THE U. OF M DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKETS THE NEW ASCOTT. University of Michigjan Guitar. 5 tEverything ini proptortionl. L!II. Clement, ALLIPTL IIOAGGI O BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN Elf MAIN AND MUTTON STREETS. LARGEST SrOCKc or ,TonIEr GoonS AND FINE (IGARS, TOBACCOS AND ICIGARETTES IN THlE CITY. All Arlio Stoamnll bllly1 VOORHEIS & DIETAS. BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, FORK CALLED FOR sonl DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. PE IAI, RAE OSTUDENT;;.31 Office, _ 23 South Fourth Ave. -jSPI LLPANL] SEE LUS, FERGUSON & SLATING, " Genjts, Fti ishers aic $afters Carry a fu~ll lin~e of IAUS, CAP'S, NECKYI X11081OSIRY, CLOVES, UNDEJIWEA R, Etc. Thla test styles Iand an enirelilOW stork to select troll. ZZWAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOW TOWN_ L"Very Sildent twill 01save o ylbyinlgCUniversity Text-Books old all Osaplio iadTewjuarters. IWe a1110 s11pec ia0lift o11.L AW BOOKS, M DI( - AL JBOOKiS. I1 NTAL IOOKS, illn ,'.every hook used ill the 1 I.'il .,oo1)1 aik Books It lowest prices. LEI)ING BOO)K S10111 IN 1THE (flY. (7 MEo r Diu _ the St0,,. Ag O 1,,' !or ,,, l ooh iti eii,1,, Ia ; > Irls ,,, G noec 1,1 10,5 - .o l , 11 1A Ie-ylvlos 3s I _ r i 11101 101 Ojt 1101t 1 11y dd'015 II01, c(.111, lor 1Banljo. MILLERI ALL TIlLE ITE EST STYLES OF ALL KIN OSIAT J. T. JA.COBS & CO.'S, 27 AND 29 WAIN STr. L. GRUNER. Deale in o~ Repirig done Neat~ly and Pr'tomtptly. Everybody is inv~itedl to gto to the skatinlg rink to-nigiht, tos wit- nessthet e xhlibitionl illlighltnlingj painting. IBooks sosld at aulctionI. 91(Zhmond Straight QuIf. No,. 1 CIGARETTES. - Cigatettle tokerosttho 1110 1011will1ng 1,1 11111 it1littl ttore thattthle Ire elchargedl foe the ,odinary , TitBRAN supolterior to O,/ all ot hers. eut \ *1 Cigtaetetes are tde trtt lhe ight- Gojy t dl'Ately flaveored antI higheteacot an gina l'rnd of Straight CutiCigaettes, a ,'esbogtout hy tus in the year 1875. fea na~ o loilstos, altohsreotlat the rTh0ar tsbeloti lssnevery pachage. heALLEN & GINTER IBranech tla 00 011 Amterica Tob~acco Co.,! lfesea R-Iichatond,. Virginia. E" . ~ Miller, '90, Itas an11offer to write an article on the U. of MI. for the "Century." FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. 115 consid(Brant1111s11in11the collti- l~I.-All 2 llt v~ 00tutitlnlrequliredl by the a~doption of IHa T8.I Ties. at thir entltrante e0nulllilutionl, ad pres. all othlers who wish instructionl in A CIIArL'lENl'X-ill class of eleentary Latitn comp~osition, are 4 Law, desires to arratnge foot- requested to metle10ill Room F., ball gam~les with every class ilntile Saturday, Oct. 25, at 1) a. iII. Unliversity, and sulggests titat a JoHNs C. UGLoC.. class league be formted. Toe cap- After tite :30th of October, no talus of all class teams; and a more applications for advantced representative frotn each class credits will be received. It is de- wihicht has no1t as yet elected a surable titat suchl advanlced credits captainl, are inlvited to mteet at 85 be secured before thte end of this East Washin~gtout street, on Wedi- semlester, s0 thalt thley aliay appear nlesday evening, Oct. 22, at 8s in t Calenldar. 0' clockc, for tile purpose5 of tr- P. it It 5GNT rang1ing a schedule. Atiswers to all requnests senlt to IRALPHI STON,, the Faculity have to Ibe soughlt ot Captaitt pro tem, '92, Law. the Rtegistrar. Every Tuesday SENIORo MEow0s. -TVie Iannual11 Itlmorninlg a list of the piersons I meeOtingt for election~ of officers whose requlests have0 been gralnted will be held Satlurday at h19:30 a. a110 posted Onithfit President's door. tll. in lower Lectureom001. P. 1R.lDE POINT. EC. S. STROUT. MISCELLANEOUS. Special froml Boston: Vile Vile VTelis Vournlanment wviilCIIn10rs of Ii arvard Unliversity bseginl Saturday at1 1i110 1. III. ihave elected the foilowing class Tose 0110 expsect to take part itt day officers: Arthlur James Cumn- it shiould niake thteir entrees as5 nock, Lowell, first marshtal;'ir so)01 as possible.TVile coulrts will ace Antdrew Davis, of Cattbridge, ho held for fte exclusive nse of permnlenlt class secretary; orator, conltestanlts froms folur to six Caries Wesley Willard, Mont- o'clock tis weelk. pelier; poet, IHught McCuliocl,Jr., J. A. JAMESON, Pres. Hlowardsville, Va. ; odist, Sewell Meetig of l~lgy A ~ Ccarroll . Brackett, Jamaica Plain; toMeeitidgSatudayAs10:30 ionlvyorator, Arthur Boylston Nich- V.b el aura10:3H 4 Ma. I.ols, Boston; chorister, Kenneth T. I. HNCHM.N. McKenzie, Cambridge; chairman There will be a mneeting of file of the class day committee, John U. of M. Oratorical Association Lockwood Dodge, Council Bluffs, Friday evening, Oct. 24, at 7:30, Ia. Good~peed5S, TeIPATENT BetfLATHER FIEPHIIJ1GRMPHS, Militnery andI Art Goods. :30 East llrotSt. itW, YRK I ON, Mat a aettreof0 Batd lnd Olcht land and Ochestra / GRlAND RAP~IDS, 1IICIiIGAN. --"THE ARGUS.'- AT LOW PRICEtS. FINE JOB PRINTING. Illis oar aim toeplease. SalifatoanGuaranteed REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.