Ijc U. of . ai . 'me. 1.-N. 1178 LTIVEISITY OFI MICHIGAN. TIII-lSD Y. JUNE 4, iptI. PIti', Tnio-i: (IisCE-TS. The Minstrels. 1Thi.list clhance to see thle nuin- strils switlb t- ~ t everal clhanges in the er-i itf the enter- tainmieiit hase e inode andilthe trouipe Phas 1I ntoiced ftitlfillI . T here is a newvbulnresltte to helicenl, that is saildlto be hetter thain the other.IThe list touor ri sis of the parqutet ctrcleIhatie iiot heein ieseiwed, aid the earlecoiiiers wiill hel thej choice seats. 1 oniii-l't perfornm- alice wi11li e tile smiootltesttif tit set liveeii. Thle expieiise s if the hall niiie oii the eatsteirn tripi were larger tlhain sas anicetiatedaiii it is hiolied that the stutients still fill the house. Table of Averages. The folloswing is a tahle of the fielding and hatting averages of the nise, incliidiiig all the ganies playetd this season:1 TABLE OFut .ERAEiii;.. Dr. Pick's Lest Lecture. e\-ellin spl lpis'ellIailsfcI wPith their 111 ' stife Ilt 1 5eSv-te li is rio t a l m rc lo s uii v1 greailycls tetil -silnece sar iiok Ofillill ory11. Ilna iw al tp - le' d111 (octor r-'-'c(c l vall are anixio leo atil" isI%-)hooks, lir. 1'i(V MthdOfStding weeek, ai 8: Ieo oilfs-tuin-' (Germlan"wi' wllapear nexrt afall. What Harvard Thinks About it. j t'ie folloswiii- is fromt the I ar- s ard Criimsoii;:"The Unisversits- of IMichigan cute swon a panic fronii Harvard on Hlolnies tField yestereday afternoon. The sisitors fairly out- pllayedI Harvard whso lost the ganie through disastrous fieldinlg errors ansd the iiialiilitv to hit the hall *safely. Codid, the Michigaiu pitcher, ha talio very remarkahie curves, butt lie seas fairly swift anid prhved v ees effective ini keepinip hard fliit halls w sithini easy reach of his fielders. HIis mnisupporteid hinissell. ielil- Pig sees-cleanly ainilplayfipgisithi Illielli a)tlironpluoit thle enitire camie." Communication. AV dG the expteriellce of College EIOt . of . i AILYMelti shlieknosw aniduapipreciate To accepit -t r. Laiwrenice's chal- the cartefl isreutiny of College Stut- leiipe lwouiili e to th rois iiscreiditidenitsli-iving" a large ceiriisof skilled uipein the rulingps last Field Das- aitiliesigrner-- iiii Jewselers spiecially - trace ine li ibadgeandoter jeswelied wsouldlialso estabilisht a lbii precedelit, so tiiili" ss- o lrel making tileilecisions of futlure Field fiomitP1risILonidon ail .Xisteredana lasslot fi nalitieslilt moole-shift iiiiiDiamoiiinis iaidlotther lirecios uilpeutents to lie crrnecteid hy inili tonesse e e ii ll aipositionito 11C0 lielli l after- coitestus siih atileniiaiitIiuie e iii nlest plaiii iJesselied -oetys i~lsies iif all kindus swhichi ire nlewssp-aper ellten'eec hs ninn -itit-el ii lthis, ciutilil wsithmel orths reasoiis I lieg" leae o ecin Mr Lwrnc's riC h Kay & Co. chiallemi e, uthit ld1 my self:-lwtay s If 01111 itS, .-TfE'N LEIIS ini readnless to crohss foils 1111t 1111i AN) ii practice assaults for pints it -'it"' I It ftIIING .1 EELEIIS. siuclttitmes as niay he founid ioat en- DQ~rot, ' 'svi raF ieil. Respectfully-, E. G. 'SnSITi -- .----- Chap. Speller & . Cornell Thinks Michigan is Afraid. The Sun11iisidevoutly tihaikful that University Outfitters, it idoesn't hat~e to devote as nmtcit 201iSOeTH So'. TlsS-i. Sitosuii.c.f.- Btiii,ssiii ii- Kelaiii.'