The Michigan Daily VOT'. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUSEDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1903. No. 25 liHE SUPREMEr1[T[ST. RATE QU[STION. ANOTHE[R TIE GiAME. OST WILL SPEAK. Middle West Championship Aspirants Round Trip By Way of Chicago Will Score of Nothing to Nothing in Yes- At Singing Meeting Next Wednesday Will Clash Saturday-Michigan Be $17.70 If Over Two Hundred terdays Game Between the Ju- In University Hall, Capt. Red- Can Boast of Only Uncrossed Names Arc Guaranteed. nior Medics and Engineers, den and Others Will Also Give Goal Line in the Country ShotTlks -Short Scrimmage An effort is bing made to geits 11he0(ir; gaame in the inerclass_____ Last Night. as eeursion 1o Minneapolis next Fri foolsal series was playesd last, nigt Ih eodsnigmeigt ______ say.Tiber ralcseeored is $1 7.70 for ubetwe1n the 15 tEigiiieers ndithe tlcein Unerilsitygin cling lookd the roundiotel, via Chicago, andt may 1901'i Meis the scre teing 0-.lia-i nirsyFalS etriy Allter ISo moitr Irace on Ferryii afternoos. The singing was lead by Ferryle taken sdvania ge of only is case N either leato coulsd gaits cich grondPrfso 1 icid tlc Nle~httin ootbll tam wll aains theo~he's dfens, an aStanley.ssr Atnle o A ghou therer apfarity ot 100 1makes list trip, tphis aantfs tsr tn liii-for Minsieapolils, tsere befsre Iwere oly ta miet 2011 people Ipresent, still sssmsber, at least,.mssits ranti.steed tme ist a score apIsarissstsn h iey nmade iup in enthtulsiasm wha lid thsIt olookers 1(o batle ini order toi obtains thle rate i rtr i i- ssesasf7lio tin it-elornidable idtes fir Ital, it ay be- knownceif iniiiily hose 19sil nd .191015Medics, toey lackedins)inbers. st( harmpion''hip iiflt-West. That I.. M Iic h onspite iiwnnrofiiisgmiiil iint ay lesople will lake adlvantage f Dcer.T. hr ie ssig Isreeit ovSerDalyd onypoet ete etr hi-tie rats- all studieits, or soters, its-sr- ii- ii. . .M-(ii altkshoesoIme oatesilwergistne ove ni ill tobe tteof hspaty ae. r..Atollumsoe of thIlls iirsesi istn-bes tiioishti Ofose sass loiilt. Everrsyith lil vr-tl-tiilt i-IsiingIsIic- erri ... . ..Thiiashier Ailste f I6el ciegvnil go-s to showsi htothis sill te the iii- gentlyrisIlse siisled asithtvreteitifitiam-r at, Mesygeir's iNews sitandtis-sos atnI i of thi- songs were dstibuttted. These r isve:Mini'lyof te eshoyar l aginstiissi cii-. Nitlsitir Iiain\Vi-tiiis-tLowellt.............tiilir aieit not a little in maiing the nie- -N its rt l, 101 ciiw-ii teyisil - Nor lhcit and l 111 the ilitiltlp- witt Clay lent heiii tiAssiiei il eid e Sheraii .... .,.... .... alr igsseticesfii. One of thle mist nitice- wih he ls lie hI llinisichils gone wriiii li-rt i-llexIur ainis-t b ]Gable things abostil he meeting was the (ai tolelimi-11 herifiofrih lit-shof thtrie ........Red anrlargenimier of girls pesent. They .11itfigan andsisi Issii ila, andl Wi~cm- drutfrcisioniihbeingtthase-de onitbic-eso t.ofo rItr- - -s-it Tt jorinesd heartily ini teyels and idei sii cii ii ni 7t fllt ltlsssassoasidiat-d livtliilist at f n maigtir sosomIremeoiioss. igisin wsat bttre Blot, hs r 7 ot pithon -ers. Arpioiic-stthvi benit-ilise- - --........Setsimais Oii Wensday afternooun at 5 ismsliiylii ssrutisrcCads whesreb-lowe lhst, spisc-oslticke etsI'lockltwiltfakltace the ast meet- cii isosc s istllsiu- f 7lrlllil scllli-luuuur i ii)ut f ii slsciterlimuii - -af1-l tirgaite-ur- itaMnaehhanaiesSt was ii-he Wisiconsinis fesustratheri l ,shts-s oiratie iiters iffit-efiotbtaltetiam wilt diaponten am ta ahlaly eveningis i da1--Iy Iheretur ('hstc- - --..... treesn (apt(. 