THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old U. of 'N. should have a OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS. Unvsiyo icia utr ' lU i ied (.iiii iof M'.It ic hitiiintlNIit ] i ta Vi. i ll ldttici ta--r tinosto tG. Ellj 'ndTaYO OLGA5tiT O. 11c-c. th c i .1 i sit' ii itt -ic l vi ii l u-wo ld ca ll an aits-V c-. t " ) . il tiltitil.A THE TWO -S 1113TII'Z. American + Ramublers, N it ' Itit IMAIN. Anl Ardr 1J \[to b llllfrY VOA HEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY '. STATTE ST, TAILORS, WOR K CALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NNLL/ i L NEEJ s:DON77U G-O 0 DOWI7 T -WOWI T+ FiOR FOOTWEAR. SI~oE5 for J3OTI4 ILAPIIES aild GENTLEMEN. 32 SOUTiH STATE ST. LEMMON & BO WDISH. NI 'til ti ciicitilI ANN IlBOOK ;,,'tl 1-11C( L It))) I-I. Ii INLI ' I. Il )(IK . t:N : -N'. itc ~ Iio()k Ii if) t tL I ;oi ic-l (;.(iiI tltkKkttu -s itto esi-cl ltic-c. 71 Feet St., West,- Detroit, Mich. L1 A lI t I It0IK cTIt 1-i :IN T'I'lC ITYN. p3Pt.- a7,t,.si 1r r _ .-mi --i 37 --t The Soloist otttheciRedemption. Or.c..izN'ticitof a Demc rt c ~tSo- IiI ii'citvsit sitictl irtai-it c iiiti.iti I77u r _ ti t c-tctiii - ,w c11ti t.1 1}1tr CLOTH ING1 OF ALL KINDOS AT J. T. JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AND 29 MAUNTSS'. l7hmontd Straight Qut. N oi. 1 CIGARETTES. itc rtite Smokertiwt o ar ili g t ot-i-ai. tl c rt e thatu heii ricei- I i .itiiiicargeti orthe 'i'Nii' i ''t'!'N 5.t- I llstlit i N D u urt w ii i Aii l T-ti. i chmoiN n St raigh-t t'.1 (J(,I.lI ,-ark ginadle sllin Od ofd hutsirughtand fi s hing outit s, re ferieaorfreezerios, a dosrenthdoors, fir rta ha e o sleer law lray o 52 volumes,Eports n textsora eelih trs attd hu'snesicshalldsell chea.I An .hr ic RaialSocke, :Atty. surpdus -11o tlls. 1tN' N N ; tic-t IN c INN '.1 fry;)tic Imr st i l IN I ti N Ncif.t] -t1N 'Ni L~ NIINIcii. Fcltva f ti c}C)N itt11 it11 i [ -it tt4115 11 I 1111,N1' , 71N 7(N cit-tix(c-iii tic i1 t 11114313ci iiri {t 11,;it -. iNN - NN N i ' t i c -i ihe Ii NNN N' cStnt.N'.Niailtl(>iany u-cu tiitt atiN5Ncenti N , c-INN 1;,SN lN V1-t t-N N 'N ' x I oI- IIccii f ti ltit iti l11( ;i~ralIl vlsec Mrcs. ic-ittic ''ti~tc-Ii ,litct tceti'. Ni'NN iiN cti -Not Ncrganizationii iic NintNNducontI N--c Engliandiiwhl~e IbotlteccplNicaniiiandl Ipro- ai(iilici-. Sinig tnilatic-ntall teliii iiiitttintuen t hae hI- iistronigly inconci t in.itccc .w.ithiedn hrl t'cgadeicts,1 l~i i-I lithiscoilni- soit iles like ithe HIattdcianti IHaydil totn ofi affairs, set abot to iiremedccy Ioc-iety, the Cic iia anidc A )01oI(it nds I aiN rsult bou onehun sCltisatfit s ii tic, cndthNI I no Idcin o dil o -iNud nt ne n h p roNtd ai~iI l nt ---ci i llge of teNiglN rnI izedi i ci theDeN c- iNciSo ietyIof sustine NN gea sprno in c ost hNilony Src "idi lliitheil nutIesiiittt clt i clas Mrs t . i e- d N cc-prI N dntillN _,N.i c. N I c. Eiit 1)Nei lt it -'I ii .- - ith v rv si' t N.. cdisccretaryI:N I . :01>-i .lalltie cnb rtl - Iic itso a csit i ' is IINt NIco tes cI iig tN N I 1 r her oc ndts it Ia hllhcatiset I .icr ci Nlc'. rc alcic - llcdgi NWiiell rih t.iil s.sitcca-ciriha e n atcr a ite t -at-alrmsi, A ,til I eascri ti-re fathu NNcstdrnt-'csii nsya rs fiu.nioliittiecons 'itestcyisg ill Itoli patietly-othetteiognistiorkjtty elbrhpcllastt. e. constn her due--se leas fuly earne ie licsd.Bae-,ct - aney sigtcotheMrs. tn acha cottdher SildI p ittiat gretes trtuttptsat]se ae ttra(poi t'niveaSi ty wnglanhasd that after thle concert on May 30ttetirolleid 2,420 students, ptrecisely shte still he a fasvorite here. j the nttmber at tte University of Michigan. Ther wil b a metig o th Seven colleges in the United l'terewil hea metig o tt ~ates have graduated 1839 muen Dramatic (Ctoh thisevening for the who have held high piolitical posi- transaction of important husiness. 1 tions-Ex. M1I1E PROT6GRAFH8- Mlllinsecy and Art Goods. t30 1Lieas tun St. SHORTHAND TOUR1S . ITl WILL. PAY YOUl. Shortliaxd 5Scol,Ne iluil ding, 20 South State Street.