'XlC. of W(. 'Daiu. Pubs htd Daily (un days ecete)during the Cllee year, by THE U. oM. INDEPENDENT ASOIATION Subcription price 82,50 per ye, invribly an advance. Single crpeurncens. tn sle att Sherhuni- and Pst O)fic e nees tnlevery evening tit ine'clok. subcriptin may be left at the otice ofi the DILYv, Ilcca itane blurk, at Sheehn', at Stuttets, nrtwith tiny of the editors. Ctomtmunicatin hanuld reach the oilier by 10 A. M. it they tare in apiear the sae (lay. Addeens tlt matter intended for pblicatin tnt the Managing Editr. Aul huines eummn- iatinana libe eat in the Bsines Ma- ater. Reprt tll eget :n he part oCarriers in the City Circuatr, W. B. O'Neill. THE U. of M. DAILY Amn Abanr, i. EDITORS. H. B. SaOEMAKER -a ..... 1aR A. H. COnE R,12 ...M. ~'. na. a. En. M. B. HaMMNDna. at. - WA. W. B. O'NEILL. 'at. A8-e.Ba -. R. W. DOUnatTY '2, A.. Bus. M.~ W. iai. ( 92FI, ,. F1. SiHRAItv. 'cy H .ve Oc~ tiNt l. i. II. it ii t iit, . E .L AN, 91l. tL. SL ipite "i F5.11.AN,0..1 ;I . f.lra IN Hleretifter io communttiications will be publislietl unless accoti- pattied by tietnatme of the writer. Wile we tre glad to furiish siace for all articles toucitnig ttpott University topis, we wish to know the autliotr of the Coimnttications nierely is a guarantee of good faith. The namte will always be withheld froim publication, if so requested. The reasons given why the del- egate s to the oiatoricl associ- ation suffered the unjtst cotditioti exctidinig degree-iteni front the coitest, to be fored dtwni their throats, is that as they demnded conicessiotis from the oiler co- leges, they, iii tuin, liad to imake conceessiotts. Thinigs have reaicetd great crises wheet the U. of M., the largest and stroniget nfiinber of the League, has to ask cotncessionis from colleges several degrees lowr ino the scale of edu- catiottal institutions. Such actioti was an admissioti of weakness n the part of the U. of M. which we feel was uncalled for. If the League desires the Uni- versity of Michigan to grace the chain of institutions composing the League, let it be the wile Universty of Michigan and not a portion of it. Every man, THE U. OF M. DAILY. whether he be a degree-man,aS mtemtber of the literary, the law, the medical or any other tdepart- TEXT BOO". mots of which the U~niv-ersity is coitillllsedl antl by which it is STL'I kilowilii the world, is at comtpon- Second-hiaindlbooks etit part of the Uiiiversity atind as Rtoll SUC hilld ttlbe recogttized, Whtetn the conttest is over, T T whether tile Untiversity of Miclil- gait winstotr Ivoses, the fact ciill be hieraldied thatt it was the Utniver- sity of Michilgant and not a portionti--- of it. AN STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUlY YOUROCOLLEGE (7s Lvw ANDEMEDICAL. 70073 NOTE BOOKS, AT THE DENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. s at leow prices. We are agenits of Paul E. Wirt, Scott atnd anti fotintain pens. Bargains inisationery. 3.N 00~, - RO 'R= 2'G7R .. THE I Let ilie other colleges send ott their representtatli-es, whether of the theological, the literary or the lawe schools. It mlatters niot, so1 long as they are attending the uivcersity wicih they represet. The jU. of Al. is too big an iii-1 stittitiotn to stubmuit to dictation ini this pltiter, antd above till, plead( for coticessiotns. SUBJECTS FOR ESSAYS. EG 1 A bikvif referec tccs(r'aling tmaltter oilnechllsubject has beeni coimpiledi tntupliac' becotisutlted at the dlelivety ilesk itt the library. 190~. Tue -(cv York Ceitiral Sttike. 191i. .Americait Farnia. 192. 'rTeUnemtployedi. 193. Amiericaisms. 1114. P'rotbiemnvtolvedinii:Atitexitig Canatia- i95. Obstaces tnt Civil Service lRe- form. 1961. Thet-Itieil' Neivapier. 1117. State Socialismi. il98. What _Nationalinti Meatn. 11)1. Stattiey and tite Maip of Africa. 200. Crimie in Fiction. 201.. NeiFoaidiatid Fisheries isi- BUSINESS LOCALS. [Ntotices inerttdini thin cotumn ait the rate itt1 icentsper lite, incletinertion. Spenial ratet for longer tine anttientra linesnfurnished] by, itiplyintg at tisitoffice ir tiy eonnliiacR. iW. Doughtty, Assistatit BusnesManageri] Launitdry.