~1jc t *of i.*Waeilji Vol I.o 1-N) 0. UI\ EISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, Jt- EI, 11I'Tttc, lTtREECENTS. THE GAME WITH BROWN. The Grounds were Miserable and the Urnprin_ Rank. PsOIDEi tiNCE . . 1 28.- We arrived at Prot dleuce, Thurs- slay smorunig,about i i 30,tired and~ dirty, butt after a-gooildiiutier we felt better, togntb as coil is titough we hads1not israteled a few thtousatdtilesit.it.\t 3toathe gatie w-as called is the piresetice of about seven hiusdredl people. The grouisds werre btadly titrtn tp, owinitg to the consstrutctiont of a sets-gysmnsasittm its otte cortner of the field. We teet to bat first andths iis is tlte twiole story: Owing ts a cltattge in tlteibatltig order Codd was tse first roan upt. H~e bunted a slow onse to tird atnd was lpronmltlythtrowets stt at first. Abbott liiiottt to a lutmber pille its rigbt fielsI andt took secosnd while the ball was comnig its. Pearson liii to sort right, adsvasncisng Abbottr to tirsd, whtence lie scores1 a minuitie later ott a tlwitrowe iiithe catchier to catch liinisnasppisng. Pearsons soots took ithirtd otta ithrwof the ptitciter to catch sitm at secondti, lius lie gistrio further. Wilkitnsotsstsink- lng stit andtlRics goinutltfrois short toiflrst. Foir lBrownt, Sextosn struck situ. Woodtcock madsie a liltr ansl se seciosis twhere ie remiaisseds wihe Jottes struick stit autlreit it liii a hiigh itieto Codild. Kelly oplentedl tihesecondil witlita lilt last thsirsd base bu1t tias caught ntapping at first by mseasis of use us- to thsird, whetnce Ise-scored iw-hile te lirotsiseirefitelding the ball its after IPitrtons seconditili. The titl Nv e tiir d a issesstlater trltest ktitsht ateit ses1to steal secoindi. FIoriile iii is esim tes liii a sot liner toi Spitizereaitti sat ioli a- n finsIs ts tihe ohieul.'rnneiht ta-muder ito Ptearsonts wltt (:11(ds M1esser mtade a fliti andtI ot>s.tseconds a msshiieistlater tihess sietiletilall lilt a list onic uo Cos li clithe latter failesi to recover ire iii to retire tile rntter. Iitilts tere te umtplire roasteil is smlcitis thoiugis si- hail beets tetider bseef andii lie ass epicure. M1 eidesslsall its risnning to first very tihougtlessly ranssisnto Rich si-it such msomnstiums as lie cossld commstand, andslsehil e lie stas beinig rensoved ott a stretcher the unmpire dreanmed that Rich hail droppsedlte bail. After a sdialogue biy boils teasiplasy stas resumned. Weeks pioppled a fly but to Walsht twhichs stas sdroppedl,lie sliesttried Isotiswitllta dtivtewst sbetter re- stilts astil te csase to bat. Int he fourth Wilkiisois leil oft si-itsacleats sisigle pa~sit itr-stopi ansd tias iquickl y followvesd ts-Riclh ands Kellyvi-it a sticike ostl -Wilk- isosn atiempslteil to steal seciondsbitt tile umpilire deemsesd the attestIiuil- suiccessfl Ithough seconsdlbatsemtans isas at so timhe teatyenoutglh to IVilk- isisoss to tell the colior of Isis stock- ;uszgs. Stes-re struck stit ande Mtclonntell ti-Io had isikens 1 etiden- hall's lplace liiitsothesamse lplace. acteil thletatte svelte asse the cur- tails weti-lsdoinsithess Booth liiia grounder to fiit.Steere foules t s to WIalts. Magill liii a groundier to first withltthle 5usalresults assetSet- hto tiw-asoffereid a base ott hallswis-icis lie asccepted.l its gift ltus1edto ashe inhsgrs -hess Woodcock liiitsohBooth. lbase onttaIsitSpitzerflest out tot ri giltieldiianditCoud closedI the hiltting it in t-it issnig Ibyfouilinig 1o111 But tie Brost-sies wtised ito smore visis andi this is itows their wasttwiere rits Jonses lilt asseasy onte to hiihi bitt lie tias retired. Tenniey list a hot grounder to left fiel andtishen sWsilkinsossopiensed \VtNUX the expierienice of College Mess swIo knoswstnd sspplreciaste tse caefeusl sertinusy of College Stu- senits, hatvintg s large corps of skilled IDestiers -anitJeswelers specially is tritlistforsbIidsge sandstother jetteiled torktik mprtlsinge as ire do, sdirecty fromo 1aliiisLons sndtAmtrsamt osis DS iondssandsloiller Ipreclios Stosstie -are it a liositioissto Isro- lisce the sfiest ptlainistnstjewseiled SoceteBades t ll kindis whlichs sit mnttastit~etts-titsthis counttry. EWrighf, Kay & Co. tMPOttTEIitS, J-IELEits ANtD DIVXIFATIRI G J WELERSS. Isis legs and attenmpted to stop it Chap. ' eller 2 teiths the ibadowe of Isis feet, the ~~~ pe e runnier took second. Merser ptoppled University Outfittei~, one up to Spizer bitt Tensney held 20} Sox HItsSTATXIST. sits till the fly teas a fly no loniger and the mtan was safe ott first. M U M 1 IS 37S I-"B7L1.i 81enidenhaisll lilt safe between first asid secondstasse the bates twere full. ITihen Weeks lilt a sot one to P'ear- sits whio tisrewteneste out at the plte, stucsto liltsdiscomsfort. ISteere liii toIKelly- i-Io tos-esdNvithlt the tall whlile :slerser scored. -Ma- gill lilt at;roundtser to Sptitzer, whios, istead of tossisigit to secondi, at- templted tioitrowe Iis stisnsoust it first but faliesd, 8tendsenhall goisig ins ottthe play. Sexioss iiitsI-Kells- twhoistieppledtott Iis base sanistthe funieral umiarchs atat ass endi. lie ganse ended by Abbot bsitisig to fis, Pearsons strikinig out Iansd sWilkinsois goisig out frosts seconde to first. The score follos:i I --- b -(.Y - - 7 - i - - - -1 ---y I Gymnaisrsiumtandtht l e tic (foods. GENTLEMEN'S FU7RNISHiING $AKE THE ACES IGHEST CAIALOGUE stuos iss ut- and- -N -alteshaetoitsit asotossetoneesyi5 U -RSITs OF sM ICeIGA. t-Sole ageists its Ann Arbor. stukotaitWlhhi hs seansI took first, drinisg the cotnfusiontsAB H BH SB PO.A E 5 A .$ ILL R-& qO to third and teas retirest at first, stole seconsd bate and tenst out at coat) us. - 5-5--40 us Q1 s1) 1J i ~V For trown, Tierser miadle a hilt andth thirdl intsatemsptinig to steal a seate Peasonussib----i-5 0 0 1 0 stole second. 8Mendenhall struck to it. hilis n, 1 su--- 4o ss00 0 1IOZ out ek okabs nblsas Is the fifths Walss lea out to Bth, st------- :su s0s0 Will Teachts IlMetlsod of Steene sinigled filling the bases. secondt, Spitzer did the samue to the Spte,5 1--- 101I Magilt struck out. Then weiths twoo itchier, and Coedd hilt to secondstasset -u, 5 1 s1 1 uI~JJI~ rien out assetwtio strikes on Sextosi, was fieteel out at first. lsoodcssck_ the tatter took adlvantage of the Iem ouRt bbttJoeNticl s is'e IERSITS. I's H umptire's eniesicy arid dropped the tBooths sithsesqual fat-ality asnsh"Tenysy extsn s t..___ 501 s00s ball into a post hole its right field, struck out. Wooditock, l) MEMORY,"1 ons b-___-4u 3 tweo mess scoring before it couled be Iss the sixth, Abboii, wi-tlh ulenest t-----4 0I 1I!Asnd Facilitating Acqtuiremenssreent of recoveresd. A msonsent hater Wood-' assistance of the short stopl, flewsectoellssssl 41I 0 Ksnowledsge is Fuve Lestont. cock msade a clean sitsghe past icc- out to short eft, Pearsosn triedl the wheeerI ----s I 0 -0 sh00 ousd base and ansothier run teat scored pitchser arid Wilkinson thsirdt base, s es us for the Bhrowenies. Sextons tas the deaths rate hein the sane in ;-4 a 2 7. thirowen out at the plate sehie at- ecl case. For Brosen Terser lilt SeOsRE 1us1 1tocs. J ~ temipting to follose suit, to first andetdied, 8McDonnell struck 1'34 5 - s ; s'.P 1s~ J'su -In ttse third Spiczer took a bate out and Weeks inadeertenitly hilt a Uros _____ o1o0 0 As 7:15 O'CLOC~, on balls, stole second, Codd bunted liner to Spitzer. Too bse htst Abbott sod Sextons to be continued Thursda ys and an easy fly to the pitcher, Abbott In the seeenths Rids flew aut to Passed balhis, Tenney. Struck out, by Mondasys foliowing. adsancng piter hor, Kllyandths het - Woodcock, 5 by Codd, 8. Bases on sacrificed to firstavnigSizrsotKelathlft fielder en- baths, off Wtoodcock, 2 off Codd, '. FEE FOR THE COURSE $2.50.