TIMlETAIBLE ,21222if 2122 ftIt1 t i l) o ti2 'it2I1)I2kih11l- 'I t22> ll I 22 5. 22 ltl I..025' 222._.,_> , - ,ri . 1 1 ' 1.:0 -22 , -- 2'.i- "2i f t. I: t ell t+ {1 . - I22 11a02 i i.- v2 2222222 i 022> Iti 110t 22,32202('w >t )222, a IlliIi f't l kf'Isl i>. 00. EL IOTT & SHUT SQ Popritors SI end I'A O ' A DI'i(' Ml sa l YiOiE. a .3.'It) I °:,tr),.'I al,'!.: t.I>. I . Oso P1/H1. m lA. 11pm.1.. i 1221>. 2 uts iia aeeniithiri.IiItr iliAli7>l r at -. 'Cii iiifeil t S iii'iaiti iii. The "Ashby Special,"' Ashy' 20f.c Teachers Co-Operative Association 7CH CAfl Establisbed in 1SS4. Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Teachers ewho are ambitious for advancement rather than those wsitihout positions. I l . 1.1..I 2 1 I AN81.No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. HIGH CT2A$ CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring Suitings aANDi Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings Trouserings. thing2>N----t12yl1ishiai lb SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. RA f4 o pisfEPLAY SFORTING I THLETIC GOO0DS. ITRLEGL1 R & 'JOLLY? IAsi-i-USI I- ,'iViiil liFROM(2 Haria,a212ileld P r biiton ltiiltrs, A Full and Complete Line (Cheviot Shirts, (Canvasi Painta, Tennis Rackets, Racket Handles, Blase Balls, Base Ball Masks, Canvsass Belts, Shoe Pilates, Boxing Gloves, Body Protec- tars, Suspensories, Score Books, Base Ball Gloves, Tennis IBalls, Capis, todian Clubs,IDumb IBells, Swieaters; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, etc. etc. D)oi't boy until youliaveseSenisour tissortiment. LiURLEIGHI & JOLLY 26 S. STcAEST., AGoooa SxFo7a JAMES VW. BRINE, CAMBIDGEx, MASS. gi-Call far Caalogue and see samples or Mackintoshies. ICE CREAM AND SODA WATER. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES iNC ' 222 ti I'11112 CITY. 7 inichi Pearl White Plates - - - - 33 c ts. 12e1 sit 7 1inth Adama~ntine Chlinai Plates - - - 401 cts. pert set 7 inch Semi-poarcelalin, Bootes Plates - - -2> ets. pier srI heart White 11,111 Teas - - - - - ,Scts.Iper set A laintinle ll'dli l'Teas - - - - 250 cts.Iper set Bo~ote' s Iili-por-celai d l 141l'eas- - - 75 cts. ler set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & GO. THE CAMPUS. Colee Bane a le>5 Git , t'- ofI P. 2, Sit 111 122)J'>1 1 ins >022-22o. Teni 'ills will 12 2 2charged2lforithe gam 2')jfl th 22-ts 2andit Ii lics oil2 Friday. Wodcc,,Brw's Iit 1ih'rlei> accetedIhe o e iif BotonLaXTc ta. l Ii till 2bit forthicii.aftr' 2222222222.222 eiit. The I'l iloo" 22a 2oci t iiol its 12as t iei.tilii Ifit the )'year21t tie hoise ofPrfssr lt2 s day~ Cev2212212at 7:0 oc2ck 'Ili> retir222in t 22d2)12222 libo21rit oofeso f 2)112 S. L. iiiw1122.iven a1 recet(121022t'thl. neo.fnIes-1I>resi2 (le'nt N ichltsIiMondiay- Cvening.' Tlle oad2>2221boardl of tU12201 Cotllege hi> ieciidedlto tdisband 21the college 112122o00accouint of thte112112 ber of prof)1ssiona2ls that arc ling 111 It. ALinewv burlesqu2e hIas hbeii adlled tio the>Unive'rsity1 iiistrel's 12>22 graicllie fisr ''Tursday evening el- titleid the':anientI Order of White' WIashiers' Picnic2, initrotlinig se'vueral neIw spe2cialties. Thle' tug of sear io tile'ie'nosyl-. rania state' sports betwe'e'n U. of 1'i and Swarthmiore' was dulle'd in foor hte'ats. Three'of thiemiwcre' tie'sad Swarthmnore wonl the' fourthl by half an inch. The U. of M. nice has shown it- self to be the' equal of the strong nines of the East. Its de'feat by the meagre score of 2-o by Yale amply shotsithtis. 