THE MICHIGAN-DAILY. FOR ME 8n OE Fo E n Before buyin, se our new all Styles and you will look no f urther NUNfI BElTTER Air ANY PRICE 1 1 r S. Main St. ' PENNYGOOK. : The Conectioner. 310 South State It. Fine Confeclions. Lunches, ttoy lacy Candies-ilot eventhe do-a-l deltic.ious oetione-s ad have -tic s }> cc Idtot at o rt o- Isla'in ft-Ii -its- ta ooot y portor-icnteooot y Ice Cream. Soda Water. PENNYCOOK, 310iSotuth Statito ive t. MONEY LOANED ON I+ 4. 7i- citry soril ti itt ,+g ": lass ('haitlainid .! (Collateal so-Iirity. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. W. J. LOURIMI:+ Rom4, nag;Bok han ,9 , ttffice 11(t s t o-. 1 1:30 1t o 4:30.I i +; 4,0 talto S3 D,) Y-, A, A. & J, RAILWAY lot eitrottit h ia Io tcitylfr omt:5:1 .n~ii 6:t15 t. mi t 'hetrootI ''iltly au itil t1t:15. lootl. pi- Waiting Room, Huron St., W. of Halo. Do Y01T oaNe 1A oit 'k11 A JFnIINT A IN PPN ? ti 00000000000000it0000 00 RENTSCHLER 00 Maker of Phootographs ho, Phtone 389-2r. i 000000000000000000000000000044 v4 00 For anything in the line of 0 Framing, Call on Rentschler, ho Corner tMain and Hurlon Streets. 0 Money Loaned to'\ Watches, Diamonds Ort ottertt .r oittit llt hetyt) ott vailu e V t itt an.1ti to is I U~nivertsityj Notices. FORREST'S TEAM IN HARD LUCK. h 1aired. Ittryaitsino t CCtthe Oiwintot several seriouos accidtets'-atdIDitonetds. antI the totss ot two or ltrite gitt : (i a t riesilettoe. 1I1 toIt- All first year lots antd Engineers ,t tr otr rato, ot oma roty Streeit. A tiotAtrlboto.Itioots 8 mttot he examinedd physically hefore tam threatetos to oisandlo. T'eloen0000to 10 ' t IttIdlto tt Novetmter 1. Alt others not till later. oe9tttrotht iiat.oroAll ato oto ~ uJSinesc WonfllS. 'tlottrs for exam~inatio, 2 to 4 p. . not.ilso-ato toobet-shotwing t-etroottor otoot7 toIi It 10.spt;teven tecatotainto lriotsiotolo ______ qttit ihot schtool. Foirreat, howttever, is PHOTOGRAPHS NOTICE FRESHMEN doing lis local, bt.ltoier stooh ois- NOIC FESME. 1c-orttgicg circtumstancesaneatharidly All tre-iltoocoare reottiredt to retoort b xetdt unou- inn alo to toe odireetor ofthte gymonasoiumtoo- t-ltttenx aototy hot le moitiely for phica~tl exasotioationt lote-' fotr ea uano ,eiliwle-theito EYTM O UR'S STUDIO tothieirositoeoa homIooe tgrtond. 316 5. Main Street. I)EAN II tISON. _________ - -CARNIVAL AT HIGH SCHOOL. IInetC s rc NOTICE. 'ho- AtholeticAaasoc-iationoooiltheiighs asarc Aty atvt ieotldeai riotua otfawork toy 1Higho Schootl expieta too clear fromno t ad foe sec-ottiI-littd clcotg. salit-l htoocaiottor0-io-to oont-e000 in thlisieiiohty ttooot ehtotndredtdololara fromtto ')1itL op ,olot to whle cyoto-ait.o saore-ltot-i s atooleo too-i-Iet.tri-stor thio-crntival hi-litlasttieveting. floe G oods coli(d fort Sag-'CliMondaty,.2:pin.0., roattoA, tow etot 1 ol dadjiintg tooonsweri-evwell S. 6O[DST[IN. Blingtfili-toleddev eryoote seintedl ohotoppy. 1id td ~~itor triitt"t_ __________Th sttractionos consisteidl of litatl attote,,, candiy stotada biowlinogslt-a FRESHMAN ENGINEERS NOTICE. atndta mntroole-ntetainmtoai. 'h'lis iA t--it ~g ofthe itt 017lass of en-10001toomaethei t o thelt eventing, titoo tot-oer aeeilllie belt-oin10000 ,iO t. -26i, te- i-ott n kepot Ithoeoandiienotinlotheto tt 5i:15 op. too ino tottm lom uierstly lotsot otf Itonloto. po eti---e stwiltloot batll. A fil l~ttolttttti isidieireil. "os orto ItoiitoteupIot ofthItilit-ic I,.'V. WALACE, Asaiteisi ott. I LEARN JOURNALISM FOR $5. oet...ssr a suaaaaat5 . t;11 FRESH PHARMIC MEETING. FColt iooalrooo-ioooby ntaitltn sliater Try She ''LNIVrRSITY.'' lo-Fes Phr tie hlt a4Otii to. Ptoss cl-tteslitotdlott curi e lMiann's DeogSlore, 213 S. MainS. yi-aloriay -olfernoo soonoato'ockin 'p.lot riclrsfr-tap -~ totototI, iii-ttt'l c l.~i iit-iottt Itol t- 000Now Yit-loor tlito toCo., ltoool- floe looteloot eu-ot of tto mt iti ota a-its tloN N. Y. E 0). 505 0.00 0 00000005ii'N OTI0. too ili-i-I olcesato t ite ite IIt- i s 0 ile t.ot . 0resie et s.oW toCItARoS-.tewhi etc. -btolas tlit-itwi-ri- only' I ororo- tot-too- iloversity stuldents desiring to cc- FIRST NATIONAL BANK ittesofth11100lite r e-sni-t wse i- cu011eIpositiosOlt teach will fiod it to cidedinol Ito oooe-to itos aset, lo their interest to write too James 5F. OF10'ANN Alit(I 170MWIL I atdjouorto 110(0 itoiiltig tilt Wednesdtaity-, McCtllough, 039 Fline Arts SBldg., Choi- CAPITAL, - - - $100,o00 ilfeloor 28,0 . 5 7p~. tol.I sgo. t tf. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $40~a,000 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD w[t CAN SAVE YouJ MONEIY ON AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TreitteleaverAo- Atritoeby li-t~l t totdc LL 'r S01Tiel t Not l'il OUR STOCK IS T11W LARGEST IN THE1[COUINTRY N o. ' 11oti3 A . 0. Ni.t. 1 130 00 Noo.__________o.l '.3A.NI CALLAGIIAN & UUYIFAIV Y Traelino. 5i.7toti(i rio ot trets AntsoAro 0 (ZLaW a 7Dblia5hera arid Importer-5) CHIICAGO Iralld iost1.t3t,2ltoihit. 5li~tIeANN ARBOR 1. ItittY,07 100r arsor. A . PandIllAt BRANCH...... ..State Street, 0'0. [aw Bldg. OHIO CENTRAL LINES Ditoei etoo een t ttoedo ol oloto lo, tte Cl to-. IpoloiIs 001 -.10000CV W Vao..tanthelii-Stout h.-Ask youraoont t oot applly' oto. 1. I0o i . '. A.. 7 Fort SI., MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, The Professional Hair Dresser 322 S. State Street, tsp stairs), oetxtlepc ia m tl io to tlii jadistoiic li:it , 1 tot l 11.tois e tor- e i' ooi I )f-ot' ilt- nd'too l t- Try my Scientific Face Massage and Mlanilcure. DARLING & MALLAEUX, Pillows, Penannts, Fancy (Hoods and Notions.. 226 S. STATE ST, Picturfes aild Framfes D'I1-Ii