.b-- - Abubott, .e .1.i Feis , tiu ..e 11 .4i1:; .1014 -ii IS0l i'. ., 7. , It i +1 ' r- t-l 1'. space to nmakintg excuses for the Cornell hail nine as thte U. of 1I. DAILY does fur the Mlichigan niine. No college ninoe is iiviiicihle anidsee are gettinig heaten just the saute as H arvard, Yale, P'rinicetoiianIiiTh. of Ml. are. We lou't especially enijoy- it, hut wse keep right ont llayinig Pall andu idon't fill our cilumnlils wsithi ex- cuses for liisiiig gamles or for refiis- inig to niake elates. 'The U. -of.1 D~ihout forgot is its recent slatemoent Ii 2PI, B7{SE l3Jb~ GCmsum ai-inilAtiulotli- iGoods-. An Eastern Account. Judge Coolev- J udge Cooler is oiie of those stiose toil has heen inicessanit and his htas hecomse more areduolus as his years anel famie have advanced. IHis The Philadelpuhia Piress of Ties- las- contlains the follosswi-' ahbout the N'ichigan--lareard game: C Thte University of Michiigaii base ball tossers ficishteedtiteir eastern regardinig tite Corniell gutarantee, to ~ If c IQ~ saetathMihanmnerwsoffereid $125, or fib per cent of the gate receilpts toi play a paine iii For -Next THhIEE~ WEEK S ve Ithaca oii its eastern tripi, diiriiig i-i.areit is,,t iv,, Cat other n -. I lre sellinigoff our literary iabors as editor, enoiiplui, 1i nc 5- i 11a~18ULU V 1laaca lecturer aiid originsal striter on legal trllodyh defeatingIarae' for a $5o guarantee. Neithier hoes thenies have beens stupendous, anii an startedl hack to Anni Arbior it seemi to renmenmher that steniade , "Splendid Sme tc" upon his "iConstitutionial Limita- It-nih iha eodo-fu i- a special trill to Detroit to play U. lions,"' iLast of Tsorts'' and "Geii- tre n he dfas aeae of M., receiv'ing thierefor $25, a - . eral Preincipsles of Constitutional Lastw hyd rtecithhedn git 0 eemarkahly' sniall anmount sthen in the Uniteid States,"lhe coulid havedyaddsrvdt.oe atstcmaewoprcnt.oh ate three costly' fielin-' errors cnulaedstth'fu ie cli o te safely Pasetd a claimi to only a fest of 0 gate receilits, sw-hile thet U. of ?I Utngv h iiostorn.cudhv l di taals hiscontributors to thue store of legalsetic aetuesste1is uncol us }ihyehi' Ihaals Ul~ngave themiianother and theySaudyjstsesi'asnUic.A - knoswledge. At fl7, hotvr sePteli hefutt tspthdTSauny is s eafr ai s teU. fti.all find hiinibusied swithi thue trying dul-batdithfor.Bteptcd Th-u s-fadth .o '.bl ties incident to the carasi of a winninulg ganie hut Coihd did nine doesn't care to play Cornell JI EL tA thbnesae oii;e elter. The Ifareards only- iuade Fag'ain this year,Pu it hohies that it V17 D A ( ,to hits, a louble and a thiree -Pa"'- wl eoeue2t e peu- and in the nidst of then-i le has Pro- gr h iior lydam ifill efoJun auth gecoets1fcor-sA ' ken dostn. His services in that ca- - eistsplyda e"si-Iage nuht sroi t er parity have been invaluable Put in cent fielding game, so Harvards 1 and play here-Cornell Sun. Greatly Reduced Prices. perormng hemliehasovetaxd achances of stinning were smiall un- promnthmlehsoetxdaconstitution impaired perhaps Py 40 gti cchtha t pu.Aot amedtoe a Unity Club will give its closing years of constant work-Stinnealo- grae.coddsthatptchngnd the social and strawberry festival on lis Trihune. fielding of Kelly, Spiteer and Teaff- Friday evening. All friends invited. CALL AT SPELLER'S n Minstrels, to-night. neod were the features of the ganie. Minstrels to-night. Before Buying Elsewhere.