THE U. OF M. DAILY. 11 C. Of ?7f. aif. ' thl l' 1 le y ca , Ic THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. RALPII'i11,"2'2.A2.2'.M,12.22. 2.' Ii. I). J 1122:,2.. 212 I :. lEi " .i I'1) 1 11 1'' 22.211 . t 211 G. B., THE211122 PUBISHING 11222 ord 12. 121! 1122 1 1 22a(I .2111 11rdcdI,(.22.A.22.2. A1 1.. 221 2 2l21,1212d2' 1,v 2. Larkin2of 1rinceton. 1 1. I . iser O 2 '2 2222122' 1,11as 21IY11.1212221' #I.2 ()2111. ill 2 1sp 1rt1, 1112111 122_'.2211 2.;1) t 1 22f. 21) 1111 las mad at1221211 - 2 2 ' ,11 1 r22'.lr 11211 221 1121v11(111212 21 22211 liI c nno Thel(Ia Team's cc Rect o. Te1 of the2 11121121121 121 ' 120111211the fun1. The nine11 11a1s r112122121. Tribe-,e to Professor Wells. 211 2 2 ' 2 . t1e ' asIe 1) 1122 1 2121211 1h< 2,." 21 11.2 .~x~. T e12 121t 2 2 .2 I lr 1>>,12122221212' 'c1111it{Z'l 11122 2 a1 I:ir1 :221121 1)2r<, I Ii'21222'i .1 - .2 1'---- -1 .,'e-Cn C. . W 1l2112I 12.,t . ,.22, .fI!''2.1.22 tt~1212 .211 VS.212,0 2 (a?l+. I 1212,21 , 2 93 l2222 tS II 1' 2212 1' 11"an 14 )1.0 Si'.lt l's:. -__________________ 221122 One-Half Price. IT COL 1212 121 122 1 Ir 1222 2r oue. ihls _ 1221.21 '?o1221 1112.ST.. 11112.'. .2121122 SCcfr], s falot-s etter than '4 Gymnasiulm. c. iitle lis l 2.2il 112122 222 22oi r lt 2121122212. 2222 I 111121211ic. 12ie 12wereprobal)ly ;ciiIc. o., NO. 13 'A'. HUR'1ON SI. 3,000 122 11112 a2 212m 222sta 12222211W 11212Qfire- woks Ge ie i ontl ~nI1 OE3' rand Ypera Dou~e bel1s, .a1d11 v1211212:1 r(2212212 12,2 for T'T FI makng rak et2 11212(2. When1 te1trai .UV _21.U / ZH Stiirday Eve.,MY, 3001. 120111211in 211 1 1 2o1cl112, IpromptiIY ly 'ipecial ori2ginal dsi(2gns 1withl si-21 timle, the Idifl commencedI andiit Iwas mete ill'S211be fulrnishedIIo111r12ue11111f111112 The2 12' 2 1 'E12(2t1of1the' Season, keptup ~ntnltlly nt~ 2 'clC(ommenneent Inrllvitaltions15Cla11s-Day kep u cotiualy nti oclok rogrammlles, F'.raternlity Staltionlery this morning. Theileam111was15pnlled Menu211an~d (G12st Cards for Blanqulets ' The(.ladilator, around twnby th 2stdens2 ad ad Cub2iners1Dace rogamms, ndall 0ot11r kinds of college 'work. wihen they were taken to tile campus O2112sta1t0ionery is ltways nlotable for IBY and mmese an-ire as ighedits handsome enlgralving, corract foim, and mmese hn-fre van ighedand moderate prices. pelled tor make a h speech. a More fire-. A C MOCL URG & o LEIE E O l works on the campus and the antics CHICAGO. TickIIeeln sIeat Newsestad. Neg~q~eShirts, COLLARS AND CUIFFS. BAL8RIGGAN I":. .2. 2W'S LATE''1ST 1CO.1,2AR2 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. rie l e going 212 n1511 1f21,c t, nay, Felb., 12. 11z,21ee 1122.111221and'Mal1....... . 2. 112 , -N1t. 1'2,'21',l12 l'21"l'llfr12. ....... 2. 1.n Mt2.2' 1121,2 .res..... .... . 2211 2 a. 222 Ma Id 2 Ma l......... 1.... 12i' p sI, qooRI.BENET, ijS.;uENoc) INtlElt NEAl -MANAGEMIENT,' Is being thoou~lghly renovated and .re-funishled. We should be plcased tol see all old patrons of tile house and alsonew ones. M. A. Nowlin, Proprietor. t J