The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903. No. 3 CASE EXPECTS TO SCORE. A "ICI1IAN BAND. FRESHMAN CAPS. New Engineerinq Bilding. The gray cap with the black braid It is of considerable interest to the Against Michigan .on Saturday-Finn Permanent Organization of Student and button has seemingly been adopt- students of the engineering depart- Practice Yesterday-Good Kicker Musicians to be Formed-Fred ed as the official badge of the enter- ment to find the new engineering in Demand-Men are Steady. Day, Formerly of Fisher's Or- ing class and nearly every Freshman building rapidly nearing its comple- chestra, Is Pushing the in college is equipped with one. Those tion. Work is progressing with a TProject.who still stick to the conventional rush and the building will be ready Tomorrow afteroon the determioedPrnj form of headgear have been notified for occupancy by the new year. football aggregation representing the that the gray cap is the proper thing The work of construction was'start- Case Scientific School of Cleveland "By the time of the Minnesota game and as a result, the makers are hav- ed in June, 1902, and has been car will arrive in Ann Arbor and be quar- the University of Michigan will have ing'trouble in supplying the demand. ried on steadily since that time. When tered over night at the Cook House as good a band as any college, if the The inauguration of the Fresh cap the structure is completed the engi- in readiness for their struggle with students are willing to push the proj- plan so successfully this year brings neers can boast of having one of the Yost's "Whirlwinds" on Saturday. ect." to memory the origin of the idea in finest buildings on the campus. The annual game with Case is al- The above -statement was made to a Michigan a year ago. At Cornell, It is hoped that the new building ways looked upon by the student body representative of the Daily yesterday Princeton and in fact all along the will be ready for occupancy by the with a great deal of interest, largely by one of the promoters of the band line of eastern colleges, the uniform beginning of the second semester. due to the almost unbroken success question caps for first-year student have been Contractor Hoertz said to the Daily of the Ohio men in crossing the Michi- Nearly all of last year the Univer- in vogue for years, with most favor yesterday: "We will try and have it gan goal line. The two teams have sity was without a band and the need able results, especially in the cement- finished by New Year's, as that is the met six times since 1894 and only the was then sorely felt, and it is not the ing of Freshman friendships and the time set for its completion." famous 550-0 team of 1901 succeeded desire of all true Michigan support- growth of class spirit. In Michigan great progress was mate on the in scoring a shut-out. And now with ers that the same thing should occur the same results are anticipated as in building during the summer vacation, the Case game but two days off specu- this year. "A band is a necessity," the East and although it will take the exterior work is practically at ai lation is again rife as to whether Case seems to be the sentiment of the stu- time to muks sucs results visile, they end. Next week work will bgiu on will score. dent body, and already a few have are. sure to come. the interiir. They are reported as beiig a fast, commenced to exert their efforts to- A great deal of the class spirit The roof is finished except that of scrappy bunch of men and as the Case ward the formation of one. manifested by '01 can be directly the center pavilitn, which will be nmen have never been acesed of lack During lte early part of last year traced to the bond established by the completed in a few days. of gaminess, a well fought game is as- there was a band to furnish music for gray caps. The enrllment in the engineering sured. the games but owing to some disagree- A year ago, the same plan was start department is largely increased this The season's tickets are being sold ment the organization disbanded. The ed but met with the opposition of the year. esecially atong the Freshmen. rapidly at Meyer's news stand on Will cause of tie trouble was investigated faculty, which decided that the edict This is probably due to the fact that iam street, and all who expect to pur- and a remedy which cannot but be of the upper classmen could not be the University has constructed this chase Athletic Association member- what the name suggests was decided enforced. As a matter of history, building. ships should do so before Saturday so on. The band has, in other words, however, the majority of the Fresh- as to get their season tickets in time been made a permanent organization men wore their class caps. for the Case game. of the University, backed by the fac- _AS TO CHORAL UNION MEMBERS. The practice last night was quite ulty and assured of their support. It satisfactory and Yost wore a highly has been changed to a student organi- FRESHMEN MEETING FAILED. pleased look as he left the field. At- zation oi a level with the Glee and To the Editor: To avoid misunder- tee the usual preliminary work con- Mandolin clubs. As such its success The first attempt of the upper class- standing, the following statement is sisting mostly of rapid-fire ignalprac- nevmade: announceent regarding sstingnitthreteyfapfsigna upac s i men to get the laugh on the unsus- ten rehearsals per moth for els tics wills three leams chasing up andI At present there is no bandl bsst this petting and supposedly unsophistitat- Choral Union refers onlytstherst- down the field, at a speed that seemed condition will probably not exist long ed Freshmen, eded in failure yestsr- dens in lerr y tt te st) tsily equal to that of last year's 'Var" Fred Day, formerly of Fisher's or- day afternoon, when only two mem- lectCoursee Ia for credit. It does sity, Yost lined the first two teams up chestra of Kalamazoo-the most popu- hers of the entering class were luresl not re h gnr embes for a scrimmage. It took the form of lar orchestra in the state-has enteredt to the Barbour gym by the notices of I have been asedg whether this'rwil trying to block puits, the ball being college and lately has spent his time a Fresh mass meeting which had been ae te askof memhers war picked and changing hands at every in investigating the prospects and chalked on ft campus walks the notsin the satussi members who are down.prhalkedtisonf teescamssusf halkrshtthe not in the University. There is abso- fuw.prbabiilis of the success of the or night before. hutely no change in the conditions of Yost tried out several kickers, ganization of a band.. Mr. Day has The announcements were luridly memberi hwt h the cndeptinstt1 among them being Dickey, TomI lan been with Fisher's orchestra for the worded and called on all Freshmen aberxaip.ati s re nxcwpinig- mond, Heston, Wendall and Kidston, last five years and, there is not a beta to gather in he Barbosur gymnasium bove. xamatios are now in prog- all of whom do fainl well although tor kganmtsera in the sarbtu. Hymnasitm res--from 1 to 2 p. mn. at Directors all f wsomdo airywelatog tr nmown musician in the stat. He for the purpose of preparing for the OfcSho u uias rm3t far below Sweeley's standard. was at one time leader of a band in annual freshSohb ush. At firs pfice, aSchool ofMusic, and vr 3 to uring the play Ditty was strodk on Kalamazoo and his knowledge of all sight, the notices had the desired ef- at nlay, anIvrsits 2 the head and was somewhat dazed, classes of music make him fitted for fcC Thes the wise ones got buoy excepting Saturday, and from 1 to 2 but he will be all right today. such a position. He has called a meet- tn theis e t and 4 to 6 next week, until further The two teams lined up as follows: log of all students ho are musicians thir lthe kowing classmwat notice. ALBERT A. STANLEY. Graver-..........r. e...........Doty at all for this evening at 7.30 in Room against the wiles of the upper class- Maddock-........r. t......... .. Eyke 9, University Hall. It is his desire to men. Consequently there was noth- Gooding ...... .. r. g..........Shulte meet those who play instruments at log doiig br the little bunch of tp Gregory - ... . . Ted Hammond this time and talk over the outlook per classmen who gathered near the Subscriptions to Curtis ........ . .-g....... Edmunds for the formation of a band. It is ab Women's gym. ready to laugh when Longman ...... 1. t........ McClure solutely necessary that every person the Fresies attempted to force their Rddeo. .. e.. F. Redden who can play and is willing, to be on way intot the sacred precincts. Mean- James ..... ..-q.........Norcross hand at this meeting so that the men time the latest additions to the Uni- De Pree-.........r. h........ H. Weeks can formulate some plans. versity membership are congratulat- Heston-......... h........Thomson In a college of this size there are ing themselves on the unsuccessful Tom Hammond....f..Wendall, Dickey, certainly enough good musicians to termination of the joke. Person turn out a band which cannot be beat- It is claimed by first year men that en. It is the duty of every man who the announcements were the work of SHANK WILL RETURN. can play to join such an organization Sophomores, aided by a few Seniors, and in that way show his collage spir- who inspired the idea. The Fresh- it. Bands have a great influence on men are of the opinion that the no- M CH IG A N E. S. Shank, Michigan's broad jump- rooting and teams when they are tices were the formal declaration of er, will not return to Ann Arbor until hard pressed. College spirit is what war between themselves and the the seventh of this month. Setting this University needs and if a band Sophomores. At any rate, there may out immediately at the close of school can help foster it, then certainly every be deveopments between the two last June, he has been wandering the loyal man should exert his influence classes very soon. entire summer on the other side of for the good of such an organization. the Atlantic. En route he canvassed RGRT N EH NWbr___h__ views, thus depending altogether on RIGHT SPIRIT IN FRESHMEN. Will be received at the DAILY his own resources. According to his HAHN EXPECTED 8 in.m.ntivep.sit Hayfrb- letters, his trip has been thoroughly One of the amusing incidents of the sit.onto y t5p.eptoday, Sub- sriptions by telephone sd by enjoyable. Some anxisty has been caussd by football field which daily occur with mail may be sent to the Business Sth report that Archie Hahn, Michi- Coach Yost is now going the campus Manager, 331 Packard St., Phone ited. The scenery of the latery coon- gan's retat rcie hneWs rounds. 461. try impressed him greatly. On the can's great sprinter, has entered msto As the coach tells it, he was ap- 8th of September, Shank started for . . proached by a Freshman who said Germany, where he has been up to have no foundation in fact. with great gusto that he would like this date. Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne Captain Kellogg was seen last even- to try for the 'Varsity. The coach The subscription price has been have been visited with equal enjoy- ing and said that he placed no reli- sized op the new acquisition and reduced to ment. Coming directly to Ann Arbor, an"e s the rumor. ," reached the conclusion that the new- he will arrive on the seventh of Oc--"I saw Hahn in Milwaukee,"said comer would weigh at least 110 2.00 tober Kellogg. "and he assured me quite pounds. In reply to a question re- strongly that he would return. The garding experience, the youth replied payable in advance. If not paid only object he could have for enter- that although he had never played before November 1, 1903, $2.50. CAMPUS OFFICE FOR DAILY. ing Wisconsin would be to take his the game he hud witnessed several LL.B. there, where he expects to prac- football matches. His enthusiasm tice law. Yes, I feel sure Hahn will seemed so praiseworthy to Yost that The plans to have an office of the return." be disliked to give the boy a complete MAs the University Daily, The Michigan Daily on the campus have James Nichols, with whom Hahn ex- torn downamisentbntothegrandtMichigan Daily will contangim-a now shaped about, The faculty have pected to room this year, said he had tan dr Wn a rraye in portant Faculty and Undergrad- let a contract to partition off part of heard from Hahn about two weeks ago footballnd togdress. he washsent to arrayed in his gate notices, the ateC s 1 e- great C for an office This will be a and that the latter said he was com jtal osh assn oin0 the games, intercollegiate te1e All-Fresh squad. graphic news, reports of lectures great convenience to the members of ing batk but would not return before andalinrsig csrgr- -. an all interesting facto regard- the board, since they can drop into October 3. ing Michigan and other univer- this ofice and write up their news at These assurances concerning Hahn's NOTICE TO FIRST YEAR CLASS. sities. It will also prove to be a any vacant hour during the day. News return will be welcome news to the valuable record for reference, left on the -spindle there will be col- entire student body. Hahn has twice Professor Goddard will lecture to illustrated by occasional half-tone lected and put in the next morning's won the Western Intercollegiate chain- the entire class at 8 a. m. Thursday, cuts. To Michigan students The Daily, thus relieving the reporters pionship in the hundred yard dash and Oct. 1, 1903. This lecture will take Daily is indispensable. from bringing their articles to the this summer won the Canadian cham- the place of the announcement in the down-town office, pionship at Montreal, schedule for Elementary Law. A r M t F r r r r F r F t t i M M M t F 4 F k F F h f f t M f 4 r r k f