THE U. OF M. DAILY. lR..I-_'I',AV~ER, -THE NEW COLLAR- CLOTHING HOUSE EI I/I7FE II'TEfulllS, 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigarq..N A CK. We earryan l T i~ d a rrhr__..-. 111 " +f ,tc i Men 's, I (GENTLEMI,.EN's FuRis tiNj s \ CLOTHING HKYn Latest Novelties Arriving al. NEW BOOK STORES, l is ex e -S 'C'(( ingly popuhar with well-dress- ed rentlemen. li e os to ie jus celeliratet Crown Collar and Cuffs an Monarch Shirt *y d :S. 6 South Mair Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITIY TEXT-IB00K r-L oW T 3 ~ M dical Books, Lavi Books, BLANK Booss AL Kis, Z All Books used in City Schools. Students Note Books and Pads, Draft- Is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitinigs in the market. Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments. All the latest shades and novelties in Trooserings and Lvercoatings. Fin GVstscan.e had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50.11No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G- H. WILD- moo JAMES M. STAFFORD, GThILOR I MPOREB# The best place to get a uftllsG + Q(AS", SGG MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. D _F ii SPECIAL SALE - FRse- SATURDAY ONLY. To introduce our Gents' Furnishing De artment to our Student friends we shall offer on Saturday, Oct. 18th and on that day only, - Choice of all our new 25c. Ties and Scarfs for 21c. Choice of all our new 50c. Ties and Scarfs for 42c. All our 25c. Cuffs for 21c. " e15c. 4 -. 12c. G 44 ke5. Collars "-12c. . lG44 e2 . c.o . "44 c. " Sc. Also'25 doz. Gents' Initial Item- stiched liandkerchiefs, worth 40c. for 25c. E, F.H ILLSI &CO., 20 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES On LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buyipg of us. Our R)ED STAR " OIL has'no equal, burns without odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 14 cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. ' pEAN & Co. THE CAMPUS. Fred Frank, an employee of Albert Pierce, shot and serious- wounded Walter Pierce, son of the former, near the fair grounds, at 8 o'clock last evening. The assassin was caught near Ypsilanti this morning. Young Pierce is not expected to live. H. B. Dewy, '90's distinguished orator, will be in town Saturday and Sunday. Class politics in the Law De- partment is beginning to boom. Half a dozen meetings of various "clans" were held to-day. E. E. Taylor, Lit. '93, traveled for the Globe Tobacco Co. this summer. Miss Lucy Comstock, Lit. '93, has a position in the Government Pension Office in Detroit. Sowers, Lit. '93, is in the Med- ical Department this year. The Social at the Baptist church last evening was well attended. It was given under the auspices of the Young People's Society. M. R. Osburn, Lit. '93, will not return this year. The Harvard Faculty has re- fused this year again to allow the Glee Club to make a trip during the Christmas holidays. L. E. Mighell, Lit. '92, is con- fined to his room, threatened withI pneumonia. A Columbus, 0., lecture asso- ciation sold 1,200 tickets lastI Tuesday morning. It has Stanley in its course, and so has ours. The examinations for positions on the Banjo Club, were held this afternoon. Over fifty applicants were present. C. B. Wilson has taken to him- self a wife, and will practice at Bradford, Vt. Some villainous Sophs have torn down the notice of the Fresh- man election. The Freshmen are very wrathy in consequence. G. S. Chapman, '92 Lit., went down to "Ypsi" last night. While there lie was taken for assassin Frank, who had not yet been captured. After submitting to a close scrutiny and questioning by the "Ypsi" marshal lie was al- lowed to go. Foot-ball games Saturday: Yale, 26; Lehigh, 0. Tufts, 8; Exeter, 0. Brown, 8; Technology, 8. Harvard, 72; Amherst, 6. Dart- mouth, 71; U. of Vermont, 0. Franklin and Marshall, 18 La- fayette, 10. Williams, 40; Ridge- field A. A., (Albany), 0. ANN Alol AVINGS 3AN~I WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 36 MAIN sTREET, Secial attention paid to repairing Watched and Jeweiry. M. W. BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMES, A N O ART GOODS. i 11West Huron S. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufacturer or and dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor. Fourth and Depot Sts. J. HALLER 465 S0UTH MAIN S T. nepair ng a specialty. 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN Cloth Caskets, MetalliC AND COMMON COFFINS. - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in Groceries, Provisions,Fiour and Feed' 65aned 5E. Washingn St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker or tine IADIES' and GENTS' SHOE0 Repairing neatiy done. 4 S. Main St. GRANGER'S J ACADEMY OF DANCING,4 Opposite Law Building. Pis is ll1 received at any time dai tho season. Through Vestihulecd and Coloni5 Sleepers Setween Chicago and Tacoma.Wash.. and Port- andS Oregon The Wisconsin Central and Norther Pacific lines run through Pullman fi~t tibuled and Colonist Sleepers betAe Chicago and Tacoan, Wash., Portland, Oregon. The train kno as the "Pacifie Express' leaves tl Gi and Ceitras Passenger Station, the corner of Fifth Avenue g Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. dai For tickets, berths in Pullman or onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GRO- b TiosMesoN, City'Passenger and Tic Agent, 205 Clark Street, or to F. EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, GraiS Central PassengerStation, cornerFi Avenue and I arrison Street, Chica Ill.