THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publinhed Daily (Sunday excepted) dring toe College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AhSOCIATION. Subscription pice 61-1,5 pee year, ivaria bly iadance. Single cope a cett.tOn ale at Sheehan ' and Pt offi1c new stand eey evening at u o'clock. Sbciptin may be et at the otfieeot the DAILY, tp~eaIous block, at Stechans, tt Stoiet, or wtthany o1: te editors. Ctnmnications shotld reth te ofie by 10SA. x. it they ae to appea the ame day. Addreeno all tatter iteded fopblicatona to the Managing Edito. Alt btsies emta- iationo nstold be ent tontie Bsnesso Ma- ger. Reptrltl egect :o thettat of Carirc oI the City Ciculator, W. B. O'Neil. THE U. of M. DAILY, Anm Aror, Mih. EDITORS. H. B. SOMAKE R 'a1. MAnA-i. En cn. A. H. COV ERT, '92, A..-. M. A0 ama Emen M. B. HAnnan. 'at,..a..... M-0n., W. S. O'NEILL. ',a. 'T,. Bs. M-0911,. R. W. DUGTiYr. 'n2. A.-nr. Ba. Mnnwa. W. (E. ItitI N, "13. '. T.. TItA , P l. H.D. Jlit.00, '9. H. Af. Itrts. 55lh. Ave woil suggest to thii'tenisi maalgteent the feasibilitv of a tries of tlas tourname~tllts pre ceinig the Untiversity turtnamlent, the winnters of the clss cotsts to cottpete for the Untiversity lhontors. Itt this way the tiumtibe- of ettries in the fital touramet~li~ woutid be tedutted to a reasonable nutmber, tall tle cottests w10u1d be excitittg, the players iwottld be cetered as repreentatives of te various chasset. and a healthy class rivalry witit its stimultin~i~g etthusiasmo would result. The University has finall ott- growtt the attopated foot-ball rushi. Of ctturse tie )AILY- is the recipient tf k few cotplaitts regarditig its partitt doitglwy witht it. Sonie affitto that a rtsh is the best tteats of keeping tl class spitit atd of furisinig amnusemtt durintg tie fall. That other -altiestcit as itter- class Rfugby atd basebal i lii keep tp class spirit ad ifurnisi amnusemtent better thant a rus, needs nto dettottstration. Still if there were to other means, tian the rush, of stintulating this sirit, better have none. Whttt right have titose, seekittg ttere amiuse- moent or desiring olya nmanifesta- tion of chass or college spirit, to perpetuate a game tlat every year seriously injures some of those engaged in it? One, too, that requires such violent strain of tite participants that tey are unfit for their college work for several datys after a rush- All othetr Attericatt colleges, of tny thinig Iear ottr size, iave dote atwaty Iwith the foot-bali rush, and we have sholwln otr progressive slirt it doiig likewise. A foot-ball chltlenge fottt'92, Law, to every other class in the University, appears itt yesterday's DJAILY. The fortmation of a class leagute is att excellent move. Ex periencee lis taught that tis is te best mtetitod of bringing out new mten, aunl deveopittg tie best ttaterial for thte 'Varsity eleven. It is to be ioped tiat te Laws' chlalettge will be accepted by all the classes, and that the Rlugby Associtioti Ilill gil-e te project its hlearity sppot. Witit 2,1)00 mieni to choose frttm, lilt1 allowlitg twvo yeas ill IV ilci to aculire 5ielilthe U010 I. of II. 01011olditve brews is received of tie teathi of Jesse A. Blawes, of tie clss of '93. At tite begintnitg of te college year lie waOs sick-,of typioid fevetr, btt expecteti to be able to joint his classes it a felt- weeks. lie 1111statmeclanical egieer attd a ttember of tie egineerhng society. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notiies ittseted in 1athscltmntat te 1110 01 to etstopee ite, sigle Itsertina-stecia rates o fr longe time ad eten lie nihed' " pin t~tlt~Oat tiso otioc tr by cotitoiltina I- .lt -ttataty, AoistanttButsinessatae.) 1Lutttdr.