THE U. OF M. DAILY. '?l bfa fighting chance of winning the chain- Zll I pons p We sconl tike to see a tn b i tisDilyi(Suind ay- 151 1111 idring 7HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 'Iliii I), wCiill nil 1)t2 5'- cii to- ticor W clp ilCiiIt s ay. '11)(I theCc i11lt i'cii f li li'?;i af 'ire1 c lt e I t C-l ( ,I," tIl t. i rii o-11rov. ,1 o)fai o )cth i)cs a lhe I".Ol 1 . 'Ilcc h a ni 3 tile (1111 11l)1110oCii Cl1 alitilr 1 the cl"Iltv n t c' ilI 0V 10u en illte I' icrie 3 :tt! lil 1)rs. e at 9c Inic c ito se Olivet run1 xllil hiu1tc 1111(1an a Iri rlII l1t'.l c'I t ' ~i r1 1r11 r1 f i C 1111 aleII I .w1 cr o l11111. 1 Il- I i i mp111c 0 111n1at vc 'cc I CII iriii l l e ci'Vr )e I"1c 1 i I gIlcilrratie It Wit it'ale, tol lie playl 1 etroilt after tile team rc - tuens. i'le iiianaiiapetit co111 f- tonI ii cle I ale a 5suffici t 'I1 I- 11tc x", noi ..i I iii ( i i l iihat it t i r ,iI Ic s () i i ll a z l - 25 PCIR qC 12T OFF TENNIS + IiACKETS, u ,~ ~z e= - STATE STBEI :T. . ofe.ei e rt ie 1la o i te ar di esti n ,) C l uc. l isC tletilvI ot I at tiey ,a a if ha hadil 1111 1)11tia up(11 s a1111cr 11 ili ng gC1111 e111 iitie o~ li iti' l ofMiii rb e lilvt h ig. s kidofIi, . I a i r tlly ali %itr f111 t hen) that they flaye I lm unfai c inCiliar griuns before a11C hos'tile rwd and IC of11 th e am(-, CCCodds w111 tin the~ hiatithe p eitlitile lean teiCg a e s eter collthee I attsices oftf tountr. tiof l M. frinscoin Ain ltv- eral innings I) n a t ll im O ld- "TheGlOadiator." "hlii' t~r ~ll'-i iiitill (loeitsll,_,l - ;i' e sli S Ii itllI Ill illi a1iiii lyitiiii le ill liii il *TSI~e Ii t oI s 014 of 114,ii~ t Ie l ill 1of111>1 In l 11111 1 Ii fits I ellillt iml ~ol1N FiS:NESS1,LOCALS. i ,' 1! crt' 11ii 1i 1 c I i ii* iithy t"ni S t crt ( i t 1 1 1111 1-11t(-1 11too1 11ca i r liitc':t t"II ic:ftrl~~'Il -t~~~tr a 11 11 k1-111 licc. ii111 11 alit 1111111 iiisu~tls r th r tit.. .:elm Ai.l.11r. lierrs~'t I)Nte1.A.A N. Al. Iii. and o il III ull r 1 ii1111ro dscal 1Ise it iir tl Itii+Il iiri i ne 1 II i 'Ill,'..A.A & N . t.RY ill s11 i 1) 1';\t k ia wCei cs i A f til1 11 i' l li N ill pitts oll 'Ill 111114 t)) 1a 11111 11 ill t glliiis l lillsc A fit NO 1111 inlding 1St. Louis.1Mou. andC ililnla51 i 5 i 5 U. 1111 lll~i Sall( Iir 1)ur ilua t I S lil . Onu tae lHual Pric nis has 111ced1d expctatio. iWl11111aveI solo th11e 11II1111 1 iIIile iof goods ill is III 11111 Sor he blaceIof hih. s'f y arN tiitil i e liiia b n l ThreisiIs iess ill tiI's. :e ou our 0c. trins eqa.oa lly /il h iy tIayCprc25 lo.Furgh AveCo. CHNICAGO..Msc '1fIi; One-alf7 rice h'ilV alturdayLa .001an BU$IIfC _ QZOCEGC, BALBRIGGAN gg1. Ws 114'S TE~CE3~/ntiT~ltE Tldo nnAro adNot TO SCHOOL-"Michigan Railway lua ill eiat t InetlalIC i t .~ 70nssssss ti Chi An. 5ii-l steaiIMil ;ii I. .Jc I1BUT T O N. The Adonis, Miner'va and Helios Negliqgee, 1irts7 COLLARS AND CUFFS. 'N(). 1iAV. tlURiON ST. Grand Opera bjou~se Saturday Eve., May, :30th~. 11t. it 111:9 91:11, I....l .... . 11i l itN W IiI. m Gel.Pas.Alon. Lcal uAgent qOOg ijou~c UNDERI NEAV 3ANAOE.IIE 1r, Is being thoroutglyN renovated antd re-furnished. We should be pleased to see all (lid patrons of the house and aisonew ones. MA M.Nowlin, Proprietor I11UlaLG1 iu aiv-L v La : t41111j Stecial loriginltdeisigus Nvithl esti-I in tiractice ganmesandI conseiqiently lmaltes switltie furnisheit o111equest51for The (Cloin~g Eveui t f11he5easn,'u W~alase as not1 1n tis hest forml. (illtalla ent InvltltitaltionlsCliass-D~ay Prolgrtammes, Fraternity Stationery, ' This game prosves whlat see have all Meand tGue00st Casrds for IBanqulets Thl dit r along contendedetz.,thlal tte U. and Club Dinnaers, Dance Programimes, Thcl thrkns fcleg ok of 'M. team is the finest in the W~est, Our stationery is always notable for BY and ithsom prctic wih tamsits lhandsome engraving, correct form, nady itsoerac t icawithleams and moderate prices. L P N E E HO 9 competing with the best college A RG & CO.,CL R N E E BO T nines in the country, with a good CHICAGO. ricketas0on sate at News Stand.