11s111111intiiesi1liio 111011 liii lioo is liiPrsi-ntt adiwill give shilrtItaiks. althoughiiig l ack Of SI. i nge1r1in. ts- limiit a s-isate-ilin tic- Daily- y isl r tt1. fiif. tasiy wil tai h- lg giligir ls isill tc tProiies-rr71SIasleyflwtlisl-- - - -thel-Isnw Iiy, sillsbe lioi iii1las-ksisis i-cilia-..i....-..I.. ...... i-arl- si-sees 111)1attacksisisiexplinedltbyitteliL t. .ig or lssie i isssa fl-s -eili r011 a-ess ii ti-ett-aniissusua -iy - - - - - --d As ttis isIthe last chanee to see tbulca of Se erl o ter he Mali-ks.wh n 111s.......... Ilsuilart - srilstiles- asr. 0'rtithe star o s- hi- Tram before they leave for Mm- it is si-ry lll Sch1c1t,1 isuss tandsy ries- 1)1 IRsssel nsota it is a fitiug' times fill-all to trei-cailstiier -stfaissiesn..sacvidstfsr I sveylilrtl ha et ansi showItheir apreciaion for son -sseicsi s 1tligs.c insi it-eIig IIto ik ake vatrag es ofi lihi-ticeth i s-be spayssd sff smeii say Mcia' ersnttvs-ti u is - itui-siisl ti~- lesis $17.711 rats- leaveshiso ne ls at nlitsiweel. his aitternoon111 1hei19(14 liiiaisrtronaiss ti a Shni111 -isiustursa iussolyilss ta ii illlelsis us511 t hetis list they have a rusing Sllitil51-s isitillls-rstis.fior o l it, i s, s ftsrI attils-dioofirias''s-s Spacsrseheilanlishalfis o shou-rf.,isl--ithlfl meanitmen nungtiisertasim.noefi iLassteamiiwon1 theiechampionshipis-sasts at ti e Nts- ronst. memersto wll e i ii- ios st-r-eesiursisi year 1and11a r- rigitrsh-as amsoig the iuchss Iiithosses-whoiwilt e ill)in Mn- WiDgtie ih.\'1cnill lilisncsosta iet Sasray afternoon strug- ratus a O.a fi s-i ess.if it i-ri-slli ri-it 11111 se siftpsr- lei s fo-ss -r the h1o1nosr gainthlists gysear, ~ -l- Ana ae-. E e Chicaoa, ainin i nnsoassshasve- sotsigneds Iteir nams.asfact wiih hwiltadditelSrest toito-hi- gfrterAm ae.Ee issi-is is -ssMichiganass i tsssusstoisldays gam,1to0hosewhossdos sot expectfsgi Whicteam1100sillsursvis's-thi ts-t it-t51ilninssota the ipracice i ing5llig wilt sassossed (1s sll I tw ithfloeso IH-MNEOAGM.b fmiss-Isait in till-Wisc-osnsin ansi siirl o tb situ Yost:b iveisit II.-1INSOA ifl. GYMNASIUM CLASSES. Chicaigosganss. stcbga ill wi1 utIi s is spe e FRs or11111 11etnedat5 ii t ellendI sitthis -s-seitthis-physial iLc-t cceryssnss- te resent ansi lre- Col llt I ainsiedlit hislocia tn-eaiainosFeheiilseasae o edhsethuisni ig Is-it sbdywith ts shes-iseai ituiats-tialt. versty Hal and the Armory. sic endilianh IonsNvembeisr 2 thie reg- isg Mithgansishut austnew slngs, and alos a i psls ltyil I "r geuasislusiiu ecto s ill viistallt It is g tgul s iuotheslu- itr tit fill-yells. Mitshigais theinltysite samuuolit toutr TphusMieluhils hDiliy in cillolliuhon asol-utesly Isosrytilatesvery resh _____ -- _ asle, la-sti sr West,5whcihs 1a11lboaist willthis Athletit- Assciattiion ucha ls arasunergosthe-examsinatitonlandht ALL-F RESH FOOTBALL. of a111uncrssedgoal tus)ihu. Chitcagous sashesesclussivesarran~gmes to illhu- bhis Sigeto I atlilisstsefIllthuet-cit 11111 scs sinilwcesri this-last us fall ( s tilltheis-.