1 ofPublished Daily (Sunday excepted) during. the Clee) ea, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION. Butsariptona rite 2t,0 per year, invariably in advance. Single ces centsemitticlt at Sheehan's and Pot 0Olbee news stand eery evening at 6o'clock. sutscriptinttay 'be letsat the office otthe DAILY, OperaRtase bock, at Sheehan's, t Stolic's, or sith any ot' the ecitor. Conmunicatin should reach thtsfitter by 1t A. t. i they are to appear the ame say. Addresns all matter intended forpttblication to the Managing Editor. All buoneo commutt- icationt hould e ent to the Bsines Man- ager. Report alt neglet:n te part o Carriers to the City Circulator, W. B ONei. THE U' of Xo. DAILY, Anm Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. H. B. aHOEMAaER."a,Mkek. EYqR A. H. COtERT 192. A-M... Q-,.QaeEnITae M. . HAMMaON, St. BoaesANAQ a W. . ONEILL. 91, A..-e a. M-atnaR. R W. DOUHTY, '92. AwTs-. Bus. Mn~na.s W. .GOtIretra. 'li. P11. ti'insAS, '. I. D. JEWEat.. 'it. H.It, IATZLttt'. E.. 0rLtt , 'Rs.,' . 1.ST"MenAD 1'2 tRAPtH STiONE.''1. I C_. C. 'tttte1 ,, 'l3. E. L.3MASONs, 1W.1, (... SAt, '4. copies tat the. DAtix''dwesoldl 00 'the streets last evetningt as t nte- cessitate a teep ctttiln the free list. Last night while Gen. Clrey was speakitng at the opera lhotse, the large crowtl of studetts, miostly laws, that had beeti celebrating Prof. IKoewton's appointtnt, entered thse room. Here. they carried tiheir fun to an extreie, cheering and howling sts as to seriously disturb the speaker; but to their credit they cotmplied with Mr. Whitman's request for order. It is unfortunate for our student body, as well as for the Univer- sity, that we have such demon- stratiotis. No doubt they resut, for the most part, from thought- lessness, but we should all be more ready to remember and re- spect the rights and felings (f others. Regents Meeting. At the mieeting yesterday, 'a gymnasium was discussed by Pres. Angell, his opinion being that a small or poorly equipped one would be worse than none. The purchase of a field, for athletics, near the University is contem- plated. Two new water closets are to be erected, to cost not over $2,000. Some of the appointments were: THE U. OF M. DAILY. Jerome 0. Knowlton, Acting S Dean of the Law department for otne year, instead of Dean its re -TET BPOO" ported yester-day. Law Qtuiz Masters: E. F. John- STU] stall, -1. T. Grittitn, R. W. Joslynt, Secondt-h~and books laiw, otf Biston, lectotrer for half the year. _': F. C'. Farrier, actitng assistatt professor ino imechlanical engineer- ~ ig. E. A. Lyoatn, instrtuctor in C m 'TUDENTS' BOOKS. B~UY YOUR. COLLEGE as * u LN1D 1MEDICAL BoorS NOTE BOOKS, AT TOTE DENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE STREET. sat towe prices. We are agets of Paul E. Wirt, Scott atnd and fotuntatn petis. Bargains tttsbaiouery. T E.. ST "The Niagara Falbs Route." Dr. Cliadbourne, assistant to professor of practice in the mtedi- cal department. '90 Medics. Johnt Gould is doing hospital work itn Rochester, N. Y. A. J. AlcDoniald is ini practice at Leadlville,' Col. F. 11. lBrowtn has tdecitdetd to opent an office in this city. BUSINESS LOCALS. rtN ' iti rt eatin thtis colatta tatitas're t sat 11, ca'at, I)(,. !sle, Single lssetotl. Spa' til ala's 'tat' list eet ittaasriltsta lines 1tst'astas-dl las apllg a his otlik-cor bY etasaivrlt i>stR. 11. lls>> bty, :Asaszrtasttuiness Maoaseet '.l ally Talsala S teatntl.Ehtntittly. 'Tailor-1tiiTl''rowvsers. N'agter& Co. Sthoes rep~aired en Liberty, taear State. Wagl~ner & ('o. are shiowing inn ele- gat lie of Teunig "Mett'oOvercoats. Ttte nea- party ties uat this Two Santa.t E:Xaitn lle Stailordos steck of Trottser- inlgs, $'~t0Cand tupwatrds. Go to E. Bl. IOalltfer cent. Baths 10t at P. 0. Barber Shiep. Melt Gillespsie, Teachler ef Gtuitar, Btanjo tntt Imatdolin at Clenients. Fancy t.estings at Staltord's. Buy cigars, c-anldy, stationtery, etc., at Guber's P. 0. Tews Room. Go to Stastater for best bard and soft coal. It W. Washington at. Granger& Baxter's Star Laundry. Just ntorthi of Ann, ott Fourth at. New litne of Stationery at Guber's. Lo sv.