FTHE MICHIGAN DAILY._ L ~ You athilic. young fe'go's W1ho are looking odd hooh Al All Vast eho theo a well as of goodt mscie Y~oure jstfosllw Al Dorothy ii Styes. 'lothes widl by farther iblutue Ft1~OR ADIES.$.0 oxl Clothe ;'lollL)' The only shoe that is eiuy shaped to the bns uee * I 4* ls 110r'ollswil and ligamrents of the foot as theyj are revealed by X-Ray I * t nco Photographs. New~~~115 Lieo [+ UTIOR ONCE wont you try a pair1 that are not made by R.iN COATSThe Clothier, 3 guesswork mneasulrement and you will endorse the unani- 4. RAIN OATS .Zt 1 01ousrerdict thsat they are 'an ar1' atngement in comfort." . Just in MAK CO' ° a...t.+ ...+.aa.s i.t.'tio-!tW~its!t~t!i~s'ltlwt.+lt~t~t'-Jt+t t.4~tt.tJt!t~t!t~ 4~t'!t~~i' 1Ai~~~i.i i&e'il-iCOA-*ii~A & Jti!tst+:'r+ w*ri+ +*t *ts*ti*t *ts*r * i*r *ti*r r+ w ti*t *ts*s+*H*ts*i ii++ w+w r ri*r its i- *r *t *H' i t *ti*t *t * i *ts* + iH*F ~4t N® ®N NN ON d #l l N iN NNN +;rJe *r+ *t r r',ri r *tJ 4+4 r+4 W*r <+*ri*++ < *r+* +*t *4 *r+*r ,rr+*r *ts*r *t+$ws*t r *+ s*r *tr* r+4r ri*r *t.*tr*r+ + ri fi+w* *r rr, r+ t RAND-ALL, THE +r i r t m Is r +r V HOTUGI +ta *t *t +Fa ta tt - E . I $a Ara d . r a a.. _ . _ . ..a_ .r_ .r. ..a..+_ . . ,r. ..i..+. i i t W . W RAPHER Washington tt '4t f86 +4. 4. S ..* I ®"' dr Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas BVR.CHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE A We are p~repared this season "o meet every demand, as A® we base lullreased tile num~ber of1 workmnen. As 11su101 * we halve he Fiizest Lin~e ofWoolenis ill tile " ity. Art and Skill wilJpredo~minate in our work as in th til'a0st. We respletfullly invyite ylor enquliry." 0 S, W. BURCHEIELDI r 4 r t o s aH"o esa a asae .®o oea®oso.o a®as a o a+ a a ._ _t_ r . A . i..Y..i_ .. '. Jts4 4+t+++ri+r f +r -+ti + kJrs F ts4 +ri+t+rriwr + + t+ ii*r+ t> 't + s t r i+r *H t ti ti t ' tiw +r 4a si Jir -Others Claimf Theml, We Have Theml Slll Y,--0drl so loss. le.1r1"' Ilol, 5eblsp'OJI e l ng, « BfcIrm'(1111 ''so , srod w0511 51)' .0 -J ( 000). 1 ue1' I S od d sod . 11)11 y 0.'00 1.') ut er. The nly strictly First Class Short 4. Order Dining Room in te City. .. Q' O rlltreod is 15)1110. ntc 4~ Willits, The Caterer. I yslm'BIasiPhoe 11. e ru .1.Sl ~dlbC .. 315 S. STATE ST. 3 New Brlllswick Tables AlT REID'S BILLIARD IPARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos JAS. W. REID, Prop. 32 State St., S. Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes! Fine Lunches in Connecion. is))"'elling Neat:-')leanl'.)) 38 S. State St R. E. JOLLY. * ..-........-........... 4The Schooll for Dancing $ GRANGEIRS Ground lor on notapard Street (lee Rloekmest of oStat' Sree store'. 'Pblae 2-4 S YOU CAN GET A P tHot Lunch 0 At Ttttle's, 338 S. State UNIVERSITY ACADEY, Sate Street PaROFSSOR SneeT. PIN CP a PALACE & .PARISIAN .,LAIJNDRY AGENCY.. Otslil '5 se Vllialam 5.1 Cows 15 Wrtksrail ))' am))del)'i'e're'dlpomptly PHOTOGRAPHS Call on ~7(SEYM~OUR'S STUDIO 316 . an Street. SFALDIG'S OFFICI FOOT BALL .8, Foot Ball Pant 1.1cC 0))11 his Lo rne s )111)li 'll ollb i ficurld lar and))tigs4 with camorstrip. . f . 6. SPALIN6 BROS.+. S Nw York, Chicgo Dner. 1 Olphdlngs Of))iial "ot Bits))uide lt 4 fo 10,elil by 5Cllr Cam. oe Pric10rents. .1. 16 IIAN.SI!I RIIIR, 4 haleof(Iislats fo1' 1110chanlehnlshil strug~glC is assumfinigllun)xp~ectedlly largelpropo))rt~ionls 01111thlat 1110 bigge'ht at1te'ndanceleeCI'galt11(ed) a11011athlle- A. block of chicle seats5w5505ce''ihved frm llst1111) dlllis tos' $2.l1(0011ac yes Ieda '1 morn1111Iing. Ally 1i1te'ndin1g1)u11 atl once')'asItmoe'unld l~Iby 'l'hal'sday FIRST WEDNESDAY MUSICALE. It, is the' lan o1 the thort ies 111111111 alt the Scool I )l,111101)'o1have11111 4:10 Ii s I) tar tis yeaSr. tar) i. Kusa have not111b'e0)11s')rted. TIhis 111weeklll "TheerPowefrsOthiedthe Thrne."a mlii'Cals ill beardI'. Sisand 'thwll''e0 al'l Irish pmoga , by1 ))' 1)ll )l4:r . i-It leen,1) whloe ulcsisll thisl)partitlart 111'ne'i)w))l0 known)1to he ss'0ibal u It(" of the city, M ). yKllien',swilt e1 acolp pied ybeal'ssCMineamui lootvie- Singimpogratipr'miseldto eery Wery nerda iclmrs imig lier11t0e lyer.01 h "The CPiowelrehinrd the whavnea "lilc~liotiCny sl rinKthrn Wila nEnwatCasWhin's.sces Main Sodut.iS.nPon Te P51. ein Caterer, O 2H 24 ~ 031 TATE ST.I Cl~ .ontimmued fommpageon1)e. Pant oriuni. isv elot ~mO ao 105110So~to ot CLEANING-RESSIN-SHIlES 0)) fivll'1 aeturaim igCpeoeameremolt 336 . STATE ST. 101 anthorasdohby an mohle presentm lay, andi it was10nmiesary I toilain Trousers Pressed, - 10'C to th heni be ialling tof whatltllyihatd 115)t 0 sen,1an,[ldliv'ir a litle hoiblybn Suit Pressed, - - - 2c on riihesesla tollll d r livehe 1'le Shine, -- - -------I c wtasn't Le litestgll'oclangr ois eI Ig ni s 1115)151rlol mtno, Ifm'it was 1T(,f1lt's C(10)01 O2 writtitell1s01, vigorous Saxom, aml(f much011resioi~ils ille PilimI's Ic'r)) $1.50 Worth of work $1. gross I tlt. 'I'll)ver101'imiwiell i _______________ that, i no I ma~lr to the lii''ltr y quialit is "«+5 . '0+Ir' l ..5....6.t.5.4o" of heply.It i, ndeda itray £LECTIC FAN5 S llislm')(' 1('to s)to)the modes,)of'hoIlui))ght De £c'tiiC Ckafin's Diske5 wich111 i tls stage'd)give, o'od Idei)a ; Llcti-c Tabl ap lig t ar ctr l rdils. those "'fn .f))t, .yend e. i . . . p i-)y.... Such111r It)he iiva riouslfetl1is5 11)111i .WXIA5HTLNAIWml'LICJHT &S evoked~l. 'lT'er" is0not1one touch fl r 3 POWERCOM0PANY. "I I tenollr inl i, ald l)) ill)onlmg )dra o t-ll I VCo. . h-, )10.0 'd )t ace . Phm 7.1 1' v glOll)1)1iiil''11111shin. B3AILtY & EDM~UNDS, Iiie) tom'b111"ra15ingi'lln 01)11 om fear's5 FISH 1 "QET7 thecelI)sils; stil and)1 'ails f1)r 0111111" [2 East Liberty Street. IHumlt', i 111)11ws 11)10t 111)a mmoand ifhen' sighst as0 o)Irelioc 11that mio s, all ovC. ..8"68+8+8..8.n6.8I.~.8+II.6. Aoclinilsuch11 510.s1, 1 did 11)11ut, forATENSPRES e Ihofnceres'I) ake111'iro &6e ATfitSmeRESS MISSfONARY CONFERENCE. 2n lo.Ih r.triiy 'If:se ''l~)lmildmn al 3dMissinary (on - Iiro 1110f5lft. Yo'1)Pole', ll diOHIO CE TRAL LINES ci'll' 05s, 'IC WIIIshinaxx'ot yl~lly 011 OII" 21.T'I'll)'ions0ll5txiikedCplaice DIRECT LINE at) 1:C5a. in, :1111 p. m1., .111)17:50 P" TOLEDO PflI UII tn. In t-ire) emn mng 1)It's o .1f' 'a T zing)r")' fC h 1lic~lago, iwill delIOive a calkit P-1-orC- .u .)T-in Highest Cash Price Bath Sutpplies of all hitds at all paiid foi' sCondtlIlhnd clthig prices at Cuhing's Pharmacy. 'Shiot'eiritig wh'lieiuyouwait. ________________ Goods calld fu. S. GOLDSTIN. 'Typewriing nealy done. Water I. '1t o Lse sillgt))m1 5)et Wilis, 1237 Wilmot St. KOLUThe Tailor, U. of M. Antiseptic Barer Shop 175 Huron St. E. AND BATH k00155. Fresh owneyus, Alegrettis Spar- J. R. TROJANOWKI, Proprietor. row's and Hutylr's Choeolates at Cush toe Sassage a Specialty. ing's Pharmaty. 322 SOUTH STATE STREET R QUALITY." Money Loaned Reddy I Watches, Diamonds mad $ S"Q®p Or Iotleproapoetyf vsue. Watees an1111Jewey lPe- st in the world ple.Braisimace EVERY