- i , , h > i cam , , _ = # ,. _ x __ _. )1.I. N:o. 1 E,. UNIVERSITY OF MIC UGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1890, PRICE 3 CAN-Y1 IS. HILARIOUS LAWS. vacancies, the deanship and the chair of Tapspan Professor of' Law. ANs lee- 'H"EY OFFER THEIR CONGRAT-'tnrer, they have appointed Prof. Rtog- ULATIONS TO JERRY; ers for the first half year, and for the -- second half, IDr. B~igelow, ouie of tile And Serenade Prof.; Thompson 111051brilliant law-lecturers ill tile Before Going Homne. United Staltes. So you see [thle chair - a enwl ae o.A o h Not s1nce tile visit of tho Pall- deanship, full of peridexity and111I AIlaerican Congress has5 thereoinistrative dulty, t assumle it 011 the been Cutl 11dellonsrlllolls lssu~ranlce that youI will lid 11me11 allo can. Tile law department nseed~s no occurred 1sftinigiht. As soon execultive. It will execute itself. as5 tile mfemibers of the law do- -Durinlg tile coming year, on accolut Partient learnled through tile of my ill healtih, I ask your lassistlance. eoluI will direct tihe departmlent. Its wel- olmns of tile DAILY that Prof. fare, however, is witlh you. Its success Knowito1's appoin~tmenot was as- if with its students. Tile departmenlt sured tile wildest entlslfsiaelu whichl comnlelced with hblt 25students bega tu reval. Svera IlllopensI5tis year witil over ti0e. I hog bea t peval.Seera mn-of yell, let 110 unsemly 1codulct iapp~ear. lites before tile appoinated 1h0u11It hulrts you11morel thlanlth1'. ofM. tile Laws begaul to assemli n dm oe 111 111 all~thlan youl. "onl tile whole dp111t -sin I hak oulfor your 111151 scislies. lie (Good lnight. lmot t a anand Tile boys thir~ proceeded to tile m1archled to Professor KN Iowitoll's ios fPo.Tlllslw Tile Selniors were ileaded reevdte ihafwhat by Diot leetie e(TrillnIa li eelBiaiendita"e- lll 1111d were closely followed by the words of welcomle. AN ATHLETIC FIELD. President Angell Says that One, Will Be Purchased. A representative of tile DI)LY called upion President An~gell, yes- terday, to ascertalinswhlat trulth tihere was illtile ruml~or, whlichl 111s been currenlt for tile past two weeks, tihat tile Board of Regenlts were about to purcihase a tract of laud at tile soutihern end of State street to be fitted tip as an atihletic field. Tile President said tihat uo site ilad been defilnitely settled uponl. Tile Board ilave several oifers, but 11a1e0 'illde no selectionl. Tile ia~tter 11as been unde6r conlsidiera- tionl,ihowever, 1and1 it is expsected tihat a decision iii he larrived at before tile Board atijourns. It is enlcoulraging toitile stul- dients interested illtile atihletic stanldinge of tile U. of M. to learn tihat tile Unliversity autihorities 1110 favorably disposed towards tile atilietic interests. A vacant field will not be of m~ach value witihout a track and a gymnasiumn, altihougih it can be used for foot- ball and base-bali. Tihese imu- provements cannot be secured unless tile studelnts take 11016 and seconld tile efforts of tile Board of Regents. The Unity Club. Tile Unlity Club will ioid its opening social for tile year at tile parlors of tile Unlitarianl chu~rch next Monday evenling. A gelneral inlvitation is extenlded to its friends, old and slew. Tile club ild its mneeting to elect officers and lay out its work for tile year, on Monday evening last. Tile officers chosen are, Wright, Kay &; Co. Fore: . I1 r mpnrt_, sof Gemns and Art Goodse, n and JOp- tca la ~~nUfaCtUrers oft}-e Finnt Socieity Badges vmadei the -a ltru, Sample-:sent span pro- pernrferncs D~thro3l op :_-r&fa IIsOIF- ifk., 140) WOOl)WARD AVE., Bf. . Detro t MchlUc "",Oswth thleir drum corps. After tile salute of fireworks andlt Volley of tin-ihornls, drms5 and1 Toices 1111 subsided, Pres. F. A. IHenry, of tile Senior class, pre- sented tile conlgratullations of tile Law Departmnlt. Prof. KnlowltonIresponlded as follows L DlRS AND (EN'I'L. EIN-For you l11l1st remenmher thalt we havec 1ladies ill tile law d~epartment.