-Tvo ri ngs, oti part of a watch chain, set with smiatl diamonds. A rewardl will tae paid fotr the return of santett No. 9I Tlnyer street. See the new sallow-tail coats and vests at thte Tao Sanis. See them he- lore arderitlg elsewhere. BElod& las the best anid cleaniest coal. Yardl, W. lIturon street, near railroad. Btty coasl anid wootd of Judson, State street. STOLU '---A, Gold Iteaded Umbrella etngraved, 'B. Itolines, Grtd. Ledge, M4icli". Ati informnant will be rewarded ait 4 Chnrchi street. Sontethlti in it. ' U. of M."1 guitar. Quality highest. Prices lowvest. Geatraniteest. Allnmendinger P. & ,0. '.,aealers in everythinig mu- Aire assortment of everything in lHardw'are at Eberbach Hardware Co.'s. Koch & Itenne, 5it and 58 Main St. Headquarters for furniture Slid car- pets. Despite cte new tariff act which advanices thte cost of strings 2,5 per cent., I guarantee to sell the best and strongest strings at old prices, viz., 10c for violin and guitar, Sc for banjo, 3 plain wire 106e, and guarantee them equal to any sold in this city at any price. A fresh stock to-day. See the elegant Bay State guitar. Find. the ,place, 26 So. 4th Ave. A. Wilsey. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. AND THE g1:05 . 1 mTHE BEST-swI0'I- Seveuteso teacthers.Bolardt with Furnished 0 Rotos x!.21 per «week. Circularrsaipon apptli- cation. I 00. 4 ~' P. R. CLEARY, President. I It 0 I I- BUIRLEIGH & JOLLY, 1 r- ya o __* DENAL.ERS ON r 0 a a STf\TIDNERY, _ous BILANK( BOOKS.,.0 ATDEETLE GOODS AND STUDENTS' SUPPLIED. hr I .;_ Btest hutc of FOUNTAIN PENS itt the . c it y. lce Creaml Sodia Water, *a Confectioos,ColdLunclles, N Cigars anod Tobacco. OYSTERS, FRY, STEW OR PLAIN. Q ;' :, Calland see us at 5:c D. L.ITOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISEH. ,I +19 ' t0- For Brain-Worker s0tSedentary Psople. I U 4)1 a ti ,55p - ctieite,Ladis, Youthal;ala. Athalete or Invsalid. A complte ts ily. *Sunday excepted. gymias. Takes sia but 6 ina. e " quate tloor enema saw, sientitic, v' durable, compreehensive, cheaap. O. W. BUGOLES, H. BARES. Indored by 20,000 puaiiasslaw-, . 0.' . TA .hicsgo. Ag't Ann Arbor. noawusi-ngit. Send for ili'dtite _____________ Jesie L: l k ai rgenges'snoscharge. Prof .' v L.e Dowde,~0tt~,tScientifichsial and; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North at, oet Michigan Railway. M\ / -2, 7y TmeoTable gaing ito eftett, Monday, Nov. 25. QA ej- I1 osing North. STaATONS. BoiseSoasih. FRENCH ICE ,'CREAM. ,FONESiT FltENCOO COOIuNG. LOWES-T P~tiCES b-Ot 6 *ci a OIE4ST MATERIAL. Sian. Ci're Cad. Stanard Time. Cire ad. Mtan -Eup. Exp. Mail hap. :Mail Exp. 71 Fort St.. West.,-K Detroit, Mich. -----.- . . . .As dLv'e{ [Arra . P.sX.. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 01.5325 00...... ToLEOO..10 lath15s... C. L.. YO1-T, b'sOP~:raoaeaa ' .... 4 57 6 41" Monres Jnsta 12 21 t0 20 ... Nost. 13 unit 1t WashngtontStt, - Ypsilanti, Kick, us17 e6471.......tDundee...10 20 1It185 birst-class Rigs attd Stylish Saddle ioses ..... 14 0 7 05I........ Mitlan. It.. ti0 958C.. for Hire. ~~4053 7022 ....Pttttsid.til.1041 4.. Car ie. -7a33ta..AEN ARBOtt it 30 9522.. usa 7 o elud't....Ii 18.9007 .. 5147 8 55Whtitmore Laket1 2l8550. J .... 5 5 0 8t.....Hatmut..t.O0 7 8suat... ;O _. ~~I 4 ....Hwl ..70 0001...... .... 7l 5 .Duran......9 5'7M30.. to0 0.10..OCosso.... 910 60. Pfjjtf~fflI 4 2:::,'1203,.Loots...7 32 5tt. 9~ 15 32 12 0 0 tt. Atma. . b ni85t1. NO.12 W. HURON ST. Aut. 0 8 45 ,iOO Ciasa t.. d 4 4ltP. 0 43 .,143 .-.Fsrewett... ... 058525 7 00 . 0lo ...Cadila....., 1 50 5O 8IM5.5.4 40 ...Cupmio 8 90)541 a i v . ;100.... fy--O~a t...711004 /, 11." ... s2< ,...Oeaiteea. .S15 as- 10t 18 'a.a5t1t I. 09 saaia 0160326 11* h0o.5 40...Frankfort.. l7t502 50 - (~. - I Sglssaw DavI13iOnl. a G~osing Eorth sTTos. ateng 5Souh. SATURDAY VEYE-, Pan 6P5e7 . P555 . ss pre October z$, r-.g.Iu... A Ls.] tAr. as . p.. c PPIR 7 $5.. 9tb...sDu.and...t.9 6 . 5,6.5 L 3East aghnsw.. 76 .... 55' PRICES--86.5th5 AND 78 CENTS. H.I w. AS8ESY. A. Go. PatLEY. Ss~inltssdsst. G~ ais,i.Agent: Bests OusWSt sP. 0. News Eoosm, 4GEO. H. HAZLEWOOO). LsesAea.