rTI ,-F~C AL - - ---, I TIME TABLE. 1l t''1 N 51.11 'o llt. (I.,ea j P 1' .% \I S I . i. r i+ Fritnt 5 t>f1 1:! 1 , '' 5 11 13. F. CLA~RK, Manager' 111pN. A rl II010 (.11 Ill-,1 I 5ae N 1- Os, from1 Ases, tle.Y11511at II'11 o(1 lol A 77111V 11 1{1 ?. e1.;0 .10, 4l55, 64,S.10,950,1Wp. n1. 10',3 - icadt 1 ;, to. i 0 1 00rrtn11 il rolli) a101 . 5 1 1nson rt dy-or llto o at c1orIner o11f51.CtiolladAIIT~ t. Y.Hni iSe A ySe cifr 1t41'' A '111,1 .AshYucal av'lof oidnThis ay dto L~iLET -SOAPS i 11 ct S011 111' '110 fo nlIe ;kliZdisease of allOki 00s, "(>+Iat )11ve 5 iroii k ai' OCIDIIPfIjL I TTi ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. Teachers Co-Operative Assocla~tion 7O-Ci2,AG Established in 1884. Positions filled. 2300. Seeks Teacheri's who are ambitious for advancement rather than those without positions. I 11I11 Ilk1IIof1'l'ull1)115 'l ltllc.11111111 1o1 51 Deles 1, 1 :xi, t 11111r1, etc., A5 te. at sillhdesan1111111111 11 IIIIl lseinll..,'111d .111. 11111 '.0,Ovcerclatizlltx. Fill' 'ests 0111nlhl 11111 of 41 t~i1L SI171.11. (IStillNo. 2 E. Washington St, near Main.G.HWI . J.T1.371117071, HIGH C14'AS$ CORRECT ::STYLES -I\- GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES (N (CROCKERYtSI\ THE CITY. 7 111c1 Pearl Whlite Plates - IS- - 3ets. per set 7 inch Adamanitine Chilna Plates - - - 401 ets. per set 7 11n11 SemIi-polin1, Ioote's Plates - - 58 cts. per set Pearl White 11 Ill'1l Teas - --- --- ------- cts. per set Adlamantine i'll'd Teas - - - - 50)cts. per set tBoote's Semi-porcelain ll'dl'd Teas - - - 75 cts. per set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & CO. Spring Suitings( Overcoatings. } Silk Vestings, Colorings New INs 1 Trouserings. Noetc nFyVstlns- Vly ill NeUw-Stytisth and Seasolatlt 1 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. @f JAV4D :ISPL(AY SPORTHNG AT~HLEII GOODS. A Full and Complete Line Cheviot Shirts, Canlvass Pants, Tennis Itackeits, Rtacket Handles, Base Balls, Ilase Bali Masks, Canvass Bhelts, Shoe Plates, Bioxing~ Gloves, Body Protec- tors, Suspensories, Score Books, Base Ball Gloves, Tenniis B1a111, Caps, Indiani Clubhs, Dumbl Bells, Sweaters; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, etc. etc. Don't buy unltil you have seen our assortmenst. J3URLEIGII & JOLLY 2611S. 5TASFI ST., A~3 0 '^a :oIL JAMES MW. BRINE, CAaMBR~IDGE, MASS. $V-Call for Catalogue and ae esamples of Mackintoses. ICE CREAMI AND SODA WATER. THE CAMPUS. Leag1110gamles yesterd~ay':Chicago, 3,Brooklynot;0NewVork tI, Cin- 'hiitldlphti11111 ,, Itttsburgh 3. A1copy1 (Itthelonllstittution a1111b11 law fth .o f l. A. . ca0111be 1114 1E. M . ennedyl)4-1 Sout t.11 street. 11Ilomedics 11111 Itos wIittl11111y tis afternloonl 011t7110air Grotunds, and~ 1101 to-morro0w 'as stated y ester- dlay. '1110111anage4r of tile lawtt nine sa1ysttthat ')no admission1 wiiil11e chlargedi. The910 ed5ics h ad tiheir class picture takenl yesterday 011 tile steps of tile lmedical building by Gibson. "D~oc"' Nagley was one of tile mlost consp111icos of tile freshmnen illtthe picture. R-ev. J. I. Sun~derland wvi lreachl nlext Sunday mo1rninlg1171tile Uni-1 tarian chulrchl, on 'Tile Dr. Biriggs Case, and tile Problems that Conl- front American Presbyterianism.'' No evening service. The Woman's L'eagule will give a lawn party at M1rs. Htarrington's (Observatory) on Saturday after- noon, June 6, front four to seven o'clock. Members and non-nmenm- hers are cordially invited. Prof. Kelsey will not he able to meet his classes .until next Monday. Students in the course in Lati n Grammar are reqluestedi to reviewx thecir xwork fron thtie beginnlinlg of thte senmester. 