THE U. OF.M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8H12T8. Xla oitti Ht1,)Icht initeresteditl te above il e, ml ias «we liave madICe them a cspci al ettc, i'.it VH woo11l Icafl 3 1: ee ' wha3t "we have. W 'lyho 1wowecatiplease'You antdI sav:c meto ier oH ve. THE TW, O DAMS.m L_ 13LLTZ. S=7~ T 01 Old U. of Mi. shoulid have a University of Michigan Guitar. Pi'es loe et, (1,(itti higth'est. (xilaa'.to vr- V]'iicth ot the o. ic Vili andita r ii 'S t .ig,1 t ci..'.. Iaijc tid land lii Sti'itgc' t t. Ivrthiic'. i lppotion. 111 Clmnt ct'I- f L YLNLIITGELE IAJ iVO EVOLGAIT .CO. ~American + iRamblers, E ill ii'il AN CdAiTLOGUE, ANDlA i IN 'I' CcbE. A fl I StuXO~l Ellllfty VOORHEIS & DIETAS, . __ B S O KI H Y.sWORK CALLYDYG~ ad DELIVERED. j FIRST CLASS WORK. SH O E S for J3 Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. .§L L i. L EE LS,. 22 SO}UTFI STATE ST. GFO :DOW13 T -?OWT1 FO R FOOTWVEA R. Wet caryaflllo i neo 30TH LADIES azncl GENTLEMEN. LE M ON & I3OWDISH. _ __ . Nt WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN clt('i'ititldiscout ncitLAW ltOOlKS, -MEICtAL ItUl I . DE NTL X iw.K. . Vii I c pooh r d te I IiDI G10BOOK sTORidINT'I'llC ITE'. TL LITI7 1 0 STILL Disgusted with the U. ci M. a"c",irs'-at AiiiiArt-iiir, saw' reen (Vage I\I tlolt andl iiia1 isto "1,itr"i' ex 'i' lii. heitweein (Cornell aii(I tti I.''i rcitcof ilti' '.cani. It :Ice ii c trac 'i'tiiit anl striing anct nito.iu cc. 'lhcre cs r,.vaimy 1 It not "hIaired." OF ALL KINDS AT J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AIND 29 mAIN ST. gtQhmond Straight Qut. Ni. I CIGARETTES. .1 Cigaeiitte Smoekrs who~i are Willineg Itocryalt A (((cC thll 5the r' c trai, il etCesC wilinde~i 'te lE tIN ItS(BRANse peio t 'the gamie cras loct toi(fortell lit' a tmiisj dd throiw'ci.etdercid by Puies t ithrointot'toirtd tace, Anie thus allocrntree co cres. mine etycCott a crotidcof01 Ioc stuetcscsupplied 'T'ie cl wiit U.of -\l colorstialsoitinIhornst recete to titis addl betwceen t cc attilooXWednestd exptectiCorrnell to etrceiv e'twcrre- otriinal l c 'io ?Tesm atredlbtweeni ~a'rile cI the colee i' c oiintd n ito scci ets ie ntemtt Io lay ihterc i Siteresttoiturre e terd y.Iiail I. c.tti THE CAMPUS. itt. of ite G'euologicalSo- Friday afiernont. lass ini (Oualitativie Antaly sic itheir tinial exaina ttioni at' itorititg. Mlathemtiical ('i ib meetcs c'reent inginRoomtitt . 'An irobuletmccill Ite considiere. tics iii IIt ci.'ecus div idetd the cass cosenty DI 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. (hoLe t tt i.( lcalerchis i ec itei rte '(("fae. \ n () itin 'ah r , I~nit)rn '( r~r s1 tIS lIdItl I),;tw art and Bei I'Y Hwlj ) . H s t rig."~, in World gen 't zil' " . a TB '1s f et arhfr 7 i ll rl tiaj mlto79tsal ilaim s a -he lldic l t. ' . tF'l_ c' vi'." I,,_,_.._ X7.....-A.,,. - -A,,-I, Ann Aror SaMi ns Ba nktalstoci$5000), tis totndutct Couititrmiii.rai.etisbyrc.ill]l ttii.'i t sturpltust.xxul.not i tc tititciy'esierdayx. Oranzedunerrhe'enra.Bakii. ni lheCo itti c l1h.l ic].vl1 SI Cfut.i's e. Rceui vesii DeposiieutsClu" and Ill' l shItwetdlttriaifedcttsmoiotuhaandu sellexcha.ngue onthe pineet'.ke i itils itethee parphletcoform. Irea)otog anth tincctnt C( SIui.'i MAlCK, IPres.,. watys tI. ofc M7.wtitu s cpecially s coa, cu iN i c ti l'uiii iW. 0.H((sceNtiVer-en. b ebr fteascaln Cite'.. 11. coce. tCi'.hie. bitt i eneral nict.. t uctbr t teascaiut ....T R U ,-.I cwita lewi core reth aitul twhite, I'T'i.e boduycof1ithe personii choti tis andilsevecral timcescfelt I shtoitldhlosteinuird onuit 'eietrai andilwhli IZ 0 F I I 'thteim. lRetuirning on the train four ited at the. hospitial fronthlie effectii AT LOWV lPRICES. 'cicsou otormethc of the intuiry, clcaimed yester- J. E. Itarkins handles all kinds colors, bitt inctead I wved them day of huntincg and fishing outfits, re- gracefully in thtir faces-Cornell frigerators, freezers, screen idoors, Sun. NOTI'. ce-lhe treasorer of '91 will gasoline stoves, etc., 28 E. Huron. Itde not tk very mc guess, again be at the Steward's office 10 It dos tak much receive class tax front the 4th 1o the I have for sale a law library of 523 ing to tell who this idisgusted'lot fJna or -:0ad2 volumites, reports and texts, offiefix'.'Thteof Jne atboorsmprtesando2 tures anid business'. I shall sell cheap, student is. ''hr soeiirsin2:30. It is desirahle that the tax Good opportsunity.'. created by this letter which should be paid soon, so that the invitationt E. RANDALL, Atty. ecretd etutta hr a edsrbtd Sandwich, Ills. b orce.W rs htteemyb itiue' ?JPi HOTOGRMDHS Millinery and Art Goods. 30 E('(cci Huren Si. SHIORTHAND CURE IT WILL PAY YOU. Sbortband Sebiool,'Ne* Ihulldini, e$ut it Stree t.