tt . j 11 4- I dY 11 . vpppp, ror,. No. 18. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1890, PRICE 3 VECTS. 1OfJI'BALL III DFEJB.OIT - of M. Defeats the' D. A. C. Irl the Second Game of the Season. dot a Single *Point Was Seored Against Us. lspecial to the D)iy.] DETROIT, Oct. 18, 1890. Game was called at 3:30 this afternoon in a drizzling rain. About 250 were present. tha general play was better thai in the Albion game, although the ground was too slippery for eam playing or tricks. The teams line up with Vat Wortwck, '93, as referee, and ney Miller, D. A. C., as um- pire. The D. A. C. eleven is a strong 00e, thou I lae of tg the men show some t training. The U. of M. seems a trifle heavier. The P of the first half consists al- "ost entire th etrely of short rushes, and te with Jewett and Grosh be- id t The D. A. C's played hard 1 O rut our rush line was a little e stong for them, and soon arried the ball over the line. No goal. The ball was rushed over again son aftcr, antd then lewett closes the first half by mtaking two more tonchdowns, kicking a goal from the last one. Score for first half-U. of M., 18; D. A. C., 0. Second half-With the score 1--0 against them, the ID. A. Cs began a more vigorous style of play, hoping, at any rate, to score against us. But Captain Malley's control of the team is much bet- ter than in the Albion game and the defensive play is too strong for our opponents to score. In fact, but for the wet condition of the ground, which =rendered good play well nigh impossible, our score would have gone much higher. Four tonchdowns were made by Jewett, from two of which goals were kicked, making 20 points for us in the second half. Totol score -U. of M., 38; D. A. C., 0. Our whole team showed im- provement, but the play of Malley, Chadbourne, Dygert, and Jewett deserves special men- tion. Only once was our goal in dan- ger, when, in first half, Frazer's long run was made, which, how- ever, was disallowed by the ref- eree, after a vigorous kick by Malley. D. A. C. POSITIONS. U. OF 3i. Miller -.-..-Centre --..-Chadbourne. Parker --.Rt. Guard...Sutherland. Hayward----.Lt. Guard..Trainer. Chope --.---.Rt. Tackle-Malley. Clarke.-...---.Lt. Tackle-S. Sherman. Gearing-----Rt. End....R. Sherman. Wagner --.Lt. End._.McCune. Frazer -...Qr. Back--.Holden. Anderson.- 3Backs 1Jewett. Warren-..-. a . yGrosh. Brooks ---Back---Dygert. The Side~lls' Lectllre Associaion offers the following COUDLRBE for 18JD-1. LELAND POWERS, In "David Copperfield." November 8, November 21. FREDERIC VILLIERS, "War on a White Sheet." HILD PARK CONCERT CO., 1ENPiY M. STANLEY,, "The Rescue of Emin." December 13. January 6. January 21. F. W. GUNSAULUS, "A Chapter in the History of Liberty." RUSSELL H. CONWELL. February 21. "The Silver Crown; or Born a King." Season Tlckets, $2.00. Single Admission, 50 cents. Stanley, $1.00. Reserved Seats without extra charge. See annonheements and small bills for further particulars.