2'Thegaime was even1 c lose>rIliac theliguC4res iniciate. It iwas alitost 2aIW'stern victory ,for M21ichiganiiih2d21n1n22>men1left 2212la>s and22 22hit on seiveral 2occa2sions2 2w'ould tie 2f1.1ttim i t oir2 2 1on I.ri tI21two st1r efaitht iames 1 21and5-7It- Coiriiell S211n.IWe 'ackniowiledge >theo (1>r)2. )21>attentioniwisa ~lledl to it ye>sterd121 beiore t> saw the >S21. WM. ARNOLD, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, :P;.BI 1.STR521ET, wcC2ilattentlionsraild122 re liiriiiC Ostci M.W . BLAKE, JoaCTUREFS, FRA MES, A 1-D ART GOODS. 102Wst tHurin St. FERDON LUMBER YARD, M1aufacturerofa>nd dealiier i SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER C'or. 1Fou2rth2aniiDeptSs.i _ 2J.HALLER lppiri>"a peiaty 0. M. MIARTIN, 121 >1111 tIN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANhi) 'l1OiN i 2F1IN> J2. A. POLHEMUS, .51>22 'lii'> 11.52 2s;1N1)i llii.,5221LN1.2>2 Nor2tihi 12iiii Sir'et. RINSEY & SEABOLT, groceries, Provisions.Flour and Feed, 222221 s 1;.52. Wasilton St. JOHN WOTZKE, Shiker , tine2 J,AI)IV-S' as-d (;IENT4's SOEj-S, 111221iiin i,'.02 222222' . ,>. 2111.21 >2 W~e knlew thlat Corncell hadI defeted~l Latayette twvostr atigit 221221tlio 0it r :; thtat we'>hadl0 so ritteniit. 1 xicise thle mistake'. Wifti the return of the Blase Bllt Seaison, ste shall lbe prelrared to fur- Eleven re'cords wtere smiashe'd at iiishi all that is new- andl desirable ini I"-IFORIMS F011 Base hBall, Lawni initer-collegiate'sIports 012 Saturda, Teniiis, (ticket, La Crosse, Yach~tin~g as fllos: oo ar rince'-sail for all (Outiiig, uses. (O>r Shake> ass. fyltss'0012 21 Sweater for iquality anildorahility has ton1, i1l sec.; 120 hurdles, 1 illianis, no eqoal.- Our line oif Base Blall Sup- Vale, 15 4-5 sec., worldl's record plies, Bits, Balls, Mlasks, Body Pro- tectors, Caitchiers Mitts, Lasin Tennlis also; 440 yds., Shattuck, Amhe'rst, Supplies, etc., etc., ais ini foriier seas- 4c asec. ; 220 hurdle, iia (ilos ssill defy compiletitionl, 'We are 49 illinis, Justly proudl of iour large college foi- Yale', 25 1-5 sec.;iiile stalk, Collis, loswing, doeiiastwe are awariie, to the Colunihia, 7 m.i 5 4-5 sec.; 220 superior quality of our goods. This esteem wse ani to strengthein froni yards, Cary, tPrincetoni, 2I1 4-5 sec., seasoii to season, in the implrov-emenlt Amie'rican record;IhamnieritFinlay, of our goods -hlere it is possihle. Cor- respoindenice desired stifh managers of IHarvard, 107 ft. Y/2 in.; pole vault, all college cluhs. Seiid for our Ness Ryder, Y'ale, io ft. 9f in. high Cataloguie(if Suimmer Sports and Uni- forms, A. & B. free to any address. jumsl, Fearing, Harvard, 6 ft., run- A. G, SPA. G&BO, fling broad, Mapes, Colunshia,22 CHCAO:PALD LAGE&LBROS: ft. 114 in.; half-mile, Wrighit, 103 Madisoin Street. 1W2 C fhestnut Street, YaleRK I m. 59 1-5 sf1c. 215nd.:X3Boadway