THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AXICHI(0AN CNTRALto+ " mThe Niagara Falls Route." , 1h~n TIM, .00115' LINE--1.EMLYL E3LIt.7 ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO Col-elral Cohe 1ey BUFFALO j' ''10'' ahottit half htoh NEW YORK oftthelit troaoostyle-all tl AND BOSTON ~ t dirOt connections( 0 it t'1t05for15St. 'COLLEGE BRA Lo is ll 0l . t. t.I all sd the el. +.r ieo w .50 . CASlO i. A l A r or. +," GEORGE BISCIIOFF,+ indls 1'ft.yumille rLO1\.J5T. S abe CNOIcC CUT CtOWC~5 & PLAN 'Is st4,t r Chtapinl St. 11015001111 51 t; 1. and i illeri- Ae."'+tSOUTH MAI Niew Brunlswick Tables Ar CLINICS AT DETROIT. REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, or he tl oo fena c ia ion Fine Cigars and Tobaccos of th ~'Deri leeof Mebdicince JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State St., S. .itil hoe 1 lt i'oriily. Ii has booen ia 1 av s a'.oo Ito l.oY th 1 e i d finest formally talked among 1)tr1i11 lIly- lilao siclalis list pttsibly the :Detrouitisti Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes tlio might be 111de1 a clinical andl eeDr l l h ity 1. lost gradulat'tieteartmnent oathle [?ii . Fine Lunches in Connection. sersity~. 1In these litys5oat liinilosi 301 S. State St. R. E. JOLLY. tion, .AniniArortdoies noti)seem11n101101 -soi laroaaiy ias tomtorly, iandt it is tpos- e" .-- + -ea~ " ' iiit l h e ldtaioitistiution coulid bo +The School for Dancing tndoeod 110ltheliverity o tit'iterm oeebbl tbb. Theto i t hi Ground [loor o R1agnard Street abotht$t50,000, ooitcbit isiconitsistetly I)(> ct ktt we.t o t S reeto Siroo eOtlicilit. It luls lteenttsasti s tatiiati .Stotres. 9Ptne 2-4-6 oftO ho'stttkoilditers.tottil be tWillinig *.........................4 a in theolistalo I lit'iit'otit h S YOU CAN GET A 1 etdtathci-of1tri.mgt o H t L xn h (w illittie pil111l t a 'iroth Hottl o h =0,0 et At Tsuttle's, 338 S. State 0 ~ " , r, q, .s. 0BAPTISE" GUtLD NOT TO OPEN THIS YEAR. eo Them? ouo excep till ii ila el l ND GARMENTS orscrat, hldersl 111lstan(lWt d 11101n1al1i i ohe sor %x Wvuer-th, LIN STREET. ii"st+f*ie r* ' rr~I*tt* W + ~ , .1. + 'I. ir k Pantoriumi. I CLEANOING- PRESSING-- SHIRES 336 S. STATE IT. Trousers Pressed, - t Oc Suit Pressed,- - - 25c Shine,- - - -----O I '17117(015 111011 1F0R s$1.S6 worth of work $1. Wirn. lbocbrein, Zatitar? IlD'urnber, Ztcarn & 3a!D fitter. ;, 14 Y. M. C. A. NOTE. Sundttay'light at, t'eY. It. C. A. metl- ing. Ils subijet',iwa1s5 'IllIcht yourl wil01on lt 5astall'"' a111 lit'talkedhlitth(le at ttlet'tt on itdoals ofctoelloegtmn'. Mr~t. Chantiiule101ditdwork tt'in iafto a numberlioftOyoars.,itatd spentlI) 150ar aong; tlSothemnn;rea-onsof asitern hoot Sundatiy tiigt. PROF. WENLEY'S BtBLE CLASS. P1rofessotr Wenloeyloss boe ots ducl~lt.- ig s Mlleticladss;ii teo''pltiscopl (Chtirco'ur theilast twotSundaiys. 'rho icasilmeet's inte ho urch itnmoediately after service1. :Last; Stunday 1111re woro ll11111 .1 15 presentl. At:IhtesenilItie ('1111 rt~o olf1.1I~i11 t'e tites at lthe' Ic- i lIMIotIC667. 