THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~ I _TE~J,1TFI F CLOTHING HOUSE, 171, 1/3, 175 Vv!odward Avenue, Detroiti i ecetl Boyde's, CLOIHI NG H ATSni:ND N in 1y popular NEW COLLAR- AWecarry a full line of the justly celebrated Crown Collars and Cuffs and M-onarch Shirts. Lateti o e lties7IOB rriincKG IA ; NEW BOOK STORES, ed ti'entltiiien. "4 MedicalBooks, Lave Looks, All Books osed ll (i ity schlools. ,l~l Comldete Line of SportingfGoods. Large Stock of Foontain lens. AN Warrant( 4 Soo!S' St D T OT~W ~G. H. WILD, ,etv Note IBooks and 'a dv. traft- Is shiowiuu lu)LargesSock of 1ull Dress Siiisin the market. ink nstrment. rlIth~e latest shades and inovclties in Trouserigs uandi in lstoncos.Ov-eoat illgs. Fine Nests Cait he bad if et Fotin Yenliil P (Gold) for $1.50).1 No. 2 E. Washington St * near Main. G. H. WILD. 4 JAMES M. STAFFORD) THE LAUG: GREATEST VARIETI r --I fR [IfIP6RTER. Onl LAMPS, ini this city. You wit TAILOR tRED) STARll" OIL has noe cliarriiig of wick and gi Sold at 101 ceints per gallon, deliverer The best place to get a 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. EST STOCK, ( LOWEST PRICES 11 saoe money by buy ing;ofus. Our 3IJSIITE PILOTOL-R ANN ALM AVINSBANNI flgS 9 ±QLAs~a+ 60 MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES,' 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. Special Valuep! Gents' Fast Black Btose, Extra Quality Suspenders, Superb Assortment of Tlies, All-Linen Iiaitial Htandkerchiefs $1,00, SPECIAL LEADERS 69WHITE SHIRTS E, F. MILLS & CO., Popular Dry goads anad Carpet Stare. 20 South Main. THE CAMPUS. An efiort is being miade by the students at IHarvard fo raise $100,- t000, with which to build a roil- ig 100111 it coni Itctioli sWith flue li brary. A coninittee has beoen naitiei represenutinig eaicb class fromi 1817'to i88:}. The following is the programs of lie Adelpbi for Oct. 25: Music, Miss IDavis; declamation, Mr. Dellenback; essay, Mr. Joslyn; music, Miss Davis. Debate: Re- solved that the pension bill as passed by congress is commlenda- ble. Aff., E. H. Edwards. Neg., W. E. Griffin. The following is the programi of lie Jett'ersoniata Society for Thursday evening, Oct. 23: Read- ing, U. G. Foreman; declaniation, ,J. A. Sargent; essay, J. It. New- conter; biography, G. It. Swing; song, C. U. Knudson. Debate: Resolved, That the McKinley bill is for tlse best itterests of tbe country. A ffl. UHI. Porter and A. Bauer. Keg., C. W. Middle- kauf and A. J. Davis. The Fresbmen are bewailing tite loss of the poster, wlhiclh was taken down from the main hall bulletin board. Tbe teaSnug down of posters cannot be too seriously condemned, and if the names of equla, 1ourlis withouit odor, or I. ROD yesa cearwtiteigtt.WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, it tol any part (If the city. iS MAIN STREET, pEA &i s eiil atenton a Ciid tlirepairing Waces $M. VI. BLAKE, thle perons0i5who to~re dowii thle lPICTrURES, gRAMoS, A _-4P posters c-an be fouiid int, they will AV-rTGOO00S. 150)West nursn St. regret tiavisig done so. FERDON LUMBER YARD, E. L. Wariter aiid Chas. Bene- i iiiruiil Iccciii fvindSealts i SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER ditct weiut to Clhicag.o ast niihlt, to ICor. ]Fourthi anii 0etsi. attend a Deltat Upsilon ciiiien- J HALLER, Miss Pattersoit will read a paper Repaiiring a spciili.. iiext Friday, at 5 p. itt., before 0. M. MART?'J. DEALER tN flue Geological Society, ona "Boul- Cloth Caskets, Metallic der Rocks.' AND COMMON COFFINS. Thtere will be a meetig of RINSEY & SEABOLT, Senior Independents next Satur- Bakers and deciers is Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, day, at 1:30 p. in., in Alpha Ku 6and8. WashingtonSt. IHall. Let every '191 Lit. lode- JON OTKE, pendent be there, as very impor- LADIE-s' anid GENT1%S11SHOE"- Reaiintg scatty dose. Ci S.MainSt. tant business is to be transacted. -____________ Percy B. flerr writes fromtiGRANGER'S Chicago: "This city seems to be -goACADEMY OF DANCING, 6 the home of a very large percent- opposiite Law Buildingr. Iage of the U. of 1. boys. 1 imeet freiqtently Parker, T orrey, Pupil.will be receivced at aay time dcring Freitag, Tom Gale, Melilop, Rteil- ly, Fred. Clark, Jolhi Moore, Through Vestibulied and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Wicker, Kinnetar, Kent, lHnger, Tacoma, Wash .and Port- Warner, N afe, Buirt, Buirtt The Wiscoinsin Celitratltuid Northiern Sluerimainaiid maity others." All. Pacificdlines ruin through Pullman Ven- tihiitedaiud Cotoitist Sleepers betweeni Herr will visit Aitit Arbor this Chicago and Tacomsa, Wuish., and 11o01th. Portlandu, Oregoii. ITe train known JohnB. Ciaddck, rato ofas flits"Pacific express" leaves the JohnB. Caddck, rato ofGi and Central Passenger Station, at the law class of '90, is at present lie corner of Fifth Aveiiue cod Harrison Street, at 11:4.5 P. M. daily. "4stumping" for the republican For tickets, berths in Pullman or Col- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gao. X. party i hs tt.Tntomrsow, City Passenger and Ticket H. W. Fairbanks, of '90, is Agent, 2115 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand engaged on the geological survey Central Passenger Station, corner Fifthl of California. Avenue and Harrison Street, Chicago Ill. r r r i t f1 l G l r