-'Teleponte '73l. Yount;g 'ts Oercoats. Wager &C(1. Exainlte Stalttitdls stock of Trouser- intgs, t5.l0 allotupwards. tGo to E. 1. Hall1 for coa. Btaths lolt;it 1'. . Brter sop. Splendtid vatlues ill *WarmttUnte- wlelr. Prices reatsonlable. Wagers. Mll il hlespie, Telcher of (Guitar, Bttjo antdMtattdolint at lenents. Flancy Vstittgs at iSttfot-d's. G~rattger & Batxter's Star Lludry. Jttst uotli of Antn, tot Fourth s. Rhbtde hias tie best atd cleatet coal- Yard, W. Hu roln street, tear railrodt. Buty ctal a111d wodl of Jutdso, Stte street. Advattced Class itt Dancitg will be- gilt Saturdaty at 730 -G-anger' Acatdemty of LDancing. A fine assortment of everyting in Hlardlware at Eterbach Hardware Co.'s. At Thte Tn-c Sanms.-See thelne $4 tat, just opetted to-day, of Mr. Knox's make. The first of its kind ever tmade by Mr. Knox. Special sale of U. of M. Fotntain 1Yens for onto week only, at $1.49. Get one while you Iave a chattce; they are the best fontain pen made and will give yen satisfaction. Call at Grber's Y. . store. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUY YOlUR11COLLEGE TEXT Boos. Lzu TN'D MEDICAL BOKS N5OTE BtOOKS, AT THE STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secotnd-taiid books at low prices. We are'agentts of Pa ul E. Wirt, Scott antd ilolland fottntan pens. lBargains itt stattionery. iiiii _ AND THE IThe Niagara Faily Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. cs a.. ; 'THE BEST- EA' Saetnteenottehers. lBonelwth Fur ntithedt c% I t+ tiaom 5"2.131per wcek. Ctreulars tupon apply n ma . 0 ctioln. -" r - . P. R. CLEARY, President. I : aI4 BURLEIGH&\.(iJOLLYj r i (MGCCC 7X' BLANK BOOKS. I ATHEIC 5OO5S AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIES.= I Blest 1itteo tf FOUNTAIN PENS its h cityV. Ice Creatit, Soda Watera tofcinoduceCigars andl Tobacco. OYSTERS, FRYSTEW 0l0 PLAiI Colt and san us ata;, ' 26 SO TTWHI S2'A''E ST' 1 °N 4t In a D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER n( alaB IS For Brain-WorhertSeentary Petple:..~- Gentlmte, Ladto, Youths; the Athlteicor01Invalidl. Aconmtplete +Daily. *Sudday excpted, W gymaiumn. 'lakesnupbt i n.t ,Y quare lnot roam,tne,scetf, dablid, comphnps-iveacheip. 0,IV.BOGGLES. B.IV.HATES. Inosedby2000 pscus, law- 0P. &T. A.Chictago. AgtAnn Itac nowmsntig it. Send fncilt' ir L'ca 31 it .lago eng'-.,nc tage. ProftD.l VocaniCulturei9 at14 tdhott t., iYork di Toledo, Ann Arbor and North // Michigan Railway. 2\/_L rr. 2 S\ 7 01,~ ' }Time Table going intoteffect, Motnday, Noc. 2It QAV Z E 041..h. Ining Notb.nSTTOS. Goinag touth. EINtlI ICE CRIEAMI. FINEST F~tENtI-~ C)OiKNtt.LOWilEST IttICEtSFoil 16 "2,.,3 1IESTMSATERtIAt,. '. elc Cad. 5tsndacd Timc. CIreic a t 5 71 Fort St.,.West, - Detroit, Mtch.:ati atExp.tafl PlEap il LP 1 .... Na o "~ve Atea n CITY LIVERY AND SAE0TALE11* L1c c-. I. 'osr, PIt'a tttioii. 4I 0 6Ot'onre ntitttti iiI N. 13 ant 15 Wathit In St., - YpnilltttMith. . a.. 417 6 47 - O...Dnde -1... 2 '2; 5to 2 Ft-ct-class iRigsantdStylithSaidileHsten 4 At 7 U0. PS.ilan ..-2i4i5 8 o ie 3721 tsil 14.19 34 5 7 3t.ANN ARB11 3 922.. 47 8lC5tWhittmreLake 11012855 6 515-...aHwg- .105 55 I 7l53 Ua0o..--.Coana-i. 6 647. ..90 1 5 ft. Iouis ...71° xi2x5.3 2 12L 08 . fliAlma.....iii 1 NO. l1vW. HURON ST. 5A3 10 5t1d0d....t.Clae.... h.. I 430 541 ... 1 4 t'.. arew ll.c ..t a, 7 C t.. 3 o ..Cadillac .. 1 5 6ti 8 . .. d 0 Cpanith . 5 144...#562...Ockaa.0, i 4, , 2 2a ...I 025 ..Manitee. 72 * tots 5 0 .15 takfot. 810 - x S -c-' 4W f -v-_Saginaw DIvISImn ,i ' G~'ong Maoh SATONS. GoingSoth' to ONE ,WEEK, BEGIN- 8 65 Pas. pam. Panls. INKG OCT. 20, - - _ _._.. - E'. a. . I.e.] tAr. A. a..-,,p Ida 6nd ...71381.Annarr..1113005:. VanCorla 8 5 PRICES--IS5. 25 AND 35 CENTS. H. WASHLPX, A. J.PAt5LRhl. Seats en Sate aOZ:P..j~ewa Eaam, GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD. L~ocal AgeutL