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October 20, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-20

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Vot. I. No. 20. UN
Not Single Point Scored Against
[Frot Saturday's Extra].
De'rTr, Oct.18, 1890._
Game was called at 3:50 this
afternoon in a drizzling rain.
About 250 were present.
The general play was better
than in the Albion game, although
the ground was too slippery for
team playing or tricks.
Only once was our goal in dan-
ger, when, in first half, Frazer's
long run was made, which, how-
ever, was disallowed by the ref-
eree, after a vigorous kick by
The teams line up with Van
Nortvick ',93, as referee, and
SidnIey Miller, Ml.A. C.as inn-
a. A. '. POSITIONS. U. OF 3t.
Miller ----Centre ---Chiadboune.
binkeral. .-_ It. Guard-Sutherland.
5ayward _--.Lt. Guard--Trainer.
gearing _----Rt. Tackle-Malley.
Clarke --- Lt. Tacke-S. Sherman.
Wagner -- t. End_ .IR. Sherman.
Chope ----Lt. End----McCune.
razer ------Qr. Back---Holden.
Warren'Hf. Backs rosh .
The 1. A. C. eleven is a strong
Ote, though the men show some
lack of training. The U. of M.
team seems a trifle heavier. The
Play of the first half consists al-
"lost entirely of short rushes, and
the V with Jewett and Grosh be-
hind it. The D. A. C.'s played
ard, but our rush line was a little
too strong for them, and soon
carried the ball over the line. No
goal- The ball was rushed over
again soon after, and then Jewett
Closes the first half by making
two more touchdowns, kicking a
goal from the last one. Score for
. __ __ _ _
first half--U. of M., IS; D. A.
C., 0.
Second half-With the score
IS-0 against them, the D. A. Cs
began a more vigorous style of
play, hoping, at any rate, to score
against us. But Captain Malley's
control of the team is much bet-
ter than in the Albion game and
the defensive play is too strong
for our opponents to score. In
fact, but for the wet condition of
the ground, which rendered good
play well nigh impossible, our
score would have gone much
higher. Chadbourne makes one
touchdown, and three are made
by Jewett, from two of which
goals were kicked, making 20
points for us in the second half.
Total score--U. of M., 38, D. A.
C., .0.
Our whole team showed im-
provement, but the play of Mal-
ley, Chadbourne, Dygert, and
Jewett deserves special mention.
The Y. W. C. A. Convention.
The delegates to the Young
Women's Christian Association
Convention at Kalamazoo re-
turned this morning and report a
very enthusiastic and profitable
time. Rev. J. Al. Gelston, of
Ann Arbor, gave an address:
"Women as Co-workers with
Christ." Rev. D. M. Fisk, of
Jackson, spoke ott the subject,
"God's Letter to Young Womien."
Corabel Tarr, the International
Secretary of the Y. W. C. A.,
gave a very fine address last eve-
ning on The Object and Work of
the Y. W. C. A." Several meet-
ings were addressed by Miss,
Guinness, of London, Eng. The
meetings which were of special
interest to the S. C. A., were the
Bible Training classes, led by
Miss Silver, the State Secretary,
and Dr. L. Anna Ballard, of Lan-
Its Prospects Bright--its Member-
ship Rapidly Increasing. Foreign Buyers, Importers, of Gerrs
and Art Goods, Jeweers ard Op-
The Foley Guild came together ticiaqs, Manufacturers of the
for the first time this semester on Finest Society Badges nede iq the
last Saturday evening. The meet- courtra Samples-sent upon pro-
ing was largely attended and the per refererces,
members showed an earnestness
and enthusiasm that speaks well
for the future success of the young
but thriving organization. Thirty
new names were presented for
membership, whilst many more
have signified their intention of
joinjng. The Guild is composed
of the Catholic students of the
University, and was organized for
literary and social purposes and to
promote a feeling of fellowship
amongst the students of the
Catholic faith. Although but a
year old, it has by its energy and
rapid growth attained a prominent
position amongst the student
organizations of the University.
The Guild is under the patronage
of the learned and eloquent Bishop
Foley, of Detroit, by whom it is
heartily supported.
The highly satisfactory results
accomplished last year and thej
prospect of being established in
the near future in large and com-
inodious quarters, equipped with
the facilities and conveniences in-
cident to societies of that nature,
have given the organization a
fresh impetus and imbued the
members with a determination to
redouble their former efforts.
The Guild starts on its second
year of usefulness under the most
auspicious circumstances.
W. Turnbull, formerly '91 Lit.,
spent Sunday in Ann Arbor. He
will return to college the second
D-troit Op ra Heil nc Bfk.,
Detroit, - - Michigan.
Mathematical Club.
At the meeting of the Mathe-
matical Club, Saturday evening,
Mr. Rice gave a talk on "A
Problem in Conics," which con-
sisted of a discussion of the rela-
tive velocities of the crank-pin
and piston in the steam engine.
Prof. Campbell gave the first of
a series of talks' on "Method of
Least Squares." This was a very
interesting paper and it was the
opinion of many present that a
course in this important subject
should be offered. A short busi-
ness meeting was held, but no
action of importance was taken.
'92 Laws.
The class of '92, Law, held a
meeting on Saturday afternoon,
Trickenson in the chair. It was
decided to hold the election for
officers four weeks from Saturday.
A committee was appointed to
draft a constitution. A temporary
athletic council was appointed,
consisting of the following: Foot-
ball captain, R. Stone; base-ball
captain, Seymour; tennis manager,
Shaw; manager of track athletics,
unfilled, but will be filled during
the week.

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