-It kilOSS not wily tile ttegents Ihave lasked 1me(1to llccepa tis ihighl positionl. Iti5slureiy 1111 11t of kinldnessIland t accept it as suchl.I lave always done wihat seas I il y tpolver for yell,hblt have nlever 'spalred ycu I ]la~ve even "roasted" yell: bult wilenlever I did thlis, it was (cle ill a spifrit of kinldness. ft is oneC of tile culle5 of a good lawcyer never to ask for 11 qurter. If youl fellow thlis rulle, yen wifl "lever regret hrin~g ill the law pro- W ilen iHenryylWade Itogers telluered his resignation it wvas a source of sin1- cere regret to all earnest students. The faculty truly realizes whlat has 'been dlone thrfough ihis wise counsel, for it was done well. We all wish him 'Iodspeed. The Regents hlave, to-day, filled two In Memoriam. Tile Freshmlan class cuf tile Dental departnlent hleld a mseeting yesterday afternooln and passed tile followinlg resolutions upon the deatil of tiheir classmate, Oliver Earl: WITEuEAs, Oulr Ieavensly Fkther, in His all-wise providence, ihas seenl it to renmoce from our midst one~ of tile mnembhers of 011r class so lately formed, anld feelilng deeply impressed witihtile unlcertainty of life and tile reallity of tihat chanl~ge whlichl mulst 50011er or later come to uIs all, thlerefore lfcsslc, 1, Thlat we do hlerebny extendl to file parenlts 11111 sisters of 01u1 clalss- mlate, Oliv er Earl, our hiea~rtfelf syms- pa~thy in tis timne of deellafliciloll, anld 110comenlmlld thlem to hIlI will alonle is able to bestow tom~f oct anld hlp ill every time of treutile;,1a1111be it further lResolved, Thlat a copy of thlese resolu- tions be tent to tile bereaved iparents of tile deceased anld printed in the col- lege paper and paper at his homle. In behalf of the class. Arfihur J. Kendall; secretaries, J. S. IMarcus a111 C. W. Ricketts; treasurers, II. 11. Silarpless anud C. J. lHarmonl; Chlairmlan of Colm- mnitfees, C. P. Stone, Miss Marion SmlithI and1(1Miss CarlostfaBullis. Provisionl is m1116 for twenty umeetings this year, of a literary, draumatic or mulsical ciharacter, 1111 for five socials. Thlere will be 111 organ~ recital by Prof. Stanley, a Tennysonl song concert, an even- ing of Ballads anld music of 50 years ago, an operetta, a play, papers by about fifteen University professors, several prominent ctitizenls of the town 1111 a number of graduate and other students. The Club is enlterinlg upon its tihirteentih year of successful activity, and hlas becomhe one of our best knlon a1116most popular insfitutionls. Tihere are few pro- fessors of Unliversity or Hlighl school wvlo have Inot at some1 time read papers. or spokenl before it.. Tile club brougiht Mrs. Ormliston Chlant, of Elnglanld, here last year, anld is hloping to bring one or two distinguisiled speakers hlere tis year. I E' "[" 'T 1T Pv I - , Irxr yy Tlb I C. R. ELWO ToD,1Cootee president, W. H. RIush; vice W. N. Salisbury is practicing Rt. D). Joscas, Cmite presidents, Miss Sophia Hobe and in Midland, Mich.