TH TE T r' Tk, DAIL = H- 1 '7- TIMlE TABLE, r ' ' 31 tl I' I s' i .111t h Al ;i . 1 1" ' N t "% { ii ' l :i' 1'. I.) AF :.1' R , 1ti 1anagrlt .. ANN .11t}t11 t, 0a+++(11C 1' 11299, it F . J~~~~1C I 11211112 N 1 S 11 .%N 1a ,:.1 ,4''5 ,+5 rho A1,bavSpecial," Ashby , 0 fromdl 'H ! luci' at i II "IA t~)A , IIt '',:N , N . .Wr1,., , 950 ).tt TOET--SOIS ~~1i~ 911 ~ , i tl tllt211 w U11 ,11l1 11 24III111 Tle achi~ersCoOertveAsoilo EaIi sIffdc in 1 834.t Ps~to n 1ls. f n le d 3 0. e1r 21.t1 : are a~itius fo advncemet ra i e , ti t1ios t 19011 eictit199c .119 ,il ds~iesoflllii Gl . tH.t W ILDiit 1911.i1141 1l,21 11. BI.(1.11 A I 's 111 lles 1211,9 B l 11112 1)4 I'1'a'l 11a111Ii9. 11111' 119. 1 ('1d G1 . 1111 No. . ashfngton S ner an .H ID J.1 S'TATEI M''jII l.l (a 29(11111I 'MAIN129 ST1 HII GH CL'A$$ YA III Oi't CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring Suitings ' N 1> = Silk Vestings, Overcostings. Colorings 1 New . IN Trouserings. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARIS()R,- - - MIIII1. SPORTING AHLTI GO00OS. BERIUGI &JOLLY1 A Full and Complete Line ('liot tShirts, P111141159 lants, 1111111 Rlackets, lpacket1handles11, lBase Blalls, JBase Ball .Mlsks.('111411ss Belts, Slhoe Plates, Boexin~g Gloves, Body Proetec- tors, Susjensorlies, Scolre looks, Ba1se Ball Gloves, Tenn115islalls, Caps, Indiani Cluibs,IDumbI Bells, Sw.4eatrs; Jerseys, Catchers Mitts, etc. et1.1. Don't buy unltil you1 have 15111n our assortment. BUJILEJGJT &JOLLY 21 S. STATE ST., A~r=1 y SFOR JARME S W. -BRINE,) CA31BIDoGE, MASS. I~Call for Cataloguo and ace Sampelesofo Mackintoshes. ICE CREAM ANI) SODA WAT'Elt. GREATEST VARIETY c LOWEST PRICES 7i1n121 Pearl Whlite Plates - - - - 3:12 ts. pcr set 7 111511Adamantine Chin('11111 Plates - - - 411 ets. pert set 2 1112112919.1i-por1clalin, Iloote's Plates - - 5,S cts. hert set Pearl Wihite 11'dild 'l'eas - - ' - 135 cts. lper.set Adaman1111ti11'111d1Teas - ' - - 5,a it's.11er set Bolote's Semi-porcelain i1111"d 'teals- - 75 cts.19pe1 set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & Go. THE CAMPUS. gameI. No comment11212is m1ade Upon 31 I). A. 21112ys111eteplayin (If 21112 t;'. Iof 7.N 1.eaml. 1). '. ('1 1.19 e1 nex't11292 29.1112 T1112a921201111tells !low11 ae's111 runs11 21y were 1made91 19 ll.1'9.l 112112 l and 1 ' 111folo 12~ X~c I h d'N 1t1 1,241 ci () i t .1 Fr112211 111 1 11,, le ws ''111124e111 l'e1 121112214 Sat Ird ~ lI, 21)" Iac ' 4.229 thl ree1 IkIl s off o (f 4 11112129 1412ltve . the).111.1211 t lt1.1121 t t 'lebo) ,21 deuce1I JoT rnal, s i n .11 ittstreo resof tae 7111211 ..l 222.24t,,. o 11.-Brow1.t le g et tllrer s id I J11 . 21. 11212 'al vsclat ij, n has 11121(1n.1t.12t1er1 the. 'ae wS1.ith anC2 Snt141221 111222)' nd le allve.91 37 o me1.1 11.1to i aver l 3-JS-1LSS P-7010? ry WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Spc1il tenton pild to epairineg watches1112 a11. J11ew1elry.__ M. W. BLAKE, IICTrURES, FRAMES, A N D ART GOODS. Ii) 11st1HuroneStl5. FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manuflac'tur1erclof and dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER J.HALLER 0. M.NIARTIN, I)F'A111 1R IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic (2911 1114141119 ('11.11FINS. J1. A. POLHEM US, Z RINSEY & SEABOLT, 11l11'c9 s' nd elers inl Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, JOHN WOTZKE, 5,AD51-1 5' and (.'2NI'S SOE-S. 11.1 11121 111311done.4;)S Dn St. With tile return11 of1.the'BaseBltl Season1, we s1111111 1be prepra'ired to fur1- 1n1sh11all 111hat19is new 11111 desirale tIill UNIFORiMS 1101,2Base ~1111L13141 'Tenn11is, (Crick'et,L~a (Crosse, Yacihtin~g an111for all (Outinguses9. 0112 Sihaker n10 equ1111. Oar lile (If Base IlalI'Slp- lplies, Batls, h11111, Masks, Body Pro- teeters, Ctchelers' Mitts, Lawn Tenniis Suipplies, etc., etc., 11s in formler seas- (Ils 19111 defy complletitionl,'We are julstly proud1 01of or large colllege 1f11' 10owin,,due 11s1we alre 1aar, 1.11tlhe superier qulality o~f0112 goodis. T1110 estem ell aim1 011to strenlgthen lfralI 521season to sfeas01, in tile implrovemlent of our goods where it is possihle. Cor- respondencee desired wit.h1manalagers of all college cluhs. Send for our New Caltalogule of Summer Sports anld11ni- forms, A. & B. free to an~y address. A. G. SPALDING &. BROS., CHIrCAGO: PHIL.ADEcLPHIA: 108 Madison Street. 10V1 Chestnt Street. NEW Y atK: 241 and 213 Broadwray. fund. 01111Th 112110ior edic5s visitedi 111e Pontiac1121115a.12 asylum on 011F121112 laist, a1n1d 411221e1bauque1.tted1 luponl their 2121.1r1n by' Dr. Iet122111.. (021111141224s1defeated111o01)Saturdlay 'the last g2ame1 of thleir eastern trill, hy Lafayette, 8 10 2. 'ihis mlakes six straight defealts an~d no victories. Professor Kelsey will he onable to mleet is classes till to-nmorrowv. At that tinse the class in archlaeology will have a written quiz on thle suh- jects treated since tile last cizi. The Yale News gives half a col- umn account of the U. of AT.-Yalel An Appointment. 12 . ll''18122 of the Sopi2102,102 Medical class ihas tbeen appo19inted assistant1. 12 12.110o 1111. Hwl nPhlysiol- ogy. Mr. Budget12's 4work in Ilac- teiril0,2) a1nd1advancedi Hist.olog2y 1112 been excep~tionsally' excellenlt 911. lie unldouhtedlly deserves thle911- p~oinl1tient. lie takes A1r. Wrajle's p~lace, whloIhas beena advanced to tile assistanceshlip 11n. Histology, whlichl has been held by Dr. Ituber. Dr. Htuber will leave for Europe in June1 to pursue special work in Hist- ology and Embryology.'