, allon Rentschler, 0 Phone 389-2r. Corner Main and Huron Streets. 44 DE PkW5S ART 5TORE, 217 S. Foes-tic Avenue. DALNG&MLLEX, tnversiIt Notices. NOTICE TO CLASS MANAGERS. - vi 22 nacraelwt h rvso nPillows, Penannts, Fancy Goods bhe constitutin of bhe Alliletic As and Ntions. All fist year Lits and Engineers sncaliu, all class foisall tcami in-C inset be examined phsysically before sigia nmusi.he submiitted tonthe 'Var-S.STAT/ST 22 S SAT S.November1.Alohr not till later. cilty iootbll ail nager, siid his a pprov- --hours for exaiminalion, 2 ho 4 p. m. al oblainecd before caps5 and sweateir s D, Y, K]( A. X Qt'J, R ILWA and to ip. n.eiereid. DY., A .&J AIWYu oKEE1NE FITZPATRtICK. T. II. RItET)I tS, / LLARS 35TAlI{AD -rime' Football ianager iPor lietro itsiuyrn t Owe 5 a I.u nil INOTICE. 1020 S. Unsiversiiy Ae L n $ T 6:5p. IEnu. ien I iceuticil 11:13ii I i - nAe L i e end C J Az ]ani lya '1 sni t. i Ili a n d 12:1Cai . n.IFor I will ibe cait Csing's nDrig Store _ _ _ ~F Jc s iciouly Ifronit 6:15. n. uit7l5LI. i. _R T E p Lr . 'Te l ; 9:1,i5 p oIi n 1:.Il . fronsicatio 61..icn. fte lietsiilleiieiit 'Tbe e will be a meetling.. ioif iitheE 1 F' BE T . Waiting Room, auron Si., W. of Main. ofic ceounts ithiiS. L. A. railsessers. iescnorLit ciass Wedics siay atron R1.T E . IAD 1)1+, i:ro ,Uiest al.Al ini c- U. OF 1."E O1 .~A~~ilt, 10Iiesl ci l ic Barker's Collars aff Stamped "Linen" Ircasiirer. Ies crc- ireditic ie luresentc. 3 ln Lties]SAIN, IPresident. Oilier bras advoertisirdanailSold as Liarssre GL yNOTICE. ________ NOT stampecd "Lines." Why? SERVED FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. 'Aiiiss meceing cif all woimenc ex- .At LOVELL'S Corner Store. lceIil i clecc giiiciil eillcccas en lCncigc he h ;I infit sbia ie utylict liciiii, 'lluurs- - - 01 iiuliibe 2), at 1.45 l). . irs okns.tCagrs cdm oOUR FALL SHIRTS ARE DIS- cccisit ore lls 1 e eii-l led to ih iies-(laie rsee L aIcw SiiiialCl ubc e iglil 7cl Ai eci'il ,lipar1011 tie s i-cher tliib, lthrece, ainilItio 1 flf s i K ; 1 i ci nc i-~ raternities one each. The Academy ' aesoNLL tr fl(, c~i itu ofs fall LssEWRAT NgenlheinaTits ociectiosiwill bsmade-a chrll ii lih will fILLnilih i-ILicIfiiimost, shiilrts iti has es lii li eenu-u ii li I s i L is han le. Dnropusca Er o pea. in I St. i that liimiiy i Stii-S iiii-c-le.- ri-S ciii a.L ozLen Lii1iitLi-i -i ostLi notLed teaLlsc nsuaic Opn a .'. Dm foyour Nig a \VI:. _cner-o--tLsly , eted iii disiusiiig Gnh~i .siam i hinrpaiinger wh e heatri'ittsttend- 100, 't as 1.50, $2.00 t)In su LLLL ' iicilis L tls Lsso ~i u oth ',ielectiinio-fecialch ed school here. We want to knellll itylillstill ()-t E iiii icotiddo yours. Ha ier's JeweryeI i Ii 1 1 I it e o'sl~t~I FIRS.-M.-.anINGERILiISoiloir Aicit eli coat-lsIhireeiityy()(r irefi DapL gr X i ~ t 1.