THE U. OF.M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. You are n.) (bmbl ilnterese t t h ao ve (1x isleand ICw(hav meteist li c i Cr111 tu «iill %-~~ I Soil ould 1Iel Oand, -xee what SwC 11ax, e. We kiiixr wea(-,it fhlase You and xaaeYu xoiil nlOiiiIIi. THE TWO SAMS.m Akn Aror S LoRJ11 J.ll Y VOORIHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WOERK CALLFDFOR 'ui DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. - JsLL Vx L E-E Of 01(1 IT. of id. shouldl have a UniverSity of Michigan Guitar. Priiieslowiesti lliiililiulsi. (iiGuirl eeverv irli l ii eroal. Vi iioil 1(i iiitir 'rillgs, i0 ets.; Banj o and -' iidolili Siritigi. .cix. Eser 'ii o III Prportion. :-i7 1.. lI. (lernent, LLLiPIGLLA7O0 LGAO - American + Ramblers, N( S2 21111 SlAIN. FO0R1FOOTW EAR SHOES for J30T14 LAPflES aurck GEN"TLEMEN. 22 SOUTH STATE ST. L.EMMON &- BOWDISH. 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. 1,.> ItINGl lhh)K SLiFiIN II!> ITY.f tzI. x~L .1U©...i 7- 77- ^ - -.,- THE CA PUS ll' '1 IIItif~il }h 1 - Ara tt)A 1!1 A 11 Nci- . I a. rii, Ii(i- L O T H I N GI1)e in c raxici I IIli iiC l, iiz iri}i k OF ADL K IN S r. Ti xx txl ii, pi, olilx ip o f trxiiii I'. Ii I,.lit or J. rT. onC BS&dO Strit Q h.fisthmair iiiilts x ilexioiniiariouiint r - itlti cs nS tid< t soe CIGARET ES.ofte ilsoItlls moxithier.ilto I lii 27A g MINi li ,ci i. 5 pons o4. ro ?.o P,9io ' -15 Ti C ~IR T TS.rix'i ti' imel i u cesont a S12t m r xiii~Pof NSi.ttiahasxxbeeni asikedx toiide- Anno Arbo r vin thgs B iiar e a ttle ICireoHgh Sholo Tei >. i C.wl h 112tlii ii i tii i i xiNilltiediolxian nti penixi S iliircirs illl tilli O oix. laiiie Vrxi iiiew rilST e , RGUS'-- Str igit liis eii e inehg at teiArt Li n(115 est llwt di Jica flvred and h ighes cot 'lilrsbnieo uiexlicx SofiDeoliti, gnlx t t, ATllfSrh ]i8'1 it rtctes wiken ~t liattl rsx Iiei satfillSul Irrt.liii i;; itS ilpr I tlInCt was arotkobIs ixlS alkid iliy vii nothe reiiirxltoiakx tlie usscin, (!;! aro so 1 oi" aio of VIIo hn ig tantIo fisingl 0111115 tha he fihccili aiie at t he xn( n lo teJ otltN(le1fus Il inix Davis termnav ashel 74an '1 e'J'Iaaeliige , 'anTie t 'esolved, 'Iha tit is ad- ' tn dlcmr Itj ,- Y ~ t ti li if h Wol3 et h 11tji jt,, X iTXtv t;! ei fo~ac or K 11tt ~ tizt nL cLt ee SHORTHAND HS IT WILL FAY YOU. Shortliand Sehcol, New Building, 20 South St~te Street. frigerators, freezers, screceniloors, semlester. gasoline stoves. etc., 28 I. Huron. file annountement of courses in I have for sale a lawv library of 5222 Chataqua College of Liberal Arts v'olumes, reports a011 texts, oflice ix' for this sutmmer is out. The session turfs and hblsiness. I shall sell cheap. (Good opportunity. lasts six weeks and the courses vary E. IRANDALL, Atty. frmivtoenhus Sanfiwll, Ills.rmfv otnhus visable for young' attorneys to enter politics;'' aff., J. C. P'etheebridge; neg., 0. E. Butterfield; banjo solo, "Loogwood Waltzes,"'heMli Gilles- pie. Exercises begin at 7:30, sharp.