THE U. OF M. DAILY TJ TWO SAMS Messrs. YOUMAN'S, KNOX' and SIL VERMAN'S see thwe Cl new Cola STHE-D-OAT See it at Of Old U. of M. should havea Universityof ichigareGuitar . Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin anmd Guitar Strings, 10) eta.; Banmjo antd Mandolin Strings, a5 cts. Everything in proportion. L. II. Clement, kLLMLFNITER ?IANOTORG uANCO. S.BROWN'S DRUG STORE C(ORN ER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. F I~ T T ..yA- L L LARGEST STOCK OF TOILETPtGoon",AND 1TINE CIGARS} TOBACCOS AND AAl ror St; l ~lll VOORHEIS & DIETAS, FERGUSON & SLATING,. BEST WORK IN THE CITY1 STATE ST. TAILORSj Genjtsf Ftiriishers aijd $after s ~ORCLE O n EIEE. FIRST CLASS WORK. Carry a fo il line of HtATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR , IIOSIEIY, GLOVES, S1>EIA 1 RAES T STDENT. UNDERWE]ARI, Etc. Tile latest styles anld an entire new stock to select from. ~~WAHR'S B0"OOK STORE, D'OWN TOWN --- jS b0 E W A H R'blok U W N8 '°° 'ie Largesl M (a I II ech llizHouseBoa Everyr ee A ey lar ,kandilaitWshb,- .E Sr't1deiit will save mioney by buying lsie rsItyL Text-Boo~ks and all slippi- it aIleadluarters. We allow* t3il Sa. Acen]iavy 1.l' Ma~ii.Wabu -iill (liscoiit on Lt.AWBOOKS, MEDICAL OOKS, DENTAL h13OKS, inll short, every Book use i(In tue lt l ld lIellac lai nt1j7. Ileti Steiegt rtiIn ItheI tn(isI iy.;.,(KO BIlank Books at lowest prices. eahiaorV i i 1't;1aitac anmd 10 centcenell WorBal lJ . , LEADING 1B00K STORE IN THlE CITY. _______________N 1 1 > 72, m-T-fl -gym r7m m tilr tt 7Ql ~J dL IN- CLOTHI1KG OF ALL KIN OSIAT J- T. JA.COBS & CO.'S, 27 AND 29 MAIN ST. L. GRUNER. Dealer in Se . ESSouth Maln Street. Pailngdone Neatiy anti Promplitly. Fve"(rybody is invited to go to thle skatinig rinik to-night, to wit- nesthe tlOexhibitionl ill ligihtning Painting. Books sold at aucotion. Save Time and Money Liw Buying yniur LA BOOKS7 OE US WHILE WE 'ARE HERE. . 4 M onroe St., 50 S. State St., Chicago. Ann ,Arbor. MISCELLANEOUS. Rt. llartly; '02d, A. Firaliizon, F' CHORsAL UNION.- Thitoewhio C. SmitihliG. R. *Wisnecr; '93, S. desiro to join theo Choral Uniion 1). iiiiie, i- . 1-3. Dyort, Van will ploaso apply to Prof. Stanley, Noltxvick; ':4, Chadhonie, Rathl- who will ho ill the muisic room bone; '91 Law, Nye, .Abbott, from 8s:30 to 10, Saturday a. iu., Baboc;'2TrieR Stn anld. Tuesday eveliig at 6:45. ok;'2 rinr't.Soe Membhers will pllease report at the Seymour; Medic, R. E. Lewis, R. Cihapel at 7:15) next Tuesday eve. T. Farrand, Suthierland; Dents, fling for the assignlmenlt of seats. W. B. Booth, F. Lemp. In two wveekslie list of active T. II. IlIzxuM , JR., mlemubers swil e clo sed?. Pres. FOLEY GUILD.-There will be a- - +- mooting of thie Foley Guild, Satur- Communication. day, Oct. 18, at S p. in., at St. 'stheIlacEilses: Aluogst the recent y Thomas' Schlool hall. All Cjathio- puhlishled coniditions whichl are to gov- lic students are invited to attend. erntile intercollegiate oratorical con- P. J. IHALLS. Pres't. test is one wicih states that no one who hld~is all academic diegree sh~all JUNIOR iMEDIICS--There will he he permitted to enlter tile conitest. a meeting of tile junior medics at Such a restrictioll is nlot on~ly ulnjust to 9 a. in. Saturday, ill the lower tile whole University, hut is especially lecture room, to elect officers. hlard 11p1011tile studenits of tile profes- Let every junior be there. siolill departmnts. ,Manly memhers A. WI. REED). of these departments 11011 degrees oh- tamned from colleges whichl they at- SOPHBOMOES. --Every one turni tenlded preparatory to thleir comng to out and practice for Class Elevenl, the University. Illtile law departmenlt, daily fromi 4 to 6. from wvhichitile associationi will re- G. B. DYGEET, Capt. ceive tile stronlgest support, there are in tile senior class alonle over 40 memi- Rugby Associatiun. hers whlo hold degrees. Amongst the numbler are some of tile most talenited In accordance with action taken anld able speakers of the class. atthe last" meeting of thme Although this exclusive and ulnfair at restriction has only hecome known Rugby Association, tile following .during the last few days, its effect is committees have been appointed: already being felt, and many other- To revise the constitution--s. wise enthusiastic members declare most emphatically that unless the Sherman, T. L. Wilkinson, A. D. obnoxious condition is amended so as Rich, to inclnde all undergraduates of theoU. To solicit subscription-'91 Lit, of M., they will withdraw from the B.M~aW .Kly association. A. B. HI. BMcrwW.BKel, 0. Ann Arbor, Oct. 15,I.i5. IJYlLJJ&Q T + oor ORM H{ate. ~YioF06C FIN1E PHtIITDGRAPHS, Mllifnery and Art Goodn. is sFa t Thuron St. Manufacturero Band andflrcheush land and Orchestra Send f o arttpue. EAED ERAPIDS, )iICIOAI. { --tTHE ARGUS,* -- AT LOW PRICES. SHORTHAND CURE T WILLPAY YOU. Shorthand School, New Building, 2B South S1tte treet.