\tusu-sa galls) Is-unsA Ill Z. uns ius e ai s tud15et 11111s liokat- IEarness - forshac - ilselumasde ill ii lt-he -les t,, isiS l)is ss sKno amh(k ng iBulletn., is-hiteho -ashat this Arniory 1tend1 classesth iso yea his- wi t.b(111- SI-ie a gssitsuuai em il hy thus- ndin(leAi-Fres unlFecrey Isilcs-t Sat- his- 511f i-st Srs againlst diemsu. thc'unuiesit y llall andautus i-riy Fietld, tllis tocidhiso51ne111s 550555ut51 srt noosiul arrnge lunt eorl-shieshaves srepeaelty st-srs-it hrlsiedula Saturday gamins Sarranlged-h e 5Pcmeant05ime55-will snot bPuasidntss is n urhslslhSy- 55Isi t-arns en5 tillrs tonilgesrioiponssssli-l eaving friAideta ildrpri 111t sas-lu ilay cill good sllsushiltsg i te SUiersithY. mentls uite e su nae. UhitSil last Michlihgunuthi so.sisssoir sit aicli-assbeIsent1fl-sllsNorthruip FitdItoAnls iray sys ia)lt- classes arc- Sat unay nigt it wa onchdenhl~y ex- reor. M siestaa ulhoughi 70h poithsArbosr and r eldshehure-withinissa few cons ideraly largr thailast ya. tpseldhaltelbsAIFrcshithamo rous usl shuteashas playd t mos-ussre- sshusuts aftersthe pslay talus-s sars- anduot lheuwhosles-htiltrFshoimeniarcstheUn ilersryoisf Chiagos wusslbe onasuhaniiiuch tligansanusheais-a Sthis Preidthh ng ieslhas chssnetoususrmanablhy wll coinditiionedtboduy lscsl uhsa ui sh-rss Wist irins-citllstheshighest serags Ihusus-of sitv~iershiy flaliin10 ssust- uof isusAs all icentives ltard csn- ftimillr. Sagg staes thaiut i wossld pe imdesussofitplasy.'thus(,Woulverinesoliiu at lbsecrsowdtrestrainl its e s-n-Su t wscull in-asurmn suoare re- uti isuusssihiii- to lay thus-gane-as its- 1)51 ua rus el) irusisi tis uusi-u tuh~ilsli vi sil s--ahsuast- tsssido lus- in ieths-spring ansi thurstudeintso r d. Effo iruar us-i g masde fto se fr fatstsorissg.AS ieuclusumshtsar Sliuig prastuc iii heisniulhugcsd in sa hus htllsi-eru-their hiraiinghas Icae o -, Ihrt-smundaisiill altrb- 'hest'S sus tiers sill huvesos hshurry hi 25 cnts will te hi-uargedh us clues-i0s-s poins hehuy ar etll dticisent. - - ---_______ thus-high srs ru-s-srs i chtheisy aves 1511SI.s Iinaighutt esl to salethial the MYSTERY SOLVEO. hetld fuse ticou-yearis iis us h e __cla__ uIsassignmetsshar pstced at fle Altet A. Pattersuon,.thisseir wrsestsledusrnm thus-usSCNSN EGIEES. iynsaissiissntrunce,-ansI tissueevery nmedic whous disspearedh fromuusAnniAr- I usurulas sissitre of 29 is 0gaist WSONImNGanE S ssiwith he isvgenhua floosriumber, usrlus June-, eaving a bloodyuha1t1 thu('s-aSIongliBrown c teIaushi51prove sco-ll 1hissSositu- Engineiinug trill f thuswchetshs isexpctedi us I-us tuui I9lieandsta msterioususletter teninig Ill elusivelytythullitis Crtuuimsnplayrs tUniversity lit ist-insiinuwith incue sryarsow taflushash Peen mudsereu, has havse-tIuaina udecidesdlbrace- andsI hi-htss1thisuual tusr us Naaia __--writs-uso Anus Arbor finds Sial he shull soali 1sronsgs'r slutfortfsnms1F1115suid tsshser eiss)eris pois a vessut FRESH ENGINEER MEETING. is saely imarritd.Heleft because fr m ow o . TYalshuiad a stiff aigu- uto thus lusts'sity sof Mihiugan sSutui s-isc-i sluh 11111his -sui I lslhunhe-S u nussus-- ctisay atiernoon mosuh st fthis time cmnmsseumsthdsay The Saginaw fus the ismtsitit t-fdiat thus-Arnuy en nili hstco suisteosit hiss ilt- Sesnior a ieussu l iais b iliis- N w hlSsSu uliwn eiln n 17 is- 5. Cfluiasi strung)hIsSlr- Clusso in hll-Enineeu-uriigDeptmesintis)rs.cwtici sers-as tfolisocs: niunuuicmentuh wichtruvs teSlutalhen- usis-l l-ssoicsi. st thus-,, Ni-srhsi r huveas ppouinute d a c m ite.n atesuuu ur siciin hr i. Irstuis iiy uttu I tso n:cict rm S Yorkriu - -sis wok shihy t rinceutonudils cosoiting sitFreier DOoge andslAuits ui~sr, andulWalae; ic~pe-trsictsusl og-sliee atros iose o luau-umouutsh, uaind lull thus