THE U. 01 T TWO SAM$ Messrs. YOUMAN'S, KNOX' and SILVERMAN'8 THE - Li- COAT s See it at A om AorStou1l1 LUnaIry , VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY!, STATE ST. TAILORS, 'WORK CALLEDEOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. CMePtl'lAI, RATES TO STUDENTS. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. --LLANJ rE i, F M DAILY Of Old UJ. of M. should have a University of Michigan Quitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin anid Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; Banjo anti Mandolin Strings, .5 ets. Everything in proportion. L. IT. Clement,IIGLIIO OGM CO TI'RAZJE .A.T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HTURON STREETS. LARGoEST STOCK of TOILET Goons AND FINE CIGsARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARiETTES IN THlE CITY. FERGUSON & SLATING, Gejts" Firijishers aid $atters Carry a full line of ITATS, CAPS, NRCKWEAR1, HOStEIRY, GLOVES, ITNDEtW EAll, Etc. The latest styles and an eiitire new stock to select frons. 22 so-uTI S'T.A'TEST.., - .N . R h sOR. AHR'SBOOKSTORE; 0OWN TON- Le Stiudent will Saive motney hy hayinigUiviersity Text-Books anti all supplie. C leadiluartels. We illowe special discouttoil LAWN BOOKS, Ml tICAL BIOOKS, DEN'I'M. lOOKS, in short, every Bltoktosetd in theC 1_'itsci nt . 5,010IIBlsnk Books at lossest prices 1l TTp +' _ .1:I lN(~ 1001 K REIN IfI Ir ITY. ALL~~ TliETLISLL FRESHMAN MEETING. { -IN- A Tug-of-War Has Finally Been Decided Upon. Tr~rF ~A meeting of the Freshoian .1.H N els was field ini roonm A, Satur- tay at 2:15 p. Ini. Mr. R. V. OF ALL KINOSIAT Friedman was msade cihairnian, J. T. J ACOBS & CO.'S, and Mr. C. F. Weller, secretary. Notwithstanding the fact that 27 AND 29 MAIN SNT. there was quite a strong sentinsent L. GRUNER. among the Freshmen to challenge Healer 5te oa 0 2 A Z S=© T"Sth Soplis t foot-ball rush, Ns. s soath Main street. oin to accept thse to-a ipairing doae Neatly and Promptly. moPotg-o-a __ -chialleinge wvas carried, though Everybody is invited to go to only after coiisiderable discussion. the skating rn ongMt i- r.Chiadboiurne was elected rinkt-iiglt, o wtutg-of -war captain with an advis- ness the exlhibitioin in lightning ory comnmittee of two. ?, Painting. Books sold at aunction. ( Roger Slicrmni was elected' --- _,captalin of the class eleveni. Save Time and Money Messrs. Lussky, Sibley and Caii- field, appoiiited to solicit funds By nuying your for the eleveii. It took coiisidcrable tisse to de- I~ cide tile clues yell, which is: H~oo! LAW DOG0_ Y ali! lee! Boom! Bang! Roar! Michigan! Michigan! Ninety-four! nfi a.. .. - . __..__ While the discussions were tak- after adjourniing, the Fresliimein rulsheds out tlirouiglh the hail, using a scantliiig as a battering rasm. This was done three times, when Secretrry Watle canie out and stopped the sport. FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. LATIN-All students who were conditioned in Latin compositioii at their entratnce exainiation, aiid all otisers who wish instruction in eleicentary Latiis composition, are requested to isiet nie in Room E, Saturday; Oct. 25, at 9 a. m. JOiN C. RoLFic. MISCELLANEOUS. A CHALLENE-TheO class of '92, Law, desires to arrange foot- ball gaines withi every class in the University, and suggests thit a class league be formted. The cap- tasiiss of all class teams; and a representative from each class which has not as yet elected a caiptain, are inviteti to meet at 85 East Washington street, on Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 22, at S o'clock, for the purpose of ar- rangling a scisedule. RALPH STONE, Captain pro temn, '92, Law. Miss Edith Sheffield, '92, will not return to college this year. Mr. Mtiaurice Butzel, of Detroit- is visiting Ann Arbor friends. Mr. Ed. Miller, 90 Lit., was in! towin yesterday. LJr GLSiaS 10ESE!I 67 lor re P, .,,Dc'rot vich. tile St;ll. A~rni o r NE l M titn. S IIbarn, Brto s;~ill l (rtlll1tit .tl ?(llld I I~ , S es - t EartmI ilt ry llaltjjs'. 11151 Stillfs in tlie A~lorldtttlly ,:lo atylsilti Il I:)Cns eali 1rlItt A i 1111,1 an111 St cnts each I-AT]Ties. G ood~peed'S, TeIPA TENT Best1_ 8HOESn FINE L FHOTOGRAPHS, Millinery and Art Uoods. .30 Enst llama St. JtW, YORK~ & ZON, Atanufatners of Bind lnd thnheslu 111d lid Irchestra l 1Set lfoleCalslesjae. GRiAND RAPIDS, MICIGAN. ~-THE ARGUS,-. AT LOW PRICES. SHORTHAND CURE T WILL PAY YOU. Shorthiand Schonol, New Building, 10 South Slate Street. 'or US WHILE WE ARE HERE. Callaghan & ~ Law Publishers. 114 Monroe St., 505S. State St., Chicago. Ann .Arbor. lng place the Sopihs were having an exciting time without. Prexy came out where the bophs were anti requested them to let the Freshmen alone, as they would soon have them (the Freshmen) all to themselves, on the campus.