0TIME773V~tQ. Ill; Wtbatth Ast-.omi ttet.7 t(t'st it the t 13. 'F'l. N 1itl. C fR , M n g r I, I r1iII :lANIIt ,.1 , 1 .71 . 71, In-' I (I - z unn ecu~~t wth th ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. l l%1C 011cre(1 tsatisfai o I 'The IlAs shy Special,'"IAshtby," IOxf cd ," "Wit~vald.' Dl er t s I i lio s, Ti ttttttty t cIt , Teachers Co-Operative Association 7-2DABR T Establtshed tinI1884. Positions filled. 2300. Seekss Teac hers rho are anmbttious for advancement rather thlan those withOet JOItons'. G. H. WILD, No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. 44 STATE '-'TlUET- it SC)il"III -tAN Si. . v _... .......... , .... _ _ .®. 10i. IQI317001, l1I~iCJIA$ IfXIT op7 \ (O- GREATEST VARIETY 7nhPalWtitePlittm - 7 11n11h.Adamiantinle Chinaltei~ Adamaintine 119114 .eais - Boote's Semni-ptorcelain Il'dld T, CORRECT:- STYLES 144 SOUTH MAIN ST. -I \- Spring Siig Overcoatings.j New Silk Vestings, Colorings Trouserings. Novel1tie's inI Ftttty \'ttit,-EPsry- th j NeowsStylisti 3111 ~solitait 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, ---MICHI. SPORTING "I'1HLEJTf3 GO0OS. IIRLU1GIL & OLLY, A Full and Complete Linle (Ctevittt Shirt-s, (tins-ass Panilts, Teiiiis Ratcket-s. lacket IHandles, lBase IBalls, Blase Ball Mlasks. (Caisass Belts, Shoe Plates, JBoxinig Gloves, hBody Protec- tor-it Susptenso~ries, Scolre IBtoks, IBase Blall Glttes, Teninis-tBalls, Capis, Indian Cluibs, Duombt Bells, So-eaters; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, etc. etc. Don't boy unltil yoli have seen our assortment. I3LURLEIGII & JOLLY [ /26 S. STATE ST., JAMES W. -BRINE, CA31BRIDGIE, MASS. G WCaliltor Catalogue and see samples of Maekintoshes. ICE CREAM AND SODA WATER. THE CAMPUS. Utiy (itth stratts-brry festisva.l Ralph Stone stf te 1) i .leases 101 home110Saturdasy. D r. Vauttghan ha-i been att Ma- shtall fttr the ta-it few dlay-i wtll be p11yed11 t t XX lltstla. tot lmitbus, O(io~, rtrtltIto-113. 'Ti-itle Soll 111110101111sti o twll 4. 1110 lisk ITennesseetrJu11111100Silg- er-i tot-tliorrrtteve101111g i nvety0. Hall. 'Tie Chtem1icatlLattoratory Icloses- day. lDr. Mlartinl hade the senior 10011 ic-i good-hye and ga-ie 110111sonie gist-ll medrical advrice.- 71r. N1 arden holtds ant examinilationI iln proe11n1extTtursdaty anth ina1l examtintatitonto01 1110year's 1ork, a week froml Mon~day-. 1101. Alfred Russell and wsife, sister of tite late Prof. Weolls, 50111 attend the unveilig of 1110 portrait of P~rof. Wells, at 1110 late lecture room to-nigltt. Thte folloswing are the officers elected for the Webster Society for the first terms of next year: Presi- dent, F. A. Sheldon; Vice President,! G. E. Mordan; Secretary, J.I.f Browning; Treasurer, A. 'A. Morris; f LOWEST PR ICES -3ts pe tt ~ 1r sot 's - - - 41) ets. pe-r set 'fates - - 5S ecs. per set - - 3Set. er set '0Icts per et le 151-ises.pe et IpEAN & Co. Marshall'Peter Shlarpse;IExecutive Contmittee, 71. Q. IDempstey andti W. E. V oung; .\lecllthOhillComilttee, J. I. Robierts, J-. . laront, tand P0rank M1ar11n. The ophomores of0 ttColumblia col- lege hasvc tecidietdby 1v70otet110revcnt anlt membe11r ttf the freshmn lca-s froin wearingt ard1111ittattyImanl- record ws arecenly- llay131dl inlaco- Ititi 1 asitt 01 1Toere 11000 tws-nty-twso i1111 satth 1endof whiich the score st011( 6 to tExaminations.-IWednestdaIyJune11 171 iii.O1,Prof. Koises, Romlan Archaecology-; r101 -z,-, Prof. Carhlart, 111hystcs;12-4 and 4-6, IProf. D'Ooge, Greck Lit. fThnrs- tay-, June I1:S1z2io zx,'.tr- Swig. g011, Prencli A; Jo zr 2 I, Prof. l)(ioge, Greek .Antitquliis; 2-4, :dr. WXintkler,(Germlans, 4a. ' N o gratluate front Vassar Col- lege lhas-cvr Peon div-orced front her hutsbandl." - Snuct is thle statcetent of a otain wh110declares thlat the young ladies wh~o 113ve heen educated at the college are the bc-it cooks in the world. This is impor- tant, if 1true, as it assures all gradu- ates of that institution nmerous msatrinmonial offers-Ex. NOTIE-There will be a mteeting of the DAILY board this evening, 7 o'clock sharp. 72SITS D'PIECIOY. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, St#i1MA1N STREEIT, Seciaatiteiionts patidt repairing Wattese M. W . BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMES, A N D ART GOODS. IS West HutronsSt. F ERDON LUMBER YARD, Manuftrer o atndtldealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER Cor orJ-tthindiIDepoltiSis. J. HALLER 0--. M. IARTIN, I)t 1.1 it IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic J. A..POLHEMUS, T T IV -' ALIt) 'SIIACKAN) At A GE LINE303S. 1. RINSEY & SEABOLT, B~akersandidel~ers ini Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, Miakeoftatinet LADIES' and GI-7NTrS1 SHOE-S. lRepiingt eaitlalt-done11. 411S.Mats St. With tlie retu~rn of (lie 11713 Ball Seaison, we shall bte tprrredl to tur- nlisli ltat isliesw aJidldesirale ill UiNIFOllMS 1FORthitse Ilali, Lass- Tenn~is, (- riciset, La ('rosse, Yachlting an1d1for aii Ouitin~g uses. (Our10Shatker Ssseaster for dltai nd du4 llrability itas 110 equl. Our t-ihueof Batse BaillSuli- p~lies, Btits, Bitlls, Masi-ks, BotlyPot- teeters, Caitchers' Mitts, Lawn ltVenils Siipplies, etc., etc., asinii formier seas- onis still defy comipetition, We Sre julstly prooh4 of our itaige college fttl- lowsin~g, dlue as swetare tisare, to the superior quality of our goods. VTis esteeml we aimi to strenigthen fr.ll seasoni to season, inl the implrov-ement of our goods whlere it i-i possible. Coo- respIonden~ce desired with1mnlagers of all college clulbs. Senid for our New Catalogule of Sulmmer Sports anld Uni- forms, A. & B. free to any address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CHICAO: PH1ILADELPHIA: 108 Sadison Street. 10(111 Chestnut Street. NEW YORK: 141 and 2434lBroadway.