tagus. Ioumeushthus-Wi'scuouss-nisen alndhW gner1. IDickesonu sill W ymlan; iluue I hlllas ia st h stss-ughosithestir alloincsg ssshul ieseest-nsiatlthiririothisru-ue sats -esus iiislususs, Scu hs-l, wsi arriedstoMihAnrtFMPt-ca Yuiale tussard ighs, althouuughit is hars- pleasaonhulls-oitr; Irasur r (hharh Mcisttos-liu esiarnituAbr .Pt ty probiabtuheuuy'cain defeat the vet- thus-vwsll)be his wnlueiaurousissthetierhe wesddinguswasaicneaebgrrtigh arsfew Brans.El's fosr chiamupiunsip honsussoC ampiuus i Usseforeilulsou, andsi n theluid, itI-uRnutIuse, Fhils ; tracks Isam awgo tig a ibaeu e Glradluate M-Ifaager ilairdlis nust suternoonsiiclii ohss-isiSthus-gauss-n h isa Isaitr lDoanec, Morrisonl,tHanman saysants.Himn teAn ro houl tuithatusmany rooteirs will acissody Colrnel. aieifHnuu heAnAbt c-ssniaiiy lbs.ucamsswsensithbeisac's iis expeted-tutha~t it swill he tpos- three-pinuutedh tickets weeut.,ulanuSd ut iu eso iui is s atr for Minneasptolis Thsursday monnslg sble illgivesa usnusuet tusheUn sicrisis uas-otiseussa omainwas prsopsed ulsaissowspusreiwls Thus- huiturin hisobta~inu a rt o s sguoss as Oystecu-Bay iii tiretush fuss)bal mnlagr. It was ftund, rsthr e tnr sulr o susiuigs hs hu- s ths his r-aulu uh fue cunuun ssueeset~sl fit- ihiticAssciation slit- is happty with thu "crps e" lusuhtobewtsnth1rach--of-the__eve__ing.tshoweverthatlstheut leirca si ffeh A ytung a-sma, said to be teo aes-ras- 5551 us isis iiu~s 11~ - suan cas teasand asos after somne oshfi ances-c camie ts Ann Arbsr last o maui) m Isniage-ment. andsrofs- SOUTH ERN CLU B SMOK ER. sicaissi a tcueh11tusci-tssumranud toosusatlrishns cothues 115 assuse fist- I. hut21 Suuusliuc-rus thus iacussiaon ri washutcdednt t liusc eisti ebscsr allbu hash usihslsIIIaefis soritwaoensea smokhier ill thus-ine Sosuthesrns!nati111110masde itcertaiunlys-sins that thin same fint. ighs), nistosithss-tileeisnug tevostedut -or' iaperne a n tus tng iiltlethin taclinsg mnuhebt-ansi 5551inl the fUiversity osisMondsuay thus-class shsoldibe alesto ilsIsous vnnOf~br3,a 'lcagodsto fiesatereeto th~~e motlurid eventsrincte wastoro thes charnin nmachuine. usitssIsNcMsadlal721oclas-kre-r ueofw-lsuthfle Unliversity. One morning hls Nicaol's 1111 :,a6 S.sState stroes.full-hisein Gratveru tina gssnd H nsitolssturnstins Alt men frosm thu Suouthenshates _____________ hafisierceudas itftsy a bullet ansI tusin fu Mslusuissonectuu fu tari- cordlially inivitedl to Ste presnt. MICHIGANENSIEN BOARD. said thsoehng htlnks poitoaoc___sleciofrha_!Iike blocod, was found on the lawn in lduly in the big game. Jlut before -- At the Senisor Engineers' meeting tront ot his bosarding house. In his susks ts ordenredl a shoirt scrimmage' MICH.MINNESOTA REPORTS. SuelI Satusrday, Max Hitnsgway ansirosom was a letter in which be folst andulhave She scrubhs the hiattlsinfhe Repoirts of the Michigans-Minnesota.heihl Saturdhay, Max ldcmmingceay anlulhouw luc expected toi be murdered biy a Varsitys lea-yard hine The 'Varsity gamne with be receieved at She i-Id,inl ni-epltaces liiithe Michiganensien man nanmed "Maximso"lbecause he haid lineues07 as tollows. L. F.,Ec Ree; case there is a game, as. well as at tBoard, madt- necessary byuyhlbsfepara- Isunce, down in Mexico , acciudentally L. T., Curtis; L. Gt, Shulthe; C., Grs-g- She Armory down town, and Uliver- hion of thu Engineering and Literary' learned thle inner workings of a secret (Cotinued on Page Three.) sity I-tall nptocwn. classes0. society."