j e . of , 1. la 1 . t'oi.. I.--\ ,. 1 . \'11L. I--No. 1;UIVENSiTY uOF \IICIII(J'N, TIIV IlAY, MAY si 't iIhtiiCNS P.,zlci,, TFiRm, C :v r . U. OF M. VERSUS U. OF V. A Full Account ot the Gamne at Burlington, Vt. r nlain iurin t? ' l ru 7re of a The ,;idae.I afternioun galie was atil led lithII 'tin letnota Wlsh i oints1)f)1r1 U. Cofl1 I\l irtha r The first ttre til eilit oti itrIcd shlort ordler oto popUflies and(1a0 IW ' ill st strike liut. FrU.o A. elp giot his baemils alsc en o hr oil throw of (cattcel tol (eniter ieu1 "I andt caime home110 vli en the sec onid basemtan threw the ball among1 theI Ne etEnglanders l iig the field, in a Itoih, 5 . ___ _ fruitless attempt to catch hinm at luoxsll ,---- third. Abbottswent outon cilt aled lois n, 1>- -t, - strikes. Pearsoti got his base ott .__11111011 - balls, and Wilkinsolt strutck out. Fromlthtis tip to thefliftb "Onn veilSIrs- botit sides neglected to score owigA.1 to the difficulties wrlichltseemted to Russelil,s.....5 L. Allen,11_--- he growitng thtickly arountd thte irst (O'Connoeet --- hag. Itn this inig Boothliot itlaneyc. liase ott halls an1d stas forceedi to In t ------ titirel by lsso more chtildren fte!,1.Iti:>.-... samte broodl, nd scoreil whetn tile nt, .----- pitchter attermpteid to throwtsht~e ha ll ittnter the plaite. The piltepr-: -- setited us wiot otteir tioror111e SCO11101 biases tnt bills liefore Ihis gettositi gae -c t,11 buti'owing( lto the clt ;.ofN------1 of varous fildersimtiiele rus. wvere harvestedl. ittl{ RaI see V i _ al: if 5)1-itil I tea- iot i s as a 11 i I t y t..' \,T i t? It t u r u :; 1 __ _ Made Yale Shiver. f '1110follin is1from thte Chicago herald.i "Pop" Sltltl Yale's setveniyears olid mhasct,1cailed theCUnilversityof(i Mi cliiginhall1title the landsomest thiis season,1this alfterniiii, tail said le( eegie wasfin ishietdthat this fatddntseellitoIi bothier thei of' cnva all layers sworthi a ceant. h tf ae p1t11)ltby tile younters f0 roun AtIt Arbior{ caused thle shivoers to play up a1111 lowth ie spinal columttns of the Yale enthittsasts in t atannr too lively, to lie agreeable. 'Tteir jpitthlt, Coedd, achitevedt afeat svhicht Ito professional or antateur club Yale htas diet thtis seasont has per- fiirnted, thtat of hioldinig the Yale teant dowtt to tree singles. IHis stupport by thete lant was finte. Yale scoret o ucttky',ttnearntedtrunts in the fourtit on Beall's atnd Parker's bases on errors, a passedl ball biy Walsh and1 Botwer's sitngle. Cal - htoun1 closet1 the gamelin the ninthl bty at circuis otte-handed eatchl of a h1igh li nelilt. 'Mcklug tmaide a lirillilantonie-htanded stop eond throw(5 t see'ond 1ba(e0ili lie seve'thi ill- AIJN ' tle0experietlie of College 1) 1M11011'olkno utatdappreciate ths cefliserlitilly eif College Stel Sdellts,1115111111 large corps 01: skilled j Designerstaud Jewerlers spsecially tr'ttineifor badge antt h tler jewrelleid Nvrk itt rtinltlg, 115 110do, directly 11011 1aisI iLondonl1111d1Amlster'datm Stontesswe 11e illa1positionl tolpro- duiee thelii'nlest plaitt andI jewrelled Set it lalgeo f all kiiiis whiie'htate nIl 111 11111 ( ill this 5 (1111(0 Wright, Kay & eo. IMPORil'ilS, .1 1'YIIItS MAIN L CTOR IiING .JI W I IItS Detroit, Mchin an. Cha. peller & . University Outfitters, 00tOUTHI'lSTlAT'-"T S. G ENTLEMvEN'S FURNISI{I G MKE THE PCE Y ()F NE R. B. H. tl 0 t) 1 U t1 1 '. 1 1 U 1 6 U i i T R1I()NT. S.B. 1'.l). ti 0 15 (1 t) it 1ti +i tl : . 0 0 . U u n 1:. Q 0 1 I UI u u. aj >j I\NINt i i 11 1 TIITly. ~ _, The Redern tion on Saturday. ir. ol* V., .11 ['. of L.' 1w Rollill'-Zoll- I' bV +ic c -4.+cei4 av i v .... u..ui uuy. Itt the sixtill 'mu (tel', ) ( ontior. 1. ' ''''''' 'he Choral L tioti Seris nih i b .;\t$ NALO otne 111tti.a sngl nttngtlc Colob 00ur. 17. Slot'e, hites, L. !hi s hto a close by tue prom. 1oern kln il.Pse alRneI2 neo teIeepirStra ~ In the seventh neuiter sudegot aNI 'itoh 1.evening,Nlty' yo. This sris has past first hut witht the scoretoto1.fe the ganie tile stiliI~lts very' been remarkably' successfui frott one in favor itfte C'. ot NI.,tile !kinhishireel a brass liainil iirriiweI every' poinit ofiiewl,'.aini, every fatal eighth scas usheredt Il. there ' te necessary- numtbher of osmall boys promise tiathe at the begininiigof Soile a~gent~s ill Annl Arbor. are the details of te futier iatl.ln gave us a very' pleasatnt sere- the season hias beets tore thatt re- q5A$. $PCLLC & Q. Barntey', thie homtie rit ti iter, alisietlersplersedt sithivai oils sello, deetmeed. Thtis conscert swill belgit opieniedIwithI atiot sinigle ps h t-eah f whilchtremntdedh ts sery lirotmptly at 7130 o'clock, tte earhy =71=0 = intftehed and swas folloswethill rapid foreibly' of thte resuilt of t "title. ttr hteitng secessitatedh by' the fact Wilh Techl Ills Mleliod of sucMensotseby'StestbatRepeihtJd.lthat .M(rs. \Walker mtust heatve for thle hen, ande IBogle, scho udid preecisely' ntrl-o eRoetd iIas tthe14taii IteratIV lU\IG the samse. W\ithl thte assistanee of a Thte mtatiagemietit of thei 'Ciset hvaue of sticti a coticert as this miust T stitch ~ ~ ~ i hltt h tenN sorting3toiy Minzstrels have receisved so tians be evithentt to all, atid it is hopiedh boy's hae little tdifficulty'itscrn reqtuests to reheat the perhotrmantce that U'tiversityl 1hall mtay' be croweee IIEM 0 R z eie ogv tfour runs. e C'. of slT. boy s that they' hiase ecde ive on this occasiont.'Te price of ex-- catte inlthil the intention of Itak- again oi Thtursthay' eventing, 3Jiune~Iatcestilh ~ 0 le a'te 4,th ilcacitittig Acqem sent of It5 at least five hiotme runts, btut in in the Ophera Hhouse. Tttis is thIobtained (b}i' associat' e ebers Ktuosslehye ill I'ive Lessons.- thie me~antimeI a cross-ey'ed Mhickey' last apphearanice. 'T'here willibe teswottly) at CakinshDrtig Store, on -N hsad seated hiniself upon te benchl songs and gags, nets costuttes antd State St. TC==zs' -A-Z and of course wve couhd not do datsces. The troupe g avea first- - anything under the circumstansces. class performsance at D~etroit, helter Thhis esvening, Ptrof. Kenmpf wil . In the nittht thle final naihlswas than eitlher at X'psilanti or Ann~ Ar- give a socal and tnstrumentah con- ~ y driven into our coffin. Stewvart hor. The D~etroit Opera Hiouse was cert at thse Art Loan. AT 7.15 O'CLOCK, made a base-lhit and very discour- comphetehy filed by a fashionable Yale played Amherst at New To be continued Thursdays and teously took third up5on the throw audience, and the performance was Haven yesterday. The U. of ? ~. Mondays following. in, where le soon after failed to very favorably received, leans wihnessed the game. FEE FOR THE COURSE $250