1110 111115ill Rom~an Archlaeology15is postplonedi unltil Inext B llntay. Pile foot-hall te'am1 of the U ti- versity 1sf Califo~rnt5itas been11ill "ons~ideredth srgett 0 t1ea-7I'l'illtile west.-I"ts. I. . 1 1i151011, iasen~ger 3ag111 of P'ennsyvanIlia lilnes, xwiluteet all studsen~ts going cast for v5aca~tion alt tn a. io. Satu~rday, Ju111e 6t, in lat'. qutz romI, to give inlformlation re- tarding "routes, rates and~ timle 1o alt easternlpin~lts. 'ttose cotenmplat- ing a tripl east trill dotIweil to see lhll. tile Detroit-Ilulftalo exculrsion wiii leave D~etroit, Wednesday, Juttej 17' 5 p.us., anad tile return trill will le msatte any timle before tOctotber 31t. All thlose Iwho desire to) go rou~st conmnunicate at once wtithl C. W5. Southtvortht 21 S. Division. Sintgle fare, 6.oo, rountd trill, $ to. The youlng ladies of thte U'niver- lily mtay be interested to knoxw that next fall an opportunity xiii be given titent to suppleentt thleir col- lege education by attendance on a Cooking School to be held at H-ar- ria Hall. The course will consist of eight lectures illustrated by prac- tical experinments. Tickets for the course will he $3.00. Minstrels, to-night 3113111733 PILLC0IOF. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, .1155 STRIEET, S11eci1al tenioadtls oll ICreparigwalehes snd Jewel'ry. N. W. BLAKE, P~ICTURES, FRAMtES, A Z4 D ART GOODS. 10 IWest Huren St. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufacturereof andlIdealer 10 SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER C'or. Foulrth 1111ndsiDet Sts.____ J" HALLER 0. M. MARTIN, DklIR.tSIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic T J.Ate.PULHEMUS. ALS"O I'11.711CK A .l) lBAGG1AG E .1. E, RINSEY & SEABOLT, Baesaddaesis Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, Mlakeo fie IADIF.S ait; GN7s' SHOES. It'. til-al y done. Vt S. Mai4n511S. Withl the retulrn of tile Base Ball Selasonl,we shal b Ie lpreprared to fur- nlishl all thtil1itslnew and desir'ab1le ftn . NilOhIMS lOllBase Ball, Lawn I.TnnisCricket, La ('rosse, Yachting and1( for all Oultinlg uses. Oulr Shlaker Swxeaster for (quallity and11 durab~ility has 110 equl. Our line of Biase Bail Slup- llies, Bats, halls, Maskcs, Body P1r1- tectors, Catchers' Mitts, Lawni Tenn~is Su~pplies, etc., etc., Is ill fornmer seas- 01ns wxill defy tomipeititionl,'We are ju~stly proud of oulr ge college fsl- lowsintgdoe as wve are awavlre, to tile superior qulality of our~ goods. Tis esteem weY aimi to strenlgthe~n frim season to season, inH the inmprovemenlt of our goods whlere it is possihle. Cor- responsdence desired with mansagers of all college clbs. Send for our New Catalogue of Summer Sports an~d Uni- forms, A. & B. free to any address. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., CrI~CAGO: PHILADELPHIA: 108 Madison Street. 10135 Chestnut Street. NEW XORK: 141 and 243 nroadwar.