THE U. OF M. DAILY r E Q s w x o l i i . i iTi'i TWO SAMS Messrs. YO UMAN R, KNOX' and 8/L VEPMA/'8 THE -QD- COAT See it at Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quiality hiighiest. Giiasasiteed every inch of the r-oad~. Violin amnd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, etsd. Everything ini prolportion. L. It. Clement, LMItS.J. fl . O BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HIURON STREETS. ILARGOEST STOCK OF ToILET GOOD-S AND FINiE (CIAlS, TOnAtEOS AND CIGRTTE ssr IN TE ITs.. i FERGUSON & SLATING, Genjts" Fhiriishers ai1d afters Carry a full line (fIf ATS, CAP'S, NECKWE . llOl GL.OVEPS, UNDERWEAR, Etc. Thse latest styles andtl an1entire( 1(5 sturk to select fions 22 2JWV ~ 2., ~ -~~- WrlE r-T=0 S2I ES- L. BL.ITZ All Arbor1 1M1l1bam ltl VOORHEIS &DITS BETWORK IN THE CITY; STATE ST. TAILORS, WOR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, IS LS OK M SIEerAs, RATESO Ta STUDENTS. Office. _ 23 South Fourth Ave. ZP\JLL ANL] SEE LiS. _;.,.W H 'S 00OK STORE, DOWN TOWN*_I 5(15~ Stludent uwill save money by haying Cuiversil-y Text-Books arsd all supplinI leadqts utei o. We allows seialdi scounot on L.AW 'BOOKS, AMEI)ICAL BOOKS, DENTAL LOOKS, isnI l or eeryLook used inlthsc t ldveri ill (50l0akkBooks at lowest prices. LEADIIN(G'l11001 STORE INITHE CtTY. T-7 T~Ly, T STYLES FRESHMAN MEETING., ia excitisg;lime withsout. Pro y crsn out to whsereothie Sopbs were I - IN WHICH THE SOPHOMORES asitl rtujstethereisst(- let thso PL AY A PART. iL'.ncl>> . ln.,. 0 .,,.,...w,, 1.1 II TC\rTT~A Tug-oh-War Has Finally Been UCLYJI1 IH\' _eie pn I eie pn OF ALL KINDSEAT I The uieeting (Ifthse Freshsman J'. T. JA.COBS & CO.'S, claiss was calledl to order at 2:15 this afterinoon. Mr. R. V. Fried- X27 AND 29 MAIN ST. mns was made chsairmnan, and Mr. L-- GUNE. C. F. Weller, secretary. Ululee in CO' .ANTy S=UES No luhali Seeet. lteesieing do~e Neatly and ePromptlr. Everybody is invited to go to' the skating rinik to-nsighst, to wit- lestisoexlibitioniinislightising After considerable tliscussion, two sophsoisores woro ejected, aisd husinsess was tisen resumeid. Notwitlsstaisding tiso fact tisat thsere was quite a strong seistiment among thso Freshimens tolchiallenige the Sopiss to a foot-hsall rushs, a c a'ntng. Books sold at auiction. Insmotioni to accept tise tag-of-war sooni have tiiciis the Freslisseis) all to themiselves, on the tanipus. The Sophss tied the door of rooms A so thsat passage was im- possible; but Secretary Wade came to tlse rescue and unslocked aisothier door. Vise Freshsmnen soon got the barricaded door open aisd drew thse scantling, with whsichs it was tiedi, into thse rooms. After adjourning, thse Freshmisesi rushed out tlsrriigls the hsall, using the scaistling as a batterinsgsram. Thsis was doisethsree tinmes when Secretary Fade came out aind stopped the sport. Rugby Meeting Postponed. The conmnsttee onl constitutions are isot yet ready to report, consc- quently tlse Uiiversity mseetisig arranged for this muornsing is post- poned sintil next week, thse exact time to be ansnounced later. Vise delay is unfortunate in some re- spects, as tse season is rapidly passing, yet the advantage of hav- ing the meeting at a time when the foot-ball men can be present, will perhaps compemisate for. wait- ing. liii Isreet '!;m e-I caa ia l aais x tihe State. A::'aa o r- Alaril. «wslisrn, Ileliiat it 1>lse ((j(5as I((i ldoa, Sew- a1llilican 1 I~-les St.esill the Worl-d to(( i tn((II (ly taddle,- (t1:i> (55(11 HAiTS, Tics. G ood~peed'3, TeIPA TENT Best LE ATHER SHOES. 1ILN1FIPHt~f6RAPH&", Millinery and Art Uoods. m. You &S Sm. 1luaeliirers of } Band and Olahlllns lana and Onnhentna GRIAND RAP'IDS, -- THE A RG US.1- AT sLOW PEICES. SHORTHAND CURE T WnLL PAY YOU. tluertluand Scuool, Sew Buildinig, 250SSasth Suite Street.. Save Time and Money ByByinyurseya LAW DOOKI OF US WHILE WE ARE HERE. 'Cal]laghan & c " s Law Publishers. 114 Monroe St., 505S. State St., Chicago. Ann..Arbor. clialleisge was1 carried; thioughI oiily after considerable discussioin. Mr. Chsadbourise was elected tug-of-war captalin wills an advis- osy committee of two. Roger Slhermni was elected captains of the class eleven. Messrs Lussky, .Sibley and Can- field, appointed to solicit funds for the elevemi. It took considerable time to de- cide the class yell, which is: Hoo! Yah! fl~ee! Boom! Bang? Roar! Michigan! Michigan! Ninety-fourl While the discussions were tak- ing place the Sophs were having