- C:K (> L; / . FVAt L V ZIOIIIZ'7- 0T0 Ann Ym TOLET - -==SOAPS TI ETABLE. 1Ii ss;Il sfatlsssi rIsisthesroo't os, the, 5sl s'). Nl 'VO55I ~ I Iss:1 '1'!i 5 5 ;55 .ss i . . . l 1'S r l 'l 'i t . 5 .s , . ? I.:, .> . . T. 7ls.xs(' .5>. .\ssss.:Tssl i I~) :\)IL; ''lS it stet .°cv ANS.Iiiit, s Io s ,.r's 55. I" l isTeAmples o}p. is it otainst ns o G 1 30 'li i>, : 25 5..5 5.r. , , , 'm i sss i' js. lste lb st forsi ll!" 1)slil- "_____ ss WaAah s't I2 ME5 0 . effect Susr sr o i mpsisle's. 13 CF LARK, Manager Y'41A1>. at I,:' tl s#''.is.,';,:1, .':_', lis tl isa.' fl f all ills~d. BF. M agr p.m.s sldat (isovalBrsoIiswnii (d S lxisav N Asilissis, from ('curt ose, as t ll EAt tl lsasiisg lssgg i. siAx'r1 xsIA ss;.x, 151sT AN11D, liti s isi, ;c Is,:.,p 4s0: Ric hrdmI-s 555. 0IS WadshIon ii t IThe 954. 5 11. II25 trin~ss a si~sonS d a - i ,AoGOL SOAP 00., atconr t('o siani Ada sis ., Yps.55,sssi. isllIl fir ll - tCVVMaisia]. Yo:2cansasve srn b is s th~ is, way55l to ~ IL OGIDIEiy17IL : -OTL - oard a n om rsto'W4 P er s, i- ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietors. The "Ashby Special,," "'Ashby," "Oxford,'' "Harvard.' full I isv si T Is iis andi s i ];tll (; s . Dleril~ -s i lsoos, "isis ieetsct 44 S'I'sill. SI' il. T16 ;o t "1' 'IN ST. T achers Co-Operative Association'0-72H A . Established in 188S4. Positions filed, 2300. Seeks Teachers wiho are ansbstious for advancement rather than those withosut positions. G. H. WILD, j Is sssoissstthes' .ascecst Sissk ssf lull lDress Sisi is s initise' his rt. 'ill tl ss id sses mci sssovlties ini Tioss iiss5silts issi 0%-srcosshtins. FIluse Vests cssssi bindlifil No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. H. WILD. 1. 11 Sik1O IB HIGH CJIA$ CORRECT:-:STYLES Spring Suitings) Ii s .> Silk Vestings, Overcoatings. New Colorings Q Trouserings. Nvli s issy 'nci~ stil s-I e thinks..NecxiSlilisli aiss Seasoniabsle at 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - NMICLI. GR/lANS ISf2pY SFORTJNG AT~HLETIC GOODS. BIIRLEIGII &JOLLY, A Full andi Complete Line Ciseviot sirts, CansvasssPlants, '1ennLisi Racskets, Racsket IHandsiless, lase SBalls, Blase Blall Masks. (anivass Beito, lhce Platses, IBoxinig(Gloves, Bosdy lProtec- tosrsi, Sustpensoirieis, Sicsre Books, Base Bsali Gloves, TeiisBalslls, Cepts, Indlian Clbs, Dsins) ls lls, Sweaiters; Jerseys, C'atcisers Mitts, etc. etc. Bon't buy unitil yous have seeni our assortmnt. ISURLEIGJI & JOLLY t26S. STATE: ST., AO".TT S FOUL JAME S W ERL]NE, CAsl1sntsx.E, MASS. ~Call for .Catloiguie and seo samples aof Macekintosh5es. ICE CREAM ,ANTS SODA WAT'ER. GREATEST VARIETY a LOWEST PRICES O)N ii CROCKEY IN THI STY. 7isis-s leairl Whsite P'lateo - - - 33 its. let set 7 incis Adamansitine Ciinalilates - - - 401 cts. iser set 7inschi Semni-pssrcelains, Boote's .lastes- - 58 cts. per set liearl Whsite 1'ii1d l' eas............. ....8 ets. pier set asamnstinse Iilild Tess - - - 50 cts. per set Iloote's Senmi-porcelasins It'l~d less - - -75 cts. tier set 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAK & CO. THE CAMPUS. iiarvsrIl, Is-lay. Y ale sdefeatedi sslcrt 6 to a sscsllhssssdef esied iornell l tsi3. 71sisis sb, frsomi East Sainiswi, is svisitigig er lsrsther I'i'ncssolns dIciatedCnnl i \i'eslis-ss 5i to2. Aboussst twselve seirl«slf o tssisilsss, Ohiso, ths~isssssis liit like l te exasssssstjssss Isths .i league gasises Satiurd:l 55 ii okis I'ittslirg, 5Iso7, 7t ;Ciao Pililasiell~iia, 3 Io 4, o7 e iork, Ciesvelands, ; tos a, 6 Iso 3; Ilosstsii, Ciincinit, ! tso 2, 6 tso 2. 'ThiiUisity-:Minstreis msake their last applearance on Tlhusrsday evensing scxt at the (Opera Ilouse. Seats at Cisas. Spseller's after twro p. in5. Monisday. The Minstrels have sew sosigs, sew csstunmes ansd sei dansces. Tisey playd to a phiensom- coal house iss Detroit, every seal bieinsg sold bsefore the dosors were opsensed. M1r. Park has impo~srtedl a sexy doll, Lillians, fronm Ioston, ex- pressly for this occasion. A't the meeting of the freshmsnis class Saturday a. mi. the fsollowinsg were elected to the Oracle Bosard: I). F. Lyons, H.It. Sliarpsless, 1R. V. Friednsan, ID.IB. Luten, Miss Miabel E. Itolmses, 1V.IB. 'Ward, Geo. Anigel, C. IV. Senscenbaughx, I. 13. Canfield, Mis Wolfelsden. 'rie foot ball diirectors chsosen were as follows: DePoiat, Wartd,Hunst, 'Timbermsan, Keating anid Brown. The cane conmnittee is to be ap- psointedl by thselpresident. The Freshmen Win. 'listrt. if M1. freshmeine sitiso Albioss Satuirday aisd defeatesd the college ninse there is a well pl1ayedi guase. I lyatt sitscles1 asgoosi gamse. Thse Sscresy inis is: .15Dai y versus C hronicle-A rgonaut. laoimorrows afternsioon there xwiii 1se a msatcs-i gamsessf ibase hail be- twxen twositeamis cshoseni fromisthe edlitorial bosards of tihe I issxaind the Chironicle-Argoniant. Follow- lug are the nsamses of the D ks 5.5 players: Dlygert, ss; Stont, ib; Arnseill, 31); Gtreens, p; Dlellenback, c; Chiapm~an, If; Jewxell, rf: Cturtis, cf. list battery for the Chironsicle- Ar'oliaut trill be Ross anid Curtis. Meeting of Collegiate Alumnae. Te May mueeting saf the Dletroit branch of the associatioss of collegi- ate alamnoae'was held on Saturdasy. The general subject under discus- sion wras "Physical Culture in Col- leges.' Reports were giren frons the different colleges reliresented in the association as follows: Oberlin, M7iss Hsudson; class of 'coo; Vrassar, Mrs. H, . 7sB ishop, '67; Smsiths, Mrs. L. P. McCollester, '88; Welles- ley, Miss Swift, 'coo; Syracuse Uni- versity, Mrs. I. G. Ginnsburg, '85; University of Michigan, 'Miss 0. IVs. Bhates, '77. BUSIN1ESS3ICIEQIOL. WM. ARNOLD. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, #i5 SLAIN STRIEET, Special attentona paid tLireplairinig Watches andiJewetlry. M. W.- BLAKE, PICTURES, FRA!WES, A NI D ART GOODS. Is0 vest Hursn St. FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufssatrr of and dealersin SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER isp. Fossrthiasuiteot iSts. J. HALLER- Rena+s.,fira p f i ri5- l______ 0. .'APTLN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND Csit 5SIOsN COFFiIN-. J. A. POLHEMUS, T I Z-VT "EIs.!_= - Als oriS Lth5.Ha N insr.Ostli. RLNSEY & SEABOLT, Baksshi-, isdeiers in i Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, isind Li. Wtis-tts .t. JOHN WOTZKE, Riskers oftire J.ADXIC-S' :Mild GE= 'r4,%1 SHOES. Lls irii, neati~lyioe. :3-.:'in St. AiVitli the rieturn of tse hBase Blall Seasoi, we shall bse prepsrared tso for- nishs all thast is sew aidiesiablein U-N II2OIMS F-OR Base Ball, Laws- 'genis, Cricket, La ('rosse, Y achtinig aiid for all Outinlg uses. Our Shasker Swesater for quoality andslidurability has 150 equasl.-Our iline Of IBase Stall Sup- plies, Basts, Balls, M.fasks.,SBciy Pro- tectotrs, (atchers'7-Milts. LawnL 'ennis Suptplies, etc., etc., as its fornmer seas- ons Wsill defy comipetition,. We are justly prouid of our lsirge college fil- lowsing, duie as swetire iaware, (ts liie suiperior qulitty of ousr goosds. Thlis esteem wse aims to strenigthen frasi seaison to seasonl,i the imprsovem~enst of oar goods whiere it is possible. Coar- responsdensce desiresl-wstll mlanagers sof sill college clubs. Sendi for our New Catalogue of Suimmer Sports and IUssi- forms, A.. & B. free to assy addlress. A. G, SPALDING & BROS., (I1ICAGO: PIiLADELPLHIA: Li8 hladison Stret. 13i Chestnut Sireet. NEWt YORK1 ti4l ad :243 Btroadway.