303 Zi. State St. THE SUPREME TEST. L 's,$3 ato I01rut1of12 NN't .e UIESITY ACADEMY, Slate ntreet P OFESORSCOTl. PRINPL55lO. PA[AC[ e-, PARISIAN ..AUNDRY AGENCY.. Off1ce 1tits 1 St%'ill Ham1 :mot1. Phone 65710. Cracker JackCream Chewing Candy, Peinuts, Buttered Pop Corn 3o1 S. StatceStrcet. $5.00 IN GOLD I T o iven awayWednesday, November 25, 10:00 p. 0., 011)e Pickwick Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley f11111 ntiit) attFm' explanation1 gatttandotottu. 707 N, Univ. Ave. (toot's Orchestra, Phone S32. Strict- ly 11p1to-clts ant irhst-class. Any com- hination of instruments desiretd. ''rapts and song hits a specialty. tile llow l~f is 111111ild'1 tl'i 111.' S 11o s1o- u ( ottttus lltso's) Paghe I ti~'Te.) i ron street, will laot open permanen l ity 1 . iShut oIlis Ill' .T. lad o thi itt'ltllt bu't willi to-ll ociional R. 1 ~'Lto-1(11115 Id 1111'N111101s;tb as'- ii il lix ii sc olu yeari hen Rev lilili'sclubls 'used a tin IsIt' end bac Young-, ipastor lil t heii l i s t l iltil 115ll l iii brt' i lna d e t' d lttis 001111 1111 i'Ann Arbor, cot i d n101 y'exp't ts111 "-tio isine Ito I three 1attmpts. Yoslt.tagaio' ht' oiii 111-0fterille fash iont ofy Bariot o t w'ie more They 119- Shtatinuscortiug.; HaI ll tuttw i lIsed aali' cihul.n i-o1f tirtilit' 5Oandl Dtyuuu carry'. 1i thlls. a0111 rel1igious atndu socttiis''ii t IyuiailI- 'it'k o or t ers'ltg hisl th u'vo'l'y ti toaok a llof Ithe . tilnaI itt') metings11 ill sto- 51b ssace lndth s rubs'ltwul reh nab(~l to, retlil Ii s ill.rIkIwilluto-eti git('5 uitsith I. than S ant t hru N. I igalsu pratl I-itt-o cial sidt' il l beailte'musutt itig. Qitl,' 2 CLETPABDr O jCfrEdTbEAODY&O MA AERS E OI izedthe cbusiness.aWherewbed fowerfithy seateshis tosared customsstailrs;be loose, unsystematic methods have been succeeded by per- fect system and infin~ite care for details. Is it any wonder that BENJAMIN Clothes have driven old resady-mades into oblivion ? The price is right. Your money back it anything goes wrong. We are Sole Sellers in this city. CUTTING, R[YER& CO. 109.111 East Washington St. tWAONER C& COMrPANY, 4 Importing Tailors 123 South Main Street, DOWN IOWN. t 4e o W[AR A, DIA"1OND, Barrios Diatnonds have been worn for years bly doli2Oelt meambers of the diplomnatic coops from tile Soutth Amnericanl Counioes.. ±These magnificent stonses Isave been tlhe admiration atsd wonder of socity weherevr thley were shown. Barrios Diamonds have all the fire, life and lastre of genine stones and its apparance positively cansnot be0 distitgtished from : them. It is a wanton waste of money to itnvest $75.03 to $150 i a real diamond thtat may. he lost fromt its setting any monment. You AT 1-20 fTH[ c9ts- Z These goods represenst all of the latest most popular styles and designs. They have thne tdistinlctive feattures of jewelry worth I nmany tines their cost and from whlich thtey cannot be distinguishled even by thle mtost critical. We absolutely guaranttee tihese goods to be as represented atid will replace any stone thtat loses its original brilliancy withont one cent of expense to the pnrclaaser. Money retnrned witlhont questionl in case of dissatisfaction. Tile Barrios Diatnond is beyonad donbt the finest, mnost perfect imitatiotn ever discovered atad may be worn anywhere with perfect confidencee. All thte beanty of a gennine diamond at a fraction of its cost. 20 S~tolifinn$tre arrios Diamiond Co. WE ARE .NEVER UTNDERSOLD . GOODY EAR'S DRUG STORE