THE U.-OF M DAILY T"lE TWO ~M Messrs. YOUMAN8, KNOX' and SILVERMA/'8 See he f W Clla THE - DCOAT See it at Of Old V. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amnd Guitar Strings, 10 eta.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything in proportion. L. LClement,IIGLIIT&OGA00 .BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOOLET GOOS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN TILL CITY. FERGUSON & SLATING, Geiits-5Ftijshers aijd $afers Carry a full line of HIATS, CAL'S, NUCI WLF'\ll .HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, Etc. The latest styles asnd an nitile nw stock to select from. 22 SOTTES STE.A.2'T=-STE. - A N R aR 2'=:mr-TWO8 .-ZV.E3- 1<. BL.ITZ Al ro t~l1LlilllrY VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY I STATE ST. TAILORS, 'YORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. W5PCIA,. R ATES ' T SETOO.t T Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. -- L N EELE f37 Morro rAn , Dtrot Mch. """rrr. T W N . ' """ Thfe large t )ii.elIMerchandi1 000ue0i Eey Student wNill save money hy buying University Tfeat-Books and all supplista ,t' Headqcuarters. We allow Biruno im,saa re~ ry i o01son, Stew- special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, in siiort, every Book uoed in the anrt and lilnr O,ties . heat r -ings inl the , e~~Wrld sen Sy neh% il1 stiny addcress a:t 15 cratn 17liiersil> 5,000 llaitk Books at lowest price. rnwCrsit ~ i nI10 veac for Banje. _ LEADING BOOK STORE TH E iC crwITY A .-,, ALL THE ITEVIEUT 1 TlJ 'M MISCELLANEOUS. Tannin. There will be a meeting of the Vl'io tennis courts are now in I -U. of Al. Bicycle Cluibatt'7:30 this odcniin n ti oe evening in thto Law tbtildittg. goAl ttltot ttdi i oe F T ' FITcome, will bo in gretero popularity than W. C. TiCIIEWORt. ever. Thu associations is in debt liiHIN fG FOLEY GIIIL-There will be a and desires to free itself this fall, mneetinlg of the Foley Guild, Satur- wihcanntot bedoe unless OF ALL KINODS;AT day, (Jet. ItS, at S p. in, at St. Thoas'Schol all Al Caho-hearty sulpport is givens by the J.~~~ T7JC B OS lie students are invited to attend.. stadents. Badges are to be worn 27 AND 29 mBAtNST~. P. J. HIALLY, Pres't. by members, and no one without JUNIOR ATEDICS.--There will be 011e will be allowed to play on the L. GRUNER.aietnoftejnomeisacors ooesolltIof __ Dealer in.Ametnoftejnomeisacors NOoesolpuof UC -T ITZ S~o-ms 19 a. mn. Saturday, in thse lower joinling the association until spring, I~e N.5 S outh Mats, street. lectulre room, to eleet officers. as the price of adtnission is the P~rsagdoe Nestip ansI Promptly. -Let every junior be there, same tilen as now. Thle annual Eve bo isinvtedto toA. W. REKED, fall tournanlent will begin Satur- A~eyboy i nie ogotoSPHioMoRE--Every one turn day, (Jet. 25, tat 9:301 a. mn. An the skating rink to-nightt, to wit- out and practice for Class Eleven, entrance fee of 25 cenlts will be ness the exhibitionin l lightning daily from 4 to 6. charged, and must be paid before BokGoda lein . B. DYGEET, Capt. any name will be entered. Thse NOTICE--Teewl a old system of 1st and 2nd class will TPierting. bea meet- be continued, singles being playesd lugofm eRub sscaAo 1 on thte first and doubles and Save Time and Money 'losA Saturday morning, at singlsi h eodcas l T03 . I. ImporaAnt.,usares, entries mtust be in before Oct. 24. BY Ituying yoorT.1.1rclinJPes Both first and second prizes will U. oF Al. ENGINEERING SOCIETY, be offered. Tickets of admission I -Programl for Friday evening, to 1110 association, badges, and Oct. 17, at 8 o'clock in 11o0001A,enrcettona ntmyb A o Notes on thle construction of the etac otunm~tmyb Ann Arbol' Electric Railway, by procured of the following. A B. Ceever. BusiSee.meTress.~ See US WHILE WE ARE HERE. ing and election of new members. SAM'L SHRMAN, J"V ., he Jnio Phrmic hed aVice-President. Q lii harieshel&aJ. A. JAMesON ~JI~l~l ~, class election this morning. Tile President. following officers were chosen: J. MI. tCrosair, Law Publisher s. Peiet oisoVc-rs- F. R. ASHLEY, 114 Monroe St., 505S. State St., Peiet oisn iePei H. B. McGRAw, dent, Miss fiord; Secretory, Fisher; W. B. RAMIAY,. Chicago. Ann Arbor. Treasurer, .Kelly. Executive Committee. LtIJiie' fCO fO T Im Hatst SHOE ? Milinery anti Art Gods. 15 Soot 51 iron St. J ow J09N& SAN, c Manufacturersof Band and OrelSitia - Bann lndUOrchtr M-U SIC sud fitlge. GRAND RAPIDS, 3ICHIGAN. .---?THE ARG U S-- AT LOW PICIIES. FINE JOB PRINTING. lt is ouraim to pleate. Satisfactdon Guaranael REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.