THE U. OF M. DAILY. IC~. of 'MIf. Taidty. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, boy THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subseejiptice price'Li-lb per year, ne at-nly in ala acee ingle eoies 3 ces. On.stisle t Snea niPostlOftieews. s tandl at 12, o'clock,noon. Subscrittilnsimay be it illa the ofif cis tic te )I , Dccc Hitase block, at Siteeliatis. at etoetct, orswithiianylofte editors. Commnicaionsshoudcrech te- 15cc be o'clicki r. et. ifth(iy are to apparth nx diay. Aiddrecssall siiiiter itnetcttend orpitblit- jun the (i' 5aticic bEditr. All tbasitnes commnicaionssho l t e Git to tieSIc tieSs Matitixec. THE U. af M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mvich.I I one, a short time ago. Robinson wiil pitchl for the U. of Al. THE CAMPUS. This eetning cviiilie Unisversity niiilxit at (lie Art Loan. (Iwsinii; tilleunter attractiotsea very smiall itumlieit-eye ini attetd-il aiiee at (lie \Iic an Sihiol) \Man- tees' (hin), last Saturdlaty. All the paperes hiixeeeernweye re-t. - Mr . Taiiiliiiiio th e ilsStian net- ical stiutent,- oifec-hoin in excliaii-c said thatlie cwalkedth iestelettnof Attn Aeio I vil2csue a i neii - atIt e atlte, acle/ - tililow-anineicav titienlean lie inar m111 telcustomarytAerixicalit- - 1- atie.n il I ~tltite AItei. 25 PE1I tCIT OFF OaT TENNIS + RACKETS, STATE STRSEET. F, Hit EBTTONS The Adonis, Minerva and Helios - i Ngice $1hirts, --- W I ivNDRiEDi EDITORS. S. (.0 tnW 1. C M S Q Aseist..itia cisc iittir. (,.. C ttnet MaN, :12'Assist. Mtti dt or o., Utt'TAI 1, uiesMnger O, '. -md 'a 4 P.II. mte1vfI r O . . TARER-, 'si3tinit.Bsn itiig ll N htt1(1 41 it t C.* W.PI tmT'lI,'lxi Aett.iiinitiet -- it. ln~ter/1 anl il m et rof H . F). J i r tem, 11 ,IAIt- 13t. it lsMtr~~r t e \iit, i e ii i . Iitt cii e d 1\ ilet. H. iS Ji. ltt9. j IuI i(t t 5 I iceeeis Ateilc- IS. GitFrN 1F ttrct1 E.) .tit ii.. t t . AIi tix. ttt xl,. a ull l io itke itiace at _ ____L C cci COLLARS AND CUFFS. 11211 teee iiofttt~ie aesodea till)s lanilt adte letur le ii1"Ch ian shallteax, ca iilili lcriawded t- iof olleystiite. T ke iliiappear ofl] iiItn centiicIoan legWes- Stundax, as 4ai enthuastcee tt- lie oIf editors teitigpresettihatn there weas at the organizaiiosn of ith the Ceniral anti New i-.tgiaiis Asnocition. We exilest thdattieie AVX. C. L'. A. wilintecease in tstetm- bership during 111e text veae uil iiit iticltites everycoetllege jouiriial if any impoitaniltlii tile I~s Tllresuhlitiof tile first gatim- of the ni ieelowscthat itle telamiihas ntlt iitsunervie -It seart-ed that tile trav-ellinigcwoutlirietieie pliaycesanditih~at lhcy woun~ ldily a lisiiess gamle. Thirenetdireanc cewasn tesietinittthe firesigamteIhocwever, tnAtue1-1~-, itocn e,111111 +-,i nollen. BUSINESS LOCALS. (llesinlt ( t I in- tistilt Iitit te Iratte lime,1and e tialtIit--sI trie ttt- y ap ling li~it teDlt't tlti- -. forse icyiviteT1.. A. ..A--N. M. R n odolfute leity ' o llii clitii15tln iititlg titit cclii Te 1..A. A. & N. M 4. w cilntlli tote waivtickthsat iiice lSnspeBl( lt snlittlein patis oIll ir itote Anssociatifnin tclttdifig it. Lttuis.,i Sittictit Sponstteat XV1ittikmA u- 1. Ouritrade itefinmuiltmercthanise liils ex-ede-elttt xpectaltiotns. svc tact noltihIliet lin~e of goodttine 51his city. Notv iorethe blanctte o(f thifs schl liyeairtwe cwiii give you ti b ens-lit. TheribsefIlinles s intifs. See oIll stack, get our1pfices. We guaranthee ottr t16t.stings eql itoC ainy inithe city, a aily 5trice-. 2.5So. Foti-lt Avenute. A, IsS MUx tttelSICTtORE. 1111 tIX1111 11-nilAvcenuiti Detro-uit, in utleiitit il iietterns illcwool~enSs Suot I ictic sicveitl i tti itlt asuit 1and tlie lit-litll visit Inn iArbotrueey eaietlx lefthat- Cthtore willt're.ei1. A. C. McCurg &Co.1 ( Tr es. 4a CLAPITOEE.fRLl, LalaigtpeSSnSeur lwing SNTA BALBRIGGAN 2s. STATE ST., ANN A RiiROEi. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Timie Tatile gaing inta affeet, 'Monday, Feb., 10- Mist tee bEnpress antl Mail ....... t.a.m :1t. Pleasnt tPassnetgere -...........57. p. Mt. Plcieaats 5lie-s - --.... i......11 a. Itt Manttistee Stil - - --............ i0l6 .n NV. 11. SBENNETT, 51. S. GRE~ENWODII? (Cti. s.itAet. iteal Aget qoo1 I ou~,E UNDIER tNEW 31ANAGEMENT, Is being thoroughly renovated and re-furnished. We should be pleased to see all old patrons of the house and alsonew ones. of raiiroadti rac-el didslot iiiliitheiti 7I!IOTLL-S + foe piayiing. Tihey aerivectijust in N _.'7E 3 lime to tiress anod take the field for ihe game. Althougih Hamiliton Coi- SSel tiiil lsgswt si lege has not a very strong team, yet mates wililSte fuirtinied 055 requst for tice defeat admjnistered by one team Comomencemenst Invitaitios, Clana-Day' Programmes, Fraternity Stationiery, was a crushing one, and conclusively Menui andl Guest Carda for Banquseta proves that the U.. of Ms. is a match and Cluib Dinners, Dance Programmes, - and all other kinds of college work. for any of thse eastern college nines. Our stationery is always notable for The game to-day, will be the first its handsome engraving, corret form, sod moderate prices. real test. The University of Ver-A.C c L R CO mont team is a very strong one, A .M C U G &C . Harvard having defeated it seven to CHICAGO. "THE GLADIATOR." M. M. Nowlin, Furtbur Announcement 14ten Proprietor,