THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pubisied Daily (Sundays excepted) drina te ollege 1sar by THE U o M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Subscription price 2,55 per year, invariibiy in advance. Single copies 3 cents On sae at Sheehant and Post 0ffic news stant every evening at 6 o'clc. Sbcription may be left at the office tf the DILY, Opera Huena block, at Sheehan', r with any of te editor. Commniatonns sholdt reach the office y lO AM. If tey are In appear the ame day. Addresn all matter intended for ptublication tn e Mebanaging Editor. All boiness cmain- tetios nhobuld be sent to te Busites Man- ager Rposrt ali neglect on ue art of Carriers to the City Cirlator, W. 0. O'Nil. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nlic. EDITORSf. H. B. SHEMuAKE,.",. Msnam* E~Tnl.. A. H. COVERT'a. A.T. Me sn,.N EITOR. M. 1S. HAMMNDc'tn, as. 8am..,AH~a W. . ' ,'A.- U.MNDR R. W. SeaGaT,'9,A. B's.r. MnNAc . W. E. OiretaFI, '0. I1'. 1. TtBAnsta, 't, H. D. 3 Ewc.L. '1. .11 . tiTI..'92. E. I0. HOtLLANDs '92. 0L. SOTHMtAYt, 'l. L. . WItEIncstt 13. 1. L. MASN, 3. C. L. SAtN, '... DO NOT LOtS. A SING0LE12NMERt, CUT SUBlSCIBEl NOW. TiE "DAILY" Iti ONLY $2.0 t'kltYA,tPAYABLE IN ADVANCE. LEAVEYO YUtPAES Al' StEEANS, 'iIl POSTOtVICE NEW55STAND, Ol WIrI ANY' MEMBERO~ 00''1Is ARID OF EDITORS. "ils the daily paper a g?" This oft-repeated question is aswefed on1ce for all by our appearance to- day. Yes, the DAILY is a go. It is here to stay, atd the studetts of the University of Michigatn have obtained in it the cheapest daily paper published in ay Alerican college of university. We Ave lut the price low ii order tiat everybody can subscribe, for we intend to make the DAILY s0 bright and newsy, so wide-awake alid progressive, sld withal so impartial, tiat no stdent can get along without it. ~TH-E ENTEING GLASSE. Two hundred and seventy new students had entered the literary department at 4 p. m. to-day. If we consider uthat Oct. 1 last year fell on Tuesday, and this year on Wednesday, we will see that we may expect as many freshmen this year as there were last. Seventy- eight new students have entered the medical department, of whom fifty-four have reported to' Dr. Campbell. Nearly all of these enter either on high school or col- lege diplomas. This is a marked contrast to last year, when over half entered on examination. Two hundred and one ne0w stu- dents have entered the Law de- palrtmnt. This is anl icrease of thirity per cett over the nutmiber of siudents entered oil the sa111 timle last year. Full directories of all the de- partmnents will e published later in the week. A list of those studets wo have passed teir entrance exams for thte Literary departmnt wll he published to-morrow in the DAtLY, instead of being on~ouc- ed in roonm A. MEDICAL. DEPARTMENT. All election fo' lermnet ed- itors of this departmient will e held8001. F. A. Waples, assistant in plys- iology, spent tie summer teaching the little Dakota Indians. Dr. Emnla Wheat lastinlgs, '90. anld IR. T. Gilmore, '92, were tnarried last July. Seats will probably be assigted a week from next Saturday. It'sf of suc'estud4lcndideseofor adwin sso), ine to-oTows daily. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices inerted in tits coun at the rate of 10 cents per ingle inerion Special rate for longer ie atd etra linen furnihed by applying at thin nlice or by consutine R. sv Dogty, AsitattBtusines Manager.] See Nole's ad. on fortl page. Go to E. 1. Ball for coal. Loolt at The Two Sams' ad. F"all stock of suitings at Staford's. Boy cigars, cady, stationery, etc. 't Gtubers P. 0.1.New Room. All tile newest styles in clotinig of all kinda't J. T.Jacobs & Co.'s, 27 andlt 2Main st. 'argains in ne0w base-urter coal stoves at Eberbach Hardware Co.'s. Noble bao an ad. ou fortl page. Buy your college text-books, neCw and seconld hand, at the Studet' Book Store, State Eat. Examille Stafford's stock of trouser- ings and fancy etig. For the largest line of new and styl- ish hats and caps to be found in te city, go to J. T. Jacobs & Co., 27 and 29 Main t. Second-hand books, blank books, ad stationlery cheap at Sheehall & Co.'s Book Store. Noble, the clotier, on fourtt page The "U. of M. Fountain Pen" only $2.00 at Grubera . 0. Stre. Wild's ad. will pay looking at. A large line of Turnks, Satchels and Hland-bags at reasonable prices, at J. T. Jacobs & Co.'s, 27 & 29 Main street. Sheehan & Co. are agents for Wirt, Holland & Scott fountain pens. Bay State Guitars, all sizes, in rose- wood, maple and mahogany. Fully warranted. Immet Priss. Best guitar and violin strings, :10. Plinirce, s fer be1. Banjo string, S. Lowest price guaranteed. 2 South Fourth avenue. Alvin Wilsey. All the novelties n Neckwear, Kid Wi es, Cnes, Umbrellas, ec et., at J.T. Jaeobs I CO.'s, 2 and29 ihaiu t. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUCY YOURI COLLEGE TEXT Boo~s, LAW .iN MEDIcAL BOOKS NO)TE 11000S, ArT'111 STUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. Secetid-Iland books at low prices. We lre agents of Patti E. Wist, Scott and Holland foulntain pens. Bargains in stationary. AND 'THE TssTH E .3EST-*w 5s-t'tteen teschters. Board withs Furnished Rotmn62.25 per week. Circulars upon apple- caton. P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, DEALERS IN IBT/\TI DNERY, BLANK BOOKS. ATRILETIC GODSAND- STUDENTS' BUPPLIES. Best linue of FOUNTAIN PENS its the city. Ice Creams, Soda Water, ConfectionaCoid Lunches, Cigars alnd Tobacco. OYSTERS, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN. Call and see us at 26 SOTTIC -S TArTE ST D. L. DOWD'S HEALTH ;EXERCISER. Fot Brain-Wortrt Sede~tary People: OscsIA ta1c, Lcdes, Youths;the Sgymilsun. TIkes4"i' bt 1 i.. sne'last roome,,scsc,scientific, drbc, cspeensicc, echeap. lndor-cdlby 2o~sos h. ticiaea,law- yers, lerg-ymaen, edior & othters )n soseg it. Sendtforitl'd circat- 'rasi. c.sea. jo eng's; ncitarge. Prof. D. I.Dswd, Scietntific Physicl and VoaiCutur, ', lt'.t,i ,New 'orka. FRENCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH COOKING. LOWEST PRI1CES FOR BEST MATEIAL. 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit. Mich. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. C. L.. YOST, PROPRETOR. Nos,. 13 and 11 Washngitot, - Ypsilant#, Mich. Firnt-clase Huge and StylIsh Saddlle Serene for Hire. rIIOTO4 iAAPHRR NO. 02 W. HURON ST. The Dranmetio Evenat of the Beases. TUESDAY. SEPT. 30th., Elmer E. Yance'seGreat Realaetle Comedy Drama. The 1Limited aMcit Te meet notable and realreilo stage pee nacthon ver witnseed in Twe entire carloads of magnlfloanttscenic and wenderful mechanical effects. Fell ef ISeneatilonal Features, crowded with Musical Gecms, everflowing with Wenderful Surpasees andeas full of fun, pure un-adulterated fun. ss the toothsome Shad Is ef Bones. PRICES. 35. 50 and 78 CEN'TS. Seats noweon sale at Foet Offie News Stand "The 3Nagara Falls Rnute." CENTRAL STANDARD TIM. I « a+a -tci-a , Ur'nn. op r 39f3 4S G 4 .py~v 01 . .wm c A I S e ~o 5 P d0.0 5 5 Q 1 mo0 } p0 A=o A o ' ,0 n A ~~1-k 0 41., iAnnArbr ad or Mchigy andilay.cptd Time Tble going intooet, Monday, Nov. 25' Maa. Ci'1ea Cad. Stadard Time. Cl''eead. May' EaP. Esap. Mailltap. Mail Mop' .....P. Bt. . tLve Aer , a. . .......' 21ii...TMiO...... 3256Olnllos 0 1 5.... ...407 6 40MonreJc ton 12 27 10 28 .. all...4 76 47 .,......,tlodea ...... 12 20n0H8.. ...4 31 7IS5........Milan ....... 12504968 ... S4 537 22 . ..Pittealeld .. 1154i 984...." 5 07 733 ..ANN ARORo1130t9 22I. ....518541....... Leland'...,11 1% 9907.... 5 s7 8 5 nWhitmore Lake 11 02 8 55..." 5 51 8n10......hamharg ... 10 57 8605)...... ~...628 8545 ...... Howell."""laos 268 '7-" ...711,9 55...Drand......9557 8I.. «.. 753 lue0. ..Conaa...... 9 10647 ~... ni00l0ti0......Owosso....... 9s40n use. ,....960711 45 ........Ithaca........ 7160 5S82 ..." .. ,.'l92n2S3.....St. Louis...... 7132 5 18 ...-"' ,.9 3212 08 ......~.Alma....... 7 26 8 I. ,' As . 10 05 12 45 ..Mt. Pleasant.... 6 ss 4 35?.r9 53010 45 020...Clae ...... 6s15 400t854 r 141 . 14...... Farewell.... ..... 54St826 17510,.. , _310 .... Cadillac....... .....150 6 00 8 51s ..4 4e ..Copemieh .. 90se4"' 16 40 ....,,5 52 ... 9 retama.....7130 lost5 . 5625 ....EManistee... .. 715 1018 .,.5 IS... Iinnia.....e... 8 1 0 2 1155 . 5644. .Frankfort. 7530, 50 Sagimaw DiviSless. Going Woeth STATIONS5. Going Secth* Pa Pa.PeA.P1......A >. a.Lv.] tAr. A. M ..90 so07..-....7 88 ..Ann Arhar.,.11i3s..,.... I. W. ASHLEY. A. ).PAIS5LEY. Superintndest. SGes. Pas Ae5 Q.H ALWOOD. ILeeS Agent.