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May 26, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-26

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a7J ~ ~Tl'~iv Ite lade in the openevents, but inl
.,J ofstead they sware mailedsly a few'
5'ilishi'si tiily (S u na ssapsasi ldurngs
1t1:i ll av toaw it larhelsr re-
porsl befli e a yccm u iii sca be 5
drawnasn ovetnlys ine.'
yet tell. r clte- r m o rs taf il
coareajsassient iiwig ie eful ail
tiaulars. tWea cailnot tellaeiher
waly Wasili si s sisiii U 'ioriab
sott as icatchelis a s the 'a ar is
Ro'insiis rear casins'r
(lays asc>'ail entries close this asea
niii.iWake iis dir ectoras.
TIleras ae 5 ti entissin hisa isle''
collc it an st ele .lI ini PNewi
ssark iu"S atss iii i
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ias hIr l i, l a lissalfssa s ins.
Ndi I t isdl e lI i vestilr l
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'Il h iI'v his (1Cd(
I i~b iss ilis' tabils cii''sl i'
iaftr ithe siss'. We ra as's
tailed1 ac sou55 5 l etter's s -(ii
I'3 lii E
Isis :Ini lise lint 5s' 55sfltaleigone-
curtesm~ a (Ittit il. t rc~r ; m iin ry un tprb ht iii ck il with
is hc' I' ) W W t enth la i 1"U ' f. l~il"n tnm ls is I iiie
iii~~ li s' sisisi I rissts theislsis iii' i I is is
pulls ht s. (,IIs Io~ m y b a-y t i ('s inlyiii ills (m)IsIsil ' ?
sncd ta tis h I 5n 1'( in . b , sle 1qsithei1'.ssl.sAsi &" . Misi.ii..
an OIl (II t issi radsicai ue i
5 ls 115 s .s sssut ,I he bb - 5;I, 't l ~iii "'5 5 i 'Xoliiyoi.51 .\
ao-la' Isis. iAMs ssl issi sisissl isQ tolissi' s ilsl IlrieSi f il or's'""Wes
senngstias(1li listdaTWOsatl,>ellss"isio sll liman s iin t 'g(W indl is (Is
U." 1 VTOT
The Adonis,
Mi nerva
and Helios
isss ' N i'
7 1
Er _E
---A 551 'r) N i:- ssl
V isis asi '''Mic; - n caresil r~s ~;:;
scls -i ar ,it will i ve you a be5 h i t. isps
insaecsits' f telsi rio~i us - 'II 5 'i ' (( 1is' n s sinl ts'n'h i ts all' a
Issstes I issll 5.sisie t~f~n ARIE INTRODUCED Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
NVIl -Ys Mus ic"sii ~Michigan Railway.
sl risis i 1 ol - hali )rioIite i 'istS
insisis' siI ssl s iiii 1 1 1 e'i Ii' I ii (sio., s Iio.
c arr..is' iss (siI* Y ll Is is a s 51< i 11dSais..
a s cil efr to 1nI w t lc ar i i i 'sl s-hsal (! tllls on shit n siississiiiii W ER i4 It liNte: r«,In'I"5' ail. . ....thi ;t'0:1, m
Ili ilisi11 7a nt l lo t e ie }t'l lt o h nell's'l te l M t.5t. I at Is.. a n'ess . .. .. .. .. ._ 07 pi t
Ist hen a i 'is ' oflses i re trs(tite s slttsll~%il i t , ltA lxo 'l)hr t 'e11 FT5X MI0...X ... 125 .Il
tha itsa s i oiia eFel :t ol1~ t:tth tre W l cii f5. 'isii' " NIr,12LWS.ttl'tl()NOO 1)
toi cisliaga siatias atesla CHICAGO, ________
Vser raa isi' ea sif lste ascknasilic s'-+ (.Grand Opera ibou~ae
the commttee tho11ttT1 olicit fnll___7_ / '- Stuirday EsIe., 3Iss', :iti;tl. oa Q e
conve'nien ali sio 55that (hseadelsia- iNthIt NEWV't.5A'aN'T,
11t v'iatl oriiginail itssigns wih'sil s -
.isg tosanter can iiosso. T'I tlui imate s will Ilef"Iicils'st isisrespiest lisa -
ssastn in atletics at (lie U ' of M.is ~('ssinlettseiiet illnsitalissis ( lasss-1ay C iXET r i. OL1T Is nattig thoroughily ronova'ted
1irisgritiitnasFraternsity hstltioniecy,\
niot at suicht isIitchi that athletes iwill .Metiitandit(Guest ('arits firsanquisttets (Laeleadsingsieupprt toi ii (ssers tiiii'Isiste ttnslrr-furttishiec.'We slhould be
run aroundil hunitinsg(lie athlic di- anidt ClutbDinnters.iDatnce Proigrammets,lesdtsealod}prnsf
andl all othiar kitiss of college work. IN TtEATc Plos a e l l stoso
rectors in uoriler to entar the sports. Our stationterv is always notablte for delotoas loe ns
'rhe announicentents of the sports its handsome etigraving, corract form, GR A ':Sj ' h oueadasoe ns
and moderate prices.
ULCrounding clttbs and colleges at least A. C, MCQLURG &C . "THDE GLADIATOR." '. Al Nowlin,thewekagstatnriscudC IA O
the ek gs la nre ol HCG .Furttis~cAnnuoneement Lter. Proprietor.

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