-5 A11.AII e xpedyort otican.falthe hatods LEARNJOUR ALIS FOR$5. etaaproveiappiancemandmeihds 1.11tiiiii'StitI-lI Netsc or tcr MlArLs hoLiei o-r ______- s a konddhsrpiigwe heatn- $10 9 15 9$2 0 -iiehaic htk te.bitduceirscshcy eici noltherof esiont ar e ep 'tr1 idri u hrt renfyed}TSt. 20 -21Nt4t hie fbs. reasiiee]itii 02 ion ir el-iN we ye glasseous. llen eer )tesesn duspet I I I ints.(Itoso ! RS M.A5FNG RL, o pit,'Miih te iet . Name oA\V Stcaefae eard ale e eiic receiYok reward.lYogutiey.sItxam-inry Stere Net lor o dwrdBoter,_vr_------_-- __---- kow oLLAUprfess Tnaieelo yed ~ n.. 2 -I3.rMainJ St iiime. tiriss seceticoui-,N w eeglse itdlne u-i oeaetsf ;.- fwsh ,. . . -. .5. Sari u ts orstiu east-ctefram srsure. H ies all - Ser AliNe 'sYorPulislss-Cg Corc- oer n ipr ovmnt. Cal tOt « . -+;. 1.1an HuronMadisn SL'tf. Ts.,shi \ ii(inl. hapomai ForRen-To lrgasuteseal,.-i University students desiring to se-t.Z ay'NOTICE. cure positions to teach will find it to .?,_ :11Ecemuil catf JiorHi ile, roi C', their iinterest to write to James FI 2,3. shyiiesily 1I- , hil ur~iisdhay aftenon, McCullough, 679 Fine Arts Bldg. Chi-4 If one of ouii tostalli 2 1: ,5"Allmem orsirorenost~l o Icag. t. I l~il~P t c rca-c n,+us r ]President Suspenders are a big 50c worth. Guar- anteed "All Breaks Made Good." All shopkeepers in Ann Arbor or by ailpostpni fro C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Ban 200, Shirley, Mass. AXLrnIIAN CENTIRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." THlE SHORT LIiE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct csnnectiensat Ci 5i °;tg foSf,0. Leals, Kass C ily. Si. PciuI uid t Ie svCSt. Fsr information ansi throughiceii-selloissu writa to W. W. CASE. Agenti Aati Aebsoe. h-EN V. Iresidenit;. Front Suite to Rent-Onse bloctksees - -- of sCmpus; ssiglebitss.largi- clothie Paniseism----;36 S Stale. Clothies presses, grates, a statiosnary wvash- calledt toe amtdstilveu-il. Plune 187- stand, bath, gas and telephone. 571 .ir. E. Jefferson St. Patent Leath er Shoes TUE RELIABLE SHOE DEALER. 124 SOUTH HAIR W[ CAN SAV[E'YOU ONEY' ON STREET sis1101er sheds is heist- '* ir ls swe give you a iheSS ' 1)rulsh withioust . chXolarge. Is thast fairl- f ensoughs? But they -+e do. ' shd+Y I. ALKINS, .324 SOUTH STATE. : THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ABD STEAMSHIP LIBES. Trainssle-ve nuuArbtribyCsentural uSdarmd I issue Ff tivctoberii.i%,i 1ii0 i. sSixl I NORTHii Ns. (i-t7:t0 A. At. Eu. 1-- less0A. M. No. 3 -11is3A. At. No. 5- V):30 1'. At. Ns. 4- 8:3 , t .a. Sic. 3- 4:53 in. a. Trasis No. 5 andi6srunbewen rs Arbors and Tsledo eniy. Seamils.2,3,45,and15,cailly except Sundasy Freeschsiruars on Noss. lusid 4. 5. T. SWILLS, Agent. J. J. KIiRiT, 0. 1. A. -LAW BOOKS- OUR STOCK IS THE[ LARGEST IN THE[ COUNTRY CALLAGHAN & COMPANY (.haw sPublishers arid Importers) CHICAGO ANN ARBOR BRANCH 000000 State Street, OW [ aw Bldg. l 1 w Always Ahead in Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.