THE U. OF .14. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Yi iou a elo Iloinit terested iin the alive litle,.and<1 w ihav mi'. e. We v i?)' w Calii ' ' ( vi oivic te d i a,, c 'e 1voi tv (1'' + '711(11. THE TWO M-mS 1_J-T II r,1. (f01 dii.of NM. should hleea UniverSity of Michigan Guitar. Pici'ooircl ( tlt 1ihe . titlitl((evet le ]1 t tu t 111oa . N i i i tt u ritid 11 'no 1 ito.: Bltjii n 1 TMalldo JII i 01e. cts. 1-.'veryth iii iin ro o tiont. 1, II (;4T1IttO i 37I.ZTPITG.L2IIII CIIĀ§CO T ..,-American + Pamblers, MA'.n Ii iN. Anl Alor Stu ll ElllllrY. VOORHESIS & DIETAS. :IDOL. _. 00W1 GO -U V--y'i" BEST WORK IN THE CITY ?! STFi STTAIORS,.O WORCALIN-RFIDEJVS.P FIRST CLASS WORK. I5SHOES for 1307t LAJiIE5 asti GENTLEMEN. Ofc.-23 South Fourth Ave. Z'.. -0' 22 SOUTH STATE ST. Office._________- LEMYMON & 13OWISISH. WTAN R' BOOK ST RE, DOWN TOQRE9 I t it x St'ive II ll " 1y ivi n I - t it et -B xii 11AI IIit ppli'- !t II(- i t . Ito Ittli i [[t til (vI TI Furt'sSt,.Weotf - Detroit, Mich. 7(__ ___._-1 C The Second Victory. 11 l I01;' c ,. '1he1 .r, tl. 1 lc z 11 'l''l l 1 101'zr 3 I2210 2.2t 21 1 i2 ,t"iIti. 111011 (1( ..t.i~li~l Il~ll ii' (tl . I I i ! r t (-t tta d IEI~. I ir4 It ^2224 11t -lIi it oX T 1t1,lF'TTt'I ttli'( .i( ' Ill 1- .10nlh j1t.': n'__ _ ____l 5 t'it ;t~l wtlltto (c llt kn J tes htiF rt }te i2. ll .t uf LIilol OF ALL KINDS AT l]' illtoI'1'lrcti al Ii . . 1th al relllla (' 1111 1(('11'I'ii rtl l 0 1111 27 A >t) 29 MAIN r SrI. t, lew loltto11.11111. NWitkitlsoen to ('ooL Rt~hmond Straight Quit.111111d11ill toLittle. intilhe eigltih. Sllitlif lit the ba11 ll t tie. I let el id (or twlI o ase. Ki11111hit into CIGAR ETTE S. ol h'i cosl dlitlle1111 111 ,111'lii i et1 d11liult '1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie 11'l'i'11 o illr'i111 I'('(0111'tolich.ltlttl odrt cnll ' Cigarettefi Smoilkers1whoitI.01i110111' II01 ' 111 l tial' til11n t o 11112 l- A tll'001 wiling o l y tttI chargedl lott i.t11.I. lt.0 1111k1i~l tllti O 1lt .. 1r'jl 1 1 1 I'e ;I II s onooollei'11 1'pTIS1;1t AND sil cr110111 1111' 0 Kelle10 with.a it.I I. al' sc roh..Bohnt mtt ete.10)lsl ~ f -.t N,-. 1 Ci___________are_ - ltt 1fr11,t0. 1. ..!.1 1 Rn~twashr~ rhtzin0by4tstn te 1 1l 1t Bew re f. mHakionshand o4 le ta elall knds 11(111 . (t .ts '.0.l til .to 1 . fr hntinge a nd fo~ is in eg ui ts, r-C. iIt. ald relre vi ... 11 4 0 1 i tl frigeratrfe ezmers s aceenC o orLl.. o... gtasline tves, e w28 d. -Huron. Osell , 1.1...... 1 3hive1 0 Itdon0 In hA or Sal awigbra of 5 1 'l0eL..... 4 0s 'as olumeissaer (ie s d texcts, bo dic l lx- T rell --------0it 4 u0 1 2 i tuels a~n busin tes.I sall el c s<'he. L ,3b..... 4 0 0 1 0 Gde oppiatorn.OfcriitysCo , . t00..--(). 1 0 1 1 (14 ( EYR IA .F ll c Lr,,Cattie. K ly,2b..... 3 ) 4 0 2 24 5 ' Sanwothll. _ C.___ 4__ 1___ 1__ 1___ to \ i I(r -th r0 lb le tT 1o11 toe 01(11111 (x t v11 inthe' (ltw qu111111 1111 ev nin at1.13 tioll. I t il b ritn e ecs 0rc {on the se tenceliliano1 U lit It h its o- :,30 nd 10 ohelco ildt"(l'lIIlt)tt i'o lu It at Itll! may he litrC. orgn, 93 iiwil leave t-day freSaltchancisco whereh iiassum th rendutiesof- ivit nieeronvcthencSouthenSa- ciicrailway.o 'el Dy T CeU.O . Iy versu i i ~4)x''N YY! ~.FIe M1llinery and Art Goods. 3utie u o n cSt. R rA, ___ -> CHRONICLE-ARGONAUT game will he SHORTHA ND TASE.A played on the campus this after- ITWLCA O.~e~adOcUoS, E noon. Building, 25 South State Street.