THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FOR MEN and WOMiEN Becfore buying, see our new [all Styles and you will look no f uriber NONE BETTEliD! AT ANY PRICEI i 1 1 S. "ain St. PENNYCOOK. : The Confectioner. 310 South State St.4 4 Fene Confectoons. Lunches, erde o cclo li w IonIcto er m dv Ie ttilloa1c. cclti t'v tltti,1 r packeitlo St. 0 II coot in pitt t(w - elitt y p trotrtinthecity. * Ice Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, :3110 SoothStte Stet MONEY LOANED ON;* 2I+o4+411,4. +.+. +t. DI., Y A.. &J. ORILWA $1.00 rFOUNAINo PEN? FIRTANAIONAT BAN 151. TAnNhoury 7IniI7,1111.0;or1'1 i CA4ITAnl, at O,l1i .ad .)4 .11 or JsRPLS AND PfROITS: , . $).uni 1:1op oc t. R EN TS CH L ER For anything in the lirn of o oe Maker of Photographs Framing, Catl on Rentschler, ii Phone 3$9-2r. Ctrner Main attdHSon Streeto.oo '1451 L+}5of1)' f 4ift1oG t t0ofooft'if 'ftf it k ftotfootos oo 1oo tUnivers~it j Notices. Bath Sulpplics of altlIkinds at all pricos at Cushing's Phartoacy. All first year Lits coil Engineers - __ mutibtoexaminedilhictally before JOB PRINTING- MEYERS, 2t5 Novemnber 1. All othlers noctlilt later. Msain St. S. Phone 2811. llttiti for ecoosinttaiot, 2 tt 4 ____-___ aoil 7 lt 9 p.i. KOLLAUF, The Tailor, II1TNE' FITZPATRICK. 110 Huron St. E. Money Loaned~ ON Watches, Diamonds Or thtttlpc r onaltoo olp O t't ofi valte. \Vtchtll''.attt liotclrye - ot piredtl. lat'gints it t thi 11111iio'at res'ite'n 'e. I331 I t,.Li to 10 .5130.m.,\ttt tto 301101110, 71t () h. 1in. All Bui esiti o fi detnc tiall. JOSEPH C. WATTS. PHOTOGRAPHS JCall on SEYMOUR'S STUDIO NOTICE FRESHMEN. All Ofreshmie01111rerequiredlt report lt the diresctor ttf the gymnaslium it -lt 0111 is'. icy fr hysicaleltt. iiato IIFAN IltDSOiN. NOTICE. INillI b . c ilc Drug torltte fro 5 o 6p. Itl.lfor thet ttetteet oft ittcount1111' 19111 91, .A. 1ltili001'1. 01 ~ 100. c It0 ii Ttlsurer. tiA'l ll personsliiiotigii iteshllocil cation tblanksito litheeeto fiil WALILACE'. tilt seaoil nit 1112, tilt 0Ca1111rin1, Slo ta oriAn, lttttet ven1'1110.1 01 litil, .-lain tiroetit. No l'oill th lttl ilnto111. Wilrste. Rooms For +-oent-One blttck westt1of Irecses, grates, asttlionalry wash- stacnd, bthtt.giltandtIlephonetl. 521 I 1. Jeffersotn St. We cold your Gratlifather goodso and did 1110 reptairing whlen lhe attend edclho1o0 h1er0.WteOwant t In keep it li Intl docyours. Haller's Jewelry store.{ Yotor eyes examinled by an "ighest Casb Price expert optician. All the lat- ' cot aptproved applianesoandtIchodso fot1ciforeol' n('ld-lltld clt'ltilg. kcnownc to thle profeotion are employetd. Shtoe 1(11111110ff'hileityo Wiil INew eye glasscs fitted, lensco duttli- G oods cl'ld 'tr. catetd, frames repaired. Haller's Jew- S. iO[DSl[IN. ery Store. :1 wlii Washigtoti riot. KOLLAUJF, The Tailor, TT 110_Huron t. E1OH 0O CENTRAL LINES fDiect .imi tel itee IITli'dti, toltotit For Rent-leTo large suites; all butt, Athlens.icttti, talp llllt'lt'Oetoll, W. moodern inmprovcmnts. Call at 612 E.. 010111nit' Sothi. Acsc ytour iagt'nt or Mladison St. CCf ilapplytoIiL~. IP. I.1511'. A., 7 ort 911., Detrotit,111 cI. 11 Tt''ON I lii I, ______ ____1.(. 0A.. Toldtoi, ii. Univcroity tudents desiring to se- cure ptositionsO to teacho will feld it to their interest to write to Jatoes F. Mc~ullough, 639 Fine Arts Bldg., PChi- cago. f.j Fresh Lowney's, Allegrettio, Spar. row's and Hoyler's Chocolates at Cuoso- ingos Pharmacy. 'Typewritinlg netly bdot'.Walter I. Willis, 1247 Wiltmot Si. MIRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Frofessional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Streed, 1ua stais), e t ett sec i iaiia.iii IIto telaiesi t tto loc erpa Try my Scientiific Face Massage and .Mtanicure. DARLING & MVALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy (Goods and Notions. 226 S. STATE ST, THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD' WE CAN SAVEt You 1ONE ON -- I'll AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Pcue L ~ e 'rint0 It r eAA O yttit i ~t l t ni .titil Pictllres and Frameymes _______________OctLAerXVtB.0[SOKS:-.DE LkIL5 A.2 .kT 5TORL l~ttt'tlt tt~ll 1t. ill I 0111 11111 OUJR STOCK IS Tilt [ARGtSl IN lilt COUINTRY - 217 20.A Al. '0t -- Attilile.~r Nit. 11 Pili'. ot. ' 53r,.m. 1:ALLAGHAN & COMPANY State -Savings Bank. ra il ittiptitit6ti m etwp. nneror(L ua oooi o er arid Importers) CEIICAGO 0111 o 1T rcsoh01 an oeony i.Arnodhr . 0. ahtittlt FieeelotiietrontiNo. I andi4. V.ANN NJh F 1 W.. .i. Ifhl.i.I' . rill . ,Aeoit. BRANCH 0000 State Street, 0W. [aw Bldg a. h P.I[ i. 0 thtrt Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. Plumbing aod Steom Work. Ail at Resotahle Rates and First-Claus Order at J. F. S+CHVH'S, 2107 E. Washingtorn. BIXL[R'S PHYSICAL TRUINING IN WRITING, author $i. Fotta01)w itim I wll SInd thei:o n re f r 1 . i II 1 0 I 0 on l I>.yon, o. Adres atrf.5..SIKLER, M asou St. &Ogdes Ave.,Chicago, Ill. ~1 Tihe W, C, Kern Co, f +Jj . 151ut 0darand reoted. Ponnantc for all colleges and SO111'1 ;I .. fraternities caroled W /,y~pE~o cH~r co~iClass Pins, Place and Team Send for Catalogoeso. New Sleeping Car Line Between tDETROIT, TOLEDOCLnU Lohave Detroit to p. tn., Michigan traCOl;BU + Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley. + ~Arrive Colutmbus 6:5o a. oc., Hocking Valley. 4 PARLOR CARS ON THE DAY TRAINS. +1 :Say "Hockitng Valley" to te ticket agetnt or write ts .5. IcL. W. Landeman Gi. T. A., Detroit, Mich., fill A blue chip and a witce chip are Suffiicint Is)getlilos lice MvOGUIL gallo. Cigar- cttes t1asf a:-o 'winning1 fle hands of many17stokers, Get a -hascd'" yourself. No cmis-deals. Ten for lie. Plain and Cork 'Tip. I I - __ ., - Always Aheadi In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring.