THE U. OF M. DAILY. T _ --THE .NEW COLLAR- CLOTHING HOUSE,..... a ul 71,173, i'75...;odward Avenu ,D, ,,V A iW e early a full0 . . Thils 15 excee(- cl, CLOT III NG ( JcLN NR P 1 rppua With Wiel-(lreS.- l~Latrs K ovet7Iies P\V7'vK Laiv7 ed gerntlemen. NEW BOOK STORES, lne ot the justly te1 el ratedl Cr-owu il Collars and Cuff's and 1inolnareli Shirts. UN oIN LRSP Mi1LNTBOls, *-~'.o i tteSre, ""-G"C. H. WILD, All Blooks used ill ('ity Schootls. s es oeIok i atiiti- s soigte ags I sekf'Full J > is ;Sois,oin Ithe mnhit. Stulet ae ~oos ndPas, 3ri L i All the latest shiades alldiioetties ini Ti'iiisisem hateil ('noutthete ELie oh Sporting (;ii)ds. i73; rttrumients. ; ~ea ing. iit S~tests caiinIibeladof areStock of Fouiitaiin tenis. s..Warrraiiteid toiiitainiePeii ((oldl)for $1.50). No. 2 E. Washington St , near Main. G. H. WILD. JAMES M. STAFFORD, The best place to get a flI0S +±Q(A5S~v+ osJI MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR,--- MICH. DOlls'__ Flrlishilis! SPECIAL SALE - FoiR - SATURDAY ONLY. To introdluce our Gents' Furnishing Departmenat to our Student frienda we shall offer on Saturday, Oct. 18tha and on that day ouly, Choice of all our new tile. Ties and Scarfs for 21c. Choice of all our new 50~c. Ties sod Scarfs f or -12c. All our '2-5c. Cuffs for 21 c. 4. 44 1 c. " l 1c. 4415c. Collars "l12. 4 12c. 4 . loc. 44 4 ioc. 44 4G Sc. Also I25 doz. Gents' Initial Htem- stiched handkerchiefs, worth Q~c. for 25c. Es F. MILLS & CO8, 20 SOUTH MAIN ST. THDE LARGEST STOCK, BUS~INESS DILEICLY. GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES Oni LAMPS, in this city. You Will nave umoney by buying of us. tour ANM A AX "tRED STAtI" (OIL has no equal, burns without odor, or chrigof wick and gives a clear white light. WM. ARNOD charringWATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Soltd at 10 cenits per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. :A MAIN STRIEET, Speiailiention paid to repairing watches 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pE r & Go. ad eelry. THE CAMPUS. Fred Frank, an eumployee of Albert Pierce, shot anid serious- worinded Walter Pierce, sonl of tlit former, nealr the fair grounids, at 8 o'clock last evening. Tine assassin was caught noar Ypsilanti this morning. Yotunig Pierce is riot oxlsoctod to live. 11. B. Dewy, '90's distinguished orator, will ho in town Saturday arnd Sunday. Class politics in flat Law Do- partrnent is beginning to boom. Ralf a dozen maeetings of various " clans" were held to-day. E. E. Taylor, Lit. '93, traveled for theo Globo Tobacco Co. this summer. Miss Lucy Comstock, Lit. 1t9, lis a position in flit Governrserit Pension Offico irr Detroit. Sowers, Lit. '93, is in flit Med- ical Department thiis year. Tlio Social at flit Baptist churrcli last evening was well attended. It was giveni under flit auspices of tire Yorurg People's Society. M. R. Osburn, Lit. '93, will not return this year. The Harvard Faculty has re- fused thia year again to allow tire Glee Club to make a trip during the Christmas holidays. M. W . BLAKE, ' L. E. AMigiseil, Lit. '92, is Corn-i rICTURE", FrAsMES, A NDn fined to his roorm, threatened with ART GoOODS. 55 west Haren St. pnieunioniai. A Colurmbus, 0., lecturo asso- ciation sold 1,200 tickets last Tuesday mrorninig. It has Stanlrey in ifs course, and so lis ours. The examinations for posit ions on the Banjo Club, wero hield this afternroon. Over fifty applicants were present. C. B. Wilson has taken to himin- self ai wife, and will practice at Bradford, Vt. Some villainous Soplis have torn down the notice of flit Fresh- man electiorr. The Freshmren are very wratliy in consequence. G. S. Cliaprian, '92 Lit., went down to 4"Ypsi' last night. While thlire lie wnrs taken for assassin Frank, who had riot yet been captured. After submsitting to a close scrutiny and questioning by fte ''Ypsi" iarsiial lie was al- lowed to go. Foot-hail gamnes Saturday: Yale, 26; Lehigh, 0. Tufts, 5; Exeter, 0. Brown, 8; Techniology, 8. Harvard, 72; Amherst, 0. Dart- mouth, 71; U. of 'Verrsont, 0. Franklin and Marshall, 18; La- fayette, 10. Williams, 40; Ridge- field A. A., (Albany), 0. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manifaelurer at anil denier in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Coi'. FoiirtihiindDerpot Sin. J. HALLER Rlepairingia spec ily. OM.MIARTIN, DElALERl IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND) COMMON COFFINS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bankers arid dealers in Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed, a and 81E. Wanhington 5t. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker oatlSue 1,ADIES' and GENTS' SHOES. iRepairing neatly doe. d4i 5. Maia Sr. GR ANG ER'S -ACADEMY OF DANCING,-~ Opposite lLaw Building. Pprils will lie received tiiiany tinedaring tke sasen. Through Vestibuled and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma. Wash., and Port- land Oregon. The Wisconsin Cemtral and Northiermi Parcific limnts rruni throughi Pullmarn Van- tibuled anrd Colonisnt Sleepuers betweemn Chicago annd Taconia, Waish., and Portland, Oregon. Thre train knowni as fte"Pacific -Express" leavensflht Grand Ceintral Passemnger Station, at lie corner of Fifth Avenue andI Jiarrisori Street, at 10:4.5 P. M. daily. F or tickets, berthms in lPullman or Col- onist Sleepers, etc., apply to Gico. K. Tuoarr'sosc, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. J. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, Grand Central tPassensger Station, cornerFifth Avenue and Iarrison St reef, Chicago Ill.