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September 29, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-09-29

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271 Woodward Averue, ;Grard Circus
signed will be in the Botanical
Laboratory onWednesday between
10:30 and 12:30 a. In., to consult
with students about courses in
Biology, Botany and Morphology.
Labratory work in Biology begins
Thursday at 9:30, in room 25.
..fi. fLIIARD.
LATIrJ-Course. Section V.
Livy, will report to Prof. Rolfe,
It will be limited to students who
have shown exceptional proficien-
cy. It is expected that this sec-
tion will cover more ground than
the other sections.
Conrse 3. Section V will be
given by Mr. Clemient.
HYGIENE.--Students wishing to
take the courses in Bacteriology
will find Mr. Novy in Hygiene
Laboratory every afternoon this
week. An optional course in
Water Analysis will be given this
semester. 'ME. Novy.
course In Foundry Work will be
given the first semester.
All engineering students wish
ing to take work in the Mechanica
Laboratory must see me Wednes
day or Thursday, at 11 a. in., at
my office. PROF. TAYLOR,
OUR RUGBY TEAM. I before, and there will be a game W right, Kay & Co.
at Buffalo this year that will be
~~ marked by sandy playing, and a ForeiEUn BR Trs, Importers. of Gems
TIENUC EUILY O TE CAPUC - much closer score than Cornell
tNC DAILY ON THE CAMPUS., and Art Gcoo:s, cwir and Op-
will look for. To begin with t cats. t1iCt rcrs c, the
"Systematic Work" is to be tie .
The Campus has takers on a founatino "i Rugbele Fimest Soc ety Laudes rade irk the
home like look this past week.foun couqtry. Sampls sent upon pro-
this year. At 4 P. M., every day,
Every afternoon has seen some of - per referertces,
our canvas backed Rugby players every nine1Who wants to play on
tossing the ball back and forth, or the teams must show up on tse 13-
trying to kick goals. It has been Campus. At 4.15 the players oi
the ground will be placed on the
cold and raw, but the spectators . 140 WO ODW. 11 AVD.,
aalines of the two teams-for it is
have had many a laugh as the M
boys would form a invincible V alley's intention to play two
and split the w ind w ith it, but if team s every day- an d the play- O tro it,epen-hdedeeye-
the huve ad othng ut heers will play us these positioinstue - ---
the hae hd othng ut hereiiaiiider of the day, the late they ever hope to down the Eastern
wind to buck against, they have team. And the fact is they've
at least been learning to stand coners taking any positions that got to wr-k if they play tls
may be left (?) when they get y of "
shoulder to shoulder. And theyma belf()wentygt
aroer oig godrk, the few there. At 5:15 the teams will go Malle is very, ver right and
wso are back getting in condition to a bath-room to be placed prob- every man who plays Rugby ought
by tossing the ball, tackling, ably in the basement of the Medi- to come out, put his foot in the
byreaking the le, tyingth , cal building. Here a douse and a ball; and try for a position on the
breaking the line, trying the Vte .IfyuaifrthVrsy
rub and then to Prettmans, team. If you fail for the Varsity
Sor the gridiron, and learning the ieleven there will still be the second
twist that gave Ames of Prince- ere they will rest and discuss eleven, all of whom will take the
t . the plays of the afternoon while a Eastern trip. Twenty-two men
ton his celebrated nick-name. of
"Snake Ames." supper is being prepared for them will go East.
se bys. a r der at a training table that Prettyman In the way of material not al-
The boys are working und is to run for them. This will be ready noticed Van Deventer, the
Malley, who has brought back a Sliermans, Haynes, VanInwagen,
u n the sanse way that the
trunk full of new tricks and has Glidder, Sunderland, Duin -ynd
areadybegantteac his Eastern training tables are. Prettyian are expected to be her^
few of them.an to teacht, hTrainerna "Those who work shall play." this year. For new material,
Ratch, De'osit, Ratlione, Dy- This comes pretty near being an Jewett, who played a rattling
Irish Bull, but Malley says that guen as half-back for thue high
gert,McAllaster, Stoneand Chad-"t g " iSchool eleven last year, enters '94
bourne take to them as naturally as lit. Ninety-four also gets Chad-
any canvas-back does to water. ast fourteen new men this year ourne, who played center on the
,, and I want the boys to come out Phsillip's Exeter Academy eleven
Of course the boys are all "soft, and try for these positions. And last year, the eleven that msade
aiid short winded as yet, but if when it comes to selecting the such a good showing against such
t - tmen who will goEast this year. college teams as Dartmouth, Am-
Captain Malley it will be soiled it is going to be a simple question herst, and the Tech. Over in the
meat and sand that Cornell runs of the twenty-two men who can law school they have Stone, a
up against this year. and have been playing the best graduate of Swarthmore, '89, who
It does ones heart good to hear Rugby day by day. Twenty-two played full-back a portion of the
- Captain alley talk. If he does men will go East. The Harvard, time while there. The most that
S p y k d Yale and Princeton players are all can'be said of these new men now is
- one half the things he wants to do, hard at work now, every man of that they bid fair with practice to
t he will do double of anything them, and it is time that our boys be able to get onto one of the two
that has ever been thought of here were willing to do the same if teams.

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