--Teleptionte 731. Shioes repatired1 out Libeorty, ntearState. Young 'Tii's Overcoats. Wagiter I \.tittit St tliord'sstock of Trottser- ings $5.it) atnduptiartis. Got to E. B. Hlli for coai. BIlis 10c 'it P. 0. Barter Sitop. "pietitval ues ini XlrntU Cuter- Wi e ti 1Prices re'tsonabie. Wagner's. de11lemspir, Teaciter of Guitar, Banto anditi doiin at Clemenlt's. Fantcy Vestigs at Stafforti's. Granitget & Blaxter's Star Lauiidry. Just ntortih ot AttnontFourth at. Rlhod~e han tile best auud cleanest cotai. YWard, WV.IHuront street, utear rairoad. Biuy coal anud ivood of Judison, State street. A tiiie assortunut of everything in Hardware at EberbacithHardwcare Co.'s. Special sale of U. ¢of M. Foututain Peuns for one week only, at $1.49. Get one wile you have a chanice; they are the heat fouuntain pen made and will give you satisfaction. Call at Gruher's P. 0. store. WI'i3I a A ".T, n1Ct. --m-4THE BEST*---f St'venteten teachers. iBoardti tliltnishet Room!52.2tier weekhCrcularsn upont tappli- cation.P R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, DAEALERI N E3T/FIDNEPRY, BLANK BOOKS. ATHELETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' SDUElED.1 Btest lute iif FOUhN'i'A1N PENS in the city. Ice Creanut, Sodai Water, Coiliectitus,t'oll Ltunciies, Cigars andriToblucco. OYSTERS, FRY, STEW 01L PLAIN. Cail and see us at 26 SOU2'IS:S'TA'EBJsw D. L. DIOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER Fit Btain-Wuthita t Stientaty People: iGentletmen, Ladies,'Yooths;iithe I Athletc nr Invalidl. A compniliete /' aar fooiro, ne, sieific, dabdle, compnreesiveheap Indorsedhbyitt,ono p lin~ a ye, elcicymen, ed1..itosl&oter nowmnsingit. Senifor tttdncirca I oand,"cietiatic Physical intl VctialCutue,m ..t'.lt4thbst., 'N nYork. FRiENCiH ICE CRtEAM. FINEST IRECHutI COCKING. tLOWIEST PIES FORut IBEST MATERtIAL. 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit, Mi ch. CITY LIVERY AND SALE S TABLE.I C. L..YOS-T, PROt'RIEnTR. Nomm. 13 and 15 Washngon St., - Ypsilanti, Miub. First-claststRigo atid Stylish SadleHSorses NO). 12 W. 11- ZION 5' MICHIGAN G i T "The Niagara Fall Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. a in;s a at anU U o a4 R c y t- 0C - zL-C w ra c e-eQ 101 as--o CT 'T It-t +D~aily. 05*Sunday excepted. O, iv. RUGGLES, St.iW. HA YES, 0. P. StT. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbour. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Tahieaggng ists affect, tonday, Nov. 2it GongNerth.jSTTONSut. Goiag South. 6. 4. 2- 1, .is."5 Mlae. Cisce Cad.iStadard Time. Cl'te adl. Satl Enp. SExp.OMali! Ep. Mail Sap. 1315utOO ......TOLEttO....... 1t1ia11 i5..". 4I07 6 40t~nro Juti's1t2 1028..... 4 17 6cal........Dundee...... 12 Z)10 18...,, .... 4 3.5 705........Siln ........ 130104 950 .,... 4 3 7112....Pittefield .11 41 S9 '..3 1 07 103..ANN ARt3t Ii ilt0 922. 5 3(1 it50.......Lelntd's.... ti 159 It Oh 5O4 8C5 Witmore atnkce 0855 .. m ...55 810..Hambunrg...10 in 8 5s)Si.. o ...O,6 i2 845.....Howelti..101258 :shh . a ... 1 935.. Durand.i9t3 130 . 705310o00 ...... Coeann...... ste16647.... 8oiut0u10.....t0coeno... uit14 elm' .... 907 Ii 45 ...h1flancu........ 71: l 5t 32.,..t 9211 03 ...St. Ltus...... 7132' 5tS~... A.M. 0t512Z4....Xt.Plat.... 041 4'titrP. U. t8010 45 1320 ......Clare..0615 4 00 8540 it3i.. 1 3......Farewell,,.... . 315 sits 7 t t...8o0 ....Cadiilac..... 1 5 6IO 85 .. 4 40 ..L'opemith......9 54(0s 10e0 m ...1 5 62.... Ovekama. It7 o 3i4t 11i5 .... 6ti... Manistee.... ., 15 i 2i30 I0siS ....t518....Bencenia........, St6 3726 tutu .... I5 4)...Fr'ankforet.. ... 7 5125u Saginaw Division. t iact" Soning North aSTATN. 0oingSonnih. ONE AvEEK, BEGIaNr 8 6 5 7 Pass Pass. Paes. Pae ING OCT. so, ----___ a . Mj .]ad Ar. A. M -.. &,Vt7 ..,. 8t8O .,Anhrbor.. 1180 ....... 92if IaVanCortiand 756...8 8ta.....Flshin-..... ..9 ... 7 15 an4 75t.n......h9 b6 8.4384.8 ....b3~ PRICES--15.' 25 AND 35 CENTS.1t H W. ASHLEY. A. J. PAISLEY, at e StEatPO.ErinSemetmdenL Lien.Pss. Ages': Seat on aleat P O. ewsRoom G0.5H. HAZLEWOOD. Local Agent.