T114 V Mess See the THE 1.8 THE U. OF M. DAILY TWO SA $Of:Old U. of M. should have a rsYOMA'8KAOW Univer~ityof Michigan Guitar. Ind SL VER AN'SPrices lowest, Quality highest. (Gnaranteed es eli icl of the road. TedSI VEMAVSViolin .rind Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; I3lanjo and Mandolin Strings ' 5 nis. Everything in proportion). & f !V/ Collar - LiCOAT See it at BROWN'S DRUG STO.RE COIIN it MAIN AND HIURON STR:EETS. LARGEST S-rOCK OF TOILEr Goojas AND FixNEy(CIARS, To.An-COS AND mT7-TF-'! m~-- c-- A z~-\/,c- " - ,, AIIIArorw1wi1 wllllr VOORHEIS & DIETAS, FERGUSON & SLATING, BEST WORK IN THE CITY? STATE ST. TAILORS, &it ~Fhijishers aijd 'athers WOKOLR O at EIEE. FIRST CLASS WORK. Clrry a lull line of TNS, CAPS, N ECKWvEX1I,, HOSIERY, GLOVES, sPEAAe-5 ET, RA STo IvreneNTS. UNDElIWE.\.I. Etc. The latest aty les da n entir .-i stck toselect from O~a0 23 South Fourth Ave. 7.-L ~I E 22~TI ~ ad-ctr Ar m INTN 'W 1 Em 0 -A 0Oita S O .iR i1 It 1101)1 tatWill c'E 'thy . sa em ny ybyn nvriy - - _sad al upi Ii i'Iurtr.Av lo ir~):' " " ,., ,,, I 1?A DIN G BOO)K STORIE IN I HE CITY. 1 lLIILILT LL FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Aim lArbor litciic hlwaby tt 1 \} Law - 1II>4lr: Etl-. -Lectures in 1) . Ii. (lit-er. Business mcel- -IN---law o-dlairtIIelit for week begin- lug iii (elettionof new iieulibers. V lungc Oct. 13 will be as follows:, - C 4 rl~f~N G MoIIalav Prof. Tboniason; Tile,- ATHLETIC NOTES- dI cay, .Prof. Wells; Wednesday, DOT 1-I G Prof. Wells; :Tbursdav, Prof. l oot-bali games Saturday: U. OM Tiholmpson; Friday, Pre-f. Knowvi- of Penn. vs. Penn. Slaie College, OF1 ALL KINOS-AT Ion. Judge B~rown will lecture to 20 Princeton vs. OrangeT. snosadgdutsilAnay -0; Ie &MCOS, Wednleseday, and Fritlay at 3:25 otlic Clnb, 0-0 C orniell vs. 27 AN0D 29 M1AIN T.T . 111. Rochlester 19--0. Stu~dents desiring to takoe1110 1I1 crder to d(evelops lon~g is- L. GRUNER. nou~rse inl Old Trench, twvo Ihours lance runnlers Prineton will organ- 00 C =DT Sio a week, will meet ill Room~ J, at izo all the clas Hare and Hounds -t~irt SeeN"uhM sre. N i Thunrsday, Ot 1.Theub neI As i- CSflonc 'geL'ZsaTciI IProm0p,011Oc.y1. lnbs into one Uhniversity ssonia- - Sly111nspd. reguolar timle for meigwl e12 Lverybol arranged laler. gwilb tionl, nalled Cross Cou~ntry Run. I the , is inivited tta go to I.C.(MAIIDEN. Tile Williams College Athlietinc 1 1 )~l th kating_--- -. ----_1. MIil -... rink to-nighlt, to wit- MISCELLANEOUS. Association hlas appointed an ad-F1INELI IL nless 1110 QXiibition in ulining UIO.- l, s woVisory'committe(of seven alnnmni Millinery as b ChIoRAL UIN hoewo10 East I Pnig Brooks sold at auction.j desire 1o join the Cboral Union to take charge of galte receipts and will please apply toPf. Snley, to sup~erintlendt athlletic malhtters ill S ayeTv e adwho will be ill tile music loom general. y TieadMoney fromn 8:30, 1o 10, Saturday a. Ill., Tile followving ulemlbers of liar"- Ily13yin yurandi Tuesday evellilg at 6:5vard's Foot-ball Team are on tile nYIt~~ianeMnlebers aill please report at tile Ciaelae71moetTie.da eeinjured list : Dean, Upton, Shea, nill for 1110 'assignmen~t of seats. Clilnlock, irotilingilam l and r LAW DOOK~ ~ In two weeks the list of active Blanchlard, '94, a'rmsn al mnemlbers acill be closed. didate for righl guird., WHLEFOLEY GUIL.-There will be a - ~ O sWIEWE ARE HERE.,Ineeting of tise Foley Guild, Fri- Tile Freshmnan class in tise Den- day, Oct. 17, at S p. in., at St. tal Department hlave elected thse ' ,.n Toms'Scoo hil Al ato-following officers : -- P[resident, ---.THE A " lic students are invited to attend. Can iod Yc rsdn, TN J~O OF P .IALY rst Miss E. W. Phillips; Secretary AT LuW 1141on~~e S, V OFM. ENGINEERING SOCIETY-. 114 onre S., 50 S. State St., --Program for Friday evening, R. D. Jones; Treasurer, F. M. O T A ica Oct. 17, at 8 o'clock in Room .A Prettyman; Foot-bail Captain, F. W ORFA I tg. Ann Arbor. Notes on the construction of the Lemp. B IPAY YSIn Sta rIl6GRLPH8J nd Art Goods. Iuron St. JW, YOR & S0N1 eaae ehessar Ba113and Orchelsra SOnIf o if7hale- C1 ANDIRAkPIDS, MICnIGAN. TAK .1A. §h prtlsand School, New to gtreet.