- ~~~~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * Yu nieNesi Fall Allloullcement.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor xwil1)e found at G". I. Wildl & os, 10 +last Washington St. (Crat pains hae 11(10 itaken i n the selectoni f llsuoitingxx. truing on\. o vercoa05 titxn s for this xx.aion G, H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. SHELIIAN'KS C es lix.'t Plaxe; nin Ihe Iityiforstyl SText- BooksI Ageitxxor i Keuffel & rser's Drawing In- 3 - struments - Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens °o T'ry Our IOne Dollar Fountain Pens SHEEHAN & CO., Students' Book Store. 211 Soxth Stxte Street. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capiiit l Sixt t x.xxxxxxo . xxxxi lxx. 5i2'5.Wxx A tENRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSATED. thlirs harI f 'xxi. I iixxoo 'irsxx.; NV. 1). Haxrrixxnxixi<, ix1,ex.; N .J. i. si er. 0' . M rtin, DIRECTOR. Office 209 S 4th Ave Phonxe 8 lIei denice302S. 5lti AveIxPhone 14 Amoblaniceexn call. THEi MICHIGAN DAILY denontratiin of our college spirit. It. may evn be that the "physical Enteredi asxxsxconiclaxx mattire at, theiAsn demonstration" will makxe our mental ArxxxxiPaxxt Oflixce. _ atitiude more loyal. An oportuniy i'ihilxxixxxiy~xxxxxyecxixeidluing tlex at least to try the experimeni is lre xxxi; ca xr, xby xxe Oix'ixioxixDixilylBorlsetied in the singing meetixgxf thin ii lxx inlxersixyofxxichli'igin,. afternxoxn which will iparakex oxine !5 ANAGING ELITO01: what of the nature of a mias Iieeting. R. Elix 'illix.ASai Several of the fiotall team exect to BUSINESS MANAGER:x e present and address tho gathering itxxxt'xx IB.,IHUSTON anxd memers of the tlee Club will aid in the singing. A man who cannot EDITORS:x sing his own college' soigs aid an AxilxetC. ---iixxxx .NV~rxvit. axx not give her yells has noxne of (le ASSOCIATES x xS*Oilo iyalty which cunts for aiytinixg Clliixrxi Stexvxxnxxxi. Roy Pel'es Onxof ixthe most pleasant meimiries xxi A. y. 1. iiaveri'i Piilip C. lDxvi, xollegc life, say he ixd graxuaes, is A . P.ound. A. 13. xrxxxxycr. (tht (le times when they cane txi .ixxxx'iix .Ker. StxxixdxrxdS.Molxr. gether fxr the "sings". So it nay not xco'xrix' v.Beadxexxx-ix'. 1. ltx xyxe. eamiss fxr yxu to show a little lrac- iixex. A. xxxbxxxcx. HarxxoltC. sxxil. tical loyalty by coning tox the meeting Ediortoay HeryP.Erwin.Ithis afternoon anlexniig yxxr vice Edito toda ' Hery P. and your eithisiasi in the praises xxi S'xxxit w ixxixxio i''xx 1 xxxxxDollar, crxtl xr, ixxxxxxxxxxx ixxM ichigan.- xxxix'xxxx'. !ix xlxixxxxxxxxxatrlxxoxx..'x1xx , 3, xx$.;,x OffceHors--2!0 o :3 ad :3 t 730 GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. p. m. Daiy. Address -ROSCOE B. HSON, Business San- The Laws at(le (Jiiversil y xxf tii- ager, 33i Packard Sreef. agoihexd Ithiir first Soikie reexixly Telephone. 46.lrxxfessxr Mehenilaix'it Mixhiganx. spxokexoi"'('le lUniversity f ,ic'li - gaixixLaxv Scoolx,"anx relatxexdimaiiy ixcidxens Qf early aixdl presen sudxen - - -- - - ifx' a Ann Arboxr. GAILY BOARD NOTICE. -- 'Chorewill b lxx ii iixxxlaixi xxxetxilg Slidxixtue xilei'ofi'"T'hi' I isi xxi lixthelxaily bxoardin ltxhe iew xxffic,Yot," h'xMiiixnesta iDaily pinos xle x'x~xxx I' I xix Aix. :Hall, xii 1245 pix(fixlxixing: i. it is xxx'x'ssxcy lxhixxxvryoniex xe 'It is xixltxtheudlxxeit:xxoy lxx xiii prxsent.thalgane. 'Flu'teamixwill dxlixrxi /iesi if le ostixdents will xiii (heir duty 1CALENDAR. y hi. Anl when xthialtx~axxxxxxs Sixct. 21. Sixgixg min Ilg fitiI xiv xx isxxes, Michliganx will gxi dxwnx lxoxii j ityHlfiii,x5x p. In. inloixriousisdefxai:, aixdlxie' iigty IIox Oc.28. HA lxx xxxof ixxir iti o f iYxs l xiiwxidxis eary xwaxy blxxi' xxxiii I, ati .in. 1ton Arbxoxr, kxnxwixgthanlonxxgxx -F 1.Ii rt x'i'xilxaxoxi)i xxxsix'xlx' Iheicxan claimxihelpxoudxiii til' of 1x'i. 4 : lxx . mx. Sholxxi 1' xi Sarioixieof lxx'exW s ." .'xxx Mui. Frtwo Ioxxnx~g yashas 1Mixhigxi 1(Oct, 2lx S. I. A. Coxxurse MxixaxiixdxinsxaediWsxexn fxotall. 1 Wtilxo'. Iis ilxi)i to iixMxinn sota x t lxxe lxxxi t(Ox. 2'.-Meeinigxf Juioixr hi, ixoo Ixownxia peg. Cx a :1. Cani xx' lxxi? Oct. 2.t'xxxsxxiiixx soLIaxuexxxxx'iiil Certainly, We Can,blxxxit. ixitxvioixxt iarbourix Gymnixu , atiiix 91thelx'united support of 2000 ROOTERS. 1)InOnex ithxxxsdwdoiilwxx x. Wx'nix''x Ocx. 2i0 liallxxx xn soxi axll, l'4xxxlxxrx'xoalexuxtha'tlixl miierxLxxtx.lx'ix'xx'y sixi lxxii, ii. R x. m. deliiie ixr'this riti'x i v eri'xsily blxx'o 1 (li . 1 ixlixianxxvx.. M innxexsxoxta l xiiM xxi xxa" iii'i xxxonlxy i 1IMinxnx'xpoxlis. Heturinxs giv lx'x'xixxithxxii 5miegxaphonxxinx' ixsli xei lxx IUnixxrsiy Ixll lxrNneAdetthrbesca mu* Oc. soxthxr"caxl, xiixxxltibs wept off thei ~iirr le etiand'xarried Guxildx] I cundixe' xlix'sadoxxis oru ii'goal pox.Ix Nov 2 Sxxi ccx ('Ixilioerxxx. We CAN do it." 1 xxNovi(.Sxxxg xx iilx Iby axidllils - Will ox? lxaxiii nx Shoxrxll'xixxnionsx- I'lxx. WxlliOlex'cx-oxrationxiifif lix' ((xc- Mxxov. 7-. 5S . 1. xvs. Miixichi, atFr man xdxexuartmns ofNrhwxexsxernx 11 ry xFieduivrsity aixdltlix'Uniersiy ofxxi-l Novxx. 7. ixrxl t lay Everyman"i c~5iii' (ao, 1 i xi paxndtpoxi duxx xexx'Sx'il i I unive'rsit'y1Hall atx.x p lx'xsidama '"Wallixntin's lDahi"'at mi.tlix'Andili'ixix.in Chicaxg,. xii Nxxv. 1 (lxix' Ixxxi xx ly liars liiherxcomplain- 1 hal inxxbexiverxi 'xsi ixsofxxthelxx't l Pi'xsixlxxiixJamesxof xi'Norxthlxwestxrn xlixrex'is litx' oxnox' lxxxx Ixgcx'spirit Uniivxexsityx' paxs toslo'teall xlix' ax'xe Andxifrxequexnily hiia lxi th is nxsaid f Meisxxitschoolxs i lxx'Unixiexd M11ichigain. iThat tlhis six' is ixtxwxii Saxes iorxer ilix' xxxix lxxxdiiwihi xl 'xxx'evey Itrue' sonxxof xxxiiAlma Nrithwxeserx as a cxexter.'cTheix Materx'' lxnoxxs. 'lxxbexsurexxix' xxirit11sciiols xilIbxear3txxe namxex'of.Nxrthl- ii otofthit ypexx whx's'ix'xxxxichrqieweterin, axdxexrllaiitxxlixs 2,xxx0x halxxwhin thirxex'sixxxexis niet tey sxiudens. lit lhiricexixs in ihx collexgx yll. It, ixxxf aar xdifxerxnxcharaSctr fr All tiii'seas orlxthlii'Mixiigan in it:.i foufxnxdxdx upioniidlxix respexct (xor' iesox a gaixe ae sulxiarxxxdyaixitle ouri'cllixgx. lfisnoxtxmeici' srface siply idoesntnxxeiialy niel lix'exix xblxlitioin. wndxx. ''ierie wrx'17,00seasxaxonxi Itut s111iiwill xxxitlixrt xs ltogiveslie,'.of which 5xxewoxen'resxrxedxfor I somimeslxxx', sxximehingiof x a phiysical the Mlihiganierxxxxs. SLaw, Medical and i "~ all Ulliversity S Text-Books. z e" New and Second-Hand. 3 :Drafting Inlstrum~ellts andZ " Engineering Supplies z A Specialty. 3 :The Right Prices Alwavs, 3 3Second-Hand Books 3 * Bought and Sold at:i f ® BOOK STORES, *f *UP TOWN DOWN TOWN. + PRIVA~TEWIEt I TO fr'jNN[APOILIS I .xX xx i lin to usu a xx' xx~l x xx- lo oxxxx ix xill reporxx.tixi' l?'iate lx ii ixn -xxsxix xlAxx'xdisp t ixlx l be' xx is-v You're Invited to Look. GOODSPEED'S Varsity Habesrdlashers 1 17 S.f"ain St., Ann Arbor lKezep your face f a ir. vseWilliams' YHEMUEN51 ECI-REASSOCIATONf ANNOUJNCES Mrs. Martha S. Giolow ONj j Thursday IEvening, Oct. 29 a a a I outbern ' Dialect Mori ":The next number on tIho Courso is Pros. Northrup, of Minmosota Uniiversity, on Nov. 14, (ho datex of (ho Wiseon- sim,,gamo. - - -j 00**00040000ooooeooos4oooooeooeoooooooofsooooos4e 3 2 A 3 0 I w w OC!AI S ..ABOLT, lMansager v TO-NIGHT - TO-NIGHT Sam T. Jacks Own Burlesque Company And Living Art Studies byj Renowned Mrodels. becuue Your Seats at Once. [fRIIDAY OCTOB[R 39, Katherine Willard in "The Power Behind the Throne" PRICES: 25c, 50c, 75c,anod $1.OO. Seats now selling. SAURDAY, OCTOBER 31. "lATINUL AND NI6HT The, Kirke La Shelle Comic Opera Company in "TI1[IPRINCIItsts4 CI" SP I' i _-:C mp (' o tb ixuiall rxetusrxdxiurinxg xatineea'icy xpecialwie PRICES: M NIATINEF 25c. 50c, T5e, and $1 110. lYI J.EVEING25c , c 5,and $1.00. I6 S1ows $1.50. v I® 2 3 TINKER & COMPANY. FURNISHERS AND HATTERS. 331 ;. STATE